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Master Inika

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Everything posted by Master Inika

  1. Can Teleport be used in gas form, though? Most likely it can, but then you would think other Makuta would have used it to escape as well, such as Tridax.Official word is that they can use mental powers in pure Antidermis form (but not physical powers, like laser vision or chain lightning). It might take a few seconds for teleportation to work, and Tridax was being mercilessly attacked, while, for Teridax, everyone thought he was dead already. It was scheduled to happen in one of the books, but that part was cancelled for some reason. Greg still released info on that part of the story, and I think it stuck as canon.It was to be called BIONICLE Legends 7: Invasion. The information was released in the secon encyclopedia. It also disclosed the Krana-Zyglak relationship, among other things.
  2. Very true. Personally, it seems so illogical that other Makuta dissipate so quickly, yet Teridax survived for what must at least have been weeks in his lair, without his armor or a vat or anything. He should have been long dead before the Piraka got there, let alone surviving transport to Voya-Nui... Right? Not necessarily true. I;m pretty sure Makuta could hold themselves together for a few weeks. Maybe it has something to do with their will? We know Teridax had a very strong will. The question of how the antidermis was transported is definitely a valid question. Zaktan might have gotten some it with him secretly in a few vials or something, but that wouldn't fit the amount of antidermis the Piraka were later shown to have. I think this is a question for GregF.They teleport because teleportation is one of their powers. Simple as that. Btw, when you say Dark Legacy, you mean Legacy of Evil, right?
  3. Yeah, I think the irony is why a lot of people start. And then they realize, "Wow, this is awesome! Fluttershy is the best pony!" Audible gasp... wait who's Fluttershy? Is it the one as your avatar?Yes.
  4. I think Flutterguy is pretty awesome, especially singing Pinkie Pie's song about Zecora. But nothing is more awesome than Fluttershy's adorable normal voice.
  5. Yeah, I think the irony is why a lot of people start. And then they realize, "Wow, this is awesome! Fluttershy is the best pony!"
  6. I just assume that some families develop naming traditions (such as AJ's family having an apple theme), while others don't. When marrying into one of these families, a mare may sometimes change her name to honour the tradition, adopting a part of her husband's name. EDIT: Maybe the Apple family is also descended from a broader fruit-farming line of ponies, hence their relation to the Oranges. Over time, each generation's talents became more specific as the population grew.This does make sense, as early humans did that. (Fun fact: The surname Smith comes from how smithing (ironsmith, blacksmith, etc.) was a common profession in the middle ages.)
  7. Hey, does anybody get how the pony surname system works? Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big MacIntosh, and Granny Smith are all in the Apple family, even if only two of them have Apple as part of their name. The Cutie Mark Chronicles says that they're related to the Oranges. But people talk about Twilight Sparkle as if Twilight is her first name, and Sparkle is her last name.
  8. "Feel Fine" by Tune Up!, as a Spike and Rarity story.
  9. Me neither, lol. What if it was a new character? Like a dragon?
  10. I'm working on a fanfic called Fluttershy's Stand. Unlike my last idea, there is no Marxist-Leninist revolution. In this, Gilda comes back and, claiming to want to learn friendship, manipulates and bullies Fluttershy out of sadism, and to steal from her. Would you guys read it? @BZCoolness: Glad to have a new brony. Btw, for all those welcoming him to the "herd," you should really know that a group of ponies is called a string. You learn something new every day!
  11. Well, this is an Alternate Tarduk, who declared himself "not a historian," while we know this to be false for the prime Tarduk. Simply put, Alternate Tarduk could be different in a variety of ways.
  12. I think how little he talks helps build his personality.His "eeyup" is like Kopeke's "..."
  13. Although I know that's all jokingly, the entire concept of 'manly' and 'girly' shouldn't even exist, or at least not have the connotations they do.I agree. To reject males and females differences is also ignorant. For certain things, such as the fact men are (generally) more aggressive than females, they were scientifically proven. However, pink being a girly color has no basis. Personally, I don't like pink, but men can. Besides, hearing Fluttershy as Flutterguy dropped a hydrogen bomb on any sense of gender I had before. o.O
  14. Oooohh... outdated gender stereotypes! Retro! Wait... A-are you going to try to take away my woman-card because I likeBionicle, too? Women don't get card[/sexist] jk Guys it isn't really THAT girly. It's unisex. It is pretty girly.There's nothing wrong with that.According to the socially counterproductive sexist culture we are meant to adhere to, yes, Friendship is Magic is girly. According to me, it is AWESOME.
  15. Oooohh... outdated gender stereotypes! Retro! Wait... A-are you going to try to take away my woman-card because I like Bionicle, too?Another thing, bronies don't "shove it in the faces of people who don't care." We try to encourage people to be open to it. If you (after actually watching an episode) decide you don't like it, I'm okay with that. Just saying "I don't like it because it's a girls' show" is ignorant, outdated sexism.
  16. Agreed. And I'm a Brony online only, since there is literally no one I know in real life that is a fan of the show. -SkarYes, BZP is a pony outlet for most bronies. From what I see, most bronies are tolerant to (reasoned) ideas of others. If someone says, "Oh, that's girly, it's stupid you watch a girls' show," of course we'll be bit mad.
  17. Granny Smith is still alive, so I assume they couldn't have died naturally. Unless... CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Equestria!
  18. Unless you're Dutch, then it comes naturally. Or speek Spanish, German, or, really quite a few other languages. I was actually responding to a post higher up, FTR. Also, technically neither Lehrakh nor Lehvak refer to the Element of Air, but rather to poison and acid, respectively--which I'm certain is what caused some of the confusion. ~ BioGioI'm aware, which is why I mentioned them separately.
  19. I have seen some harsh criticism from both bronies and non-bronies, but more from anti-bronies. Really, I'm okay with criticism as long as: a. They have at least tried to watch an episode.b. When they have watched the episode, they have criticism beyond "it's girly."c. They respect that bronies will use brony avvies and banners. I'm more of a brony online because there's not a lot of people in real life I know enough to talk about it with.
  20. I've met autistics. We're not as related as people say. This merger is just a bunch of NTs saying "Hmm, they both aren't social. Let's clump them together!"
  21. I didn't care for Past Sins, myself. There were too many references to existing episodes, and I didn't feel like everyone was written in character. But not being a fan of fanfiction, I have no alternative suggests. Although I do somewhat enjoy 'Friendship is Gaming' (or is it 'Magic of Gaming? 'Gaming is Magic'? Something like that).YES. Waiting for that Mass Effect chapter to come out. I dunno, I kinda like it. Romantically pairing characters that generally have no business being romantically paired.Hey, some ships make sense. Like this one. +1 Internet Depends on the relationship IMO. CaraMac is bleh, but FlutterPie is d'awwwful. Anything with Celestia and Luna is kinda iffy, considering they're more than 1000 years old and will probably live on long after whoever they're getting shipped with has died, with the sole exception of Discord. LunaxAbacus and SmartyMac are still best ships though.CelestCord!
  22. And to think, all Twilight Sparkle wants is to share the magic of friendship with you.
  23. Chapter 6 Gahara entered through the left door in Niddhota’s fortress. The Agori Tarduk, Niddhota’s scribe, stood in the corner. Gahara entered with several Vorox, for protection, as he always did. “It is a pleasure to see you again,” the Element Lord of Jungle said, making no effort to hide the contempt in his voice. “You know what I’m here for,” the Sand Lord hissed. “Our tribes have been at a stalemate in the forest of Bara Magna for over a month. We’re both losing, so we need a solution to who owns that land.” “That’s right. I have a proposal which would enable us conjoined control of it, and also maybe block some southerners from reaching the north. It has a schedule on who controls the land, and we-” “Actually, I had another idea,” Gahara said. As he snapped his claws, two more Vorox came in carrying a tied up Jungle fighter, a ripe Thornax gagging him. “You are sick,” Niddhota said. He recognized the warrior as Gresh, a boy too young to fight in the war. “No Element Lord is cruel enough to drag the innocent into this. We all agreed only those who fight will be captured.” “I’ll give him back if you just give the forest control to the Sand Tribe,” Gahara said. Niddhota saw Gresh’s eyes pleading for freedom. “Fine,” Niddhota decided. He turned to Tarduk and said, “Relay the message. Pull all troops from the forest.” ---- Niddhota looked at the two scrolls in his hand. When trading for Gresh, he pondered offering the scrolls in exchange for Gresh and going through with conjoined ownership of the forest. He decided they were still too important. Propaganda had overtaken Spherus Magna as to their origins, ensured by the Ice Tribe to keep everyone on the wrong trail. The majority of the Fire Tribe believed both maps were fakes and didn’t want either. The Water Tribe, not trusting Berix but trusting the word of their head general, were mostly clueless about them. Niddhota had reluctantly decided to keep his possession of the scrolls a strict secret between himself and Tarduk. The Jungle Tribe was mostly left in the dark. The Element Lord of Rock took a similar approach with his Skrall, although they were more… creative. Most Skrall believed that the scrolls were embedded with great power, and were pressuring the Element Lord to send them out for it. He was considering it, for he, despite creating one map, did not know where they actually were. The Vorox didn’t care what they were, but had formed various rumors among themselves anyway. “Niddhota, what are we to do with the troops?” Tarduk said. “And the scrolls?” “We shall use the true map and claim the Great Substance!” Niddhota proclaimed, raising his fist. “How? Tell our men ‘march into the Northern Frost!’ and not tell them how we know where to go?” Tarduk said, somewhat critically. “You’re right,” Niddhota said. “We will wait. But, when the time is right, Spherus Magna will belong to the Jungle Tribe!” ---- Not a week after handing the forest over, Niddhota, of course, went back on his word and sent his entire Jungle army back to the forest, taking the Vorox by storm. A Water Tribe battalion, led by Jekkedio, also arrived, and they attacked. After it all, the Lord of Jungle himself was surveying the area for survivors. He had seen that Field Commander Vastus had designed a crude trap which contained various members of the Sand and Water Tribes inside a deep pit. “Marvelous work, Vastus,” Niddhota praised. “Thank you,” Vastus said proudly. “But what shall become of the prisoners? Jekkedio takes prisoners of war personally, and everyone knows Vorox never talk, even when threatened with death.” Niddhota looked at the sparsely leafed trees which surrounded him. He then closed his eyes and felt the power of jungle flowing through him, strong as ever. “I have a very interesting idea,” he declared, smiling at the thought of a Forest of Blades. Review
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