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Master Inika

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Status Updates posted by Master Inika

  1. Your new pfp is even cuter than before!

  2. When I watch BIONICLE: Mask of Light these days, it's not because I want to watch BIONICLE: Mask of Light, it's because I want to be seven years old again.

  3. Who else remembers that weird few months in early 2007 when BIONICLEstory.com was just the Barraki: Creeps from the Deep mini movie?

    1. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      I do. Fond memories, was but a lad back then.

  4. Who else considers it a tragedy of sorts that we'll never get to watch Mask of Light for the first time ever again?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToaTImeLord


      Thank you Pulse for making me want something that doesn't exist.

    3. Master Inika

      Master Inika

      Knowing this community, if that happened, we'd all just complain about how the original was so much better.

    4. ToaTImeLord


      I love Mask of light but... There are some cringy moments in it.

  5. The Iron Giant (from the Brad Bird movie) is basically just a giant non-shapeshifting Baterra.

  6. I should get to bed earlier and start eating breakfast again.

    1. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      You and me both. Though I eat breakfast, it should be bigger. I end up pretty hungry by lunch.

  7. After three days of being 21 years old, I still just want to sit in a room and play World Builder and Junkbot.

  8. Happy birthday! It's my birthday, too. You're older than me, though. Have a good one! :)

  9. Nine years on BZPower today. I love my new spinning Hau.

  10. I remember two things about 2009: the Glatorian chapter of BIONICLE, and the girl I had a crush on, and neither of those things ended well for anyone.

  11. Eight years on BZPower today. Somehow, seeing my spinny of Ackar's head doesn't seem anywhere near as impressive as someone else's Vahi did when I first joined.

    1. Bonkle


      Well, one is a legendary mask that can manipulate time. The other is some jerk's disembodied head.

  12. Wondering if I'll even get the Constraction Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi...

    1. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      I want Grievous and Obi-Wan. You can never have too many brown and tan parts (not to mention grievous looks cool).

  13. Am I the only one to whom nostalgia stretches time out for? What I'm referring to specifically is thinking of the pre-downtime BZP forums as the normal BZP, and the post-downtime forums as something still unfamiliar that I still need to adjust to, even though I was actually only on the old forums for about three years, but I've been on the new forums for at least four years. It certainly doesn't feel like I've spent more time on the new forums, I just associate such a strong c...

    1. CeeCee


      Yeah. I notice people who live in dying towns tend to look back when it was booming, choosing to not look at the mess it has become.

  14. So we got our first bit of new BIONICLE info straight from GregF in quite some time: there's an Earth Tribe on Spherus Magna. We still don't know what happened with the Dark Hunter-Barraki alliance or any of the other loose ends, but an Earth Tribe, that's cool too.

    1. Jakura Nuva
    2. Tuuli


      What earth tribe? Is this information for the new bionicle coming out or what?

    3. Master Inika

      Master Inika

      It was actually from the "Chat with Greg Farshtey" topic on the LEGO Message Boards, unrelated to a BIONICLE revival.

  15. Huh, five years to the date since I joined BZPower. Feels like only yesterday I saw saying to myself, "How to I pronounce that? Buh-zuh-power?"

  16. da forumz r bakk! *fangirl scream*

    1. Xeren Ozone

      Xeren Ozone

      We should give ALL the hooprahz!

  17. New Reunion chapter. I tried making it more evident there's a war, and set up for some big battle next episode. Hope you enjoy. :)

  18. Well, I'm willing to wai, but I first appealed for it quite a few weeks ago. I appealed for a name change to a different topic yesterday, and it got fixed today.

  19. Hey, all my other requests got ignored. :/ I need my topic "Master Inika's Spare Parts Emporium" changed to "Master Inika's Steltian Port," like the banner. Can you do that? Thanks in advance.

  20. From the ones in my library? Nine Short Stories, one 10-episode Epic, and one 9-episode Epic. Not to toot my own whistle or anything. B)

  21. Thanks! ...I feel like such a Krekka.

  22. Ha, what happened was that my old computer crashed and I forgot my password, but I saved it on my crashed computer. So my cousin said he'd try to get it off for me, but it was taking longer than I thought, so I just made a new password.

  23. People changing their names confuses me. I joined Master Inika, I continue to be Master Inika.

  24. Happy Birthday, person who is aged equally to me! I think I spoke with you last year, and once in between...

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