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Master Inika

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Everything posted by Master Inika

  1. I agree. To death! And you're right, "best" is vague. Fluttershy is the cutest, nicest, prettiest, most awesome pony. Not the best, just cutest, nicest, prettiest, and most awesome.
  2. Flame wars aren't going to get us anywhere, and won't make us look too good in the eyes of the non-bronies on BZP. Love and tolerance, everyone. I respect everyone's point of view. With things like TV shows, there is no right or wrong. (Some views, however, are more right than others, such as, "Fluttershy is the best pony!")
  3. We put ponies on BZP because Friendship is Magic rules. It would be blatant sexism to say guys can't be into it. And for the records, only Twilight Sparkle is a purple unicorn! There are lots of unicorns and breeds.
  4. Yes! I knew somebody was going to appreciate my building instructions.
  5. I capitalize all species names, like Skakdi and Vortixx. As for Rahi, races like the ice bat and phase dragon I don't, but Kikanalo yes
  6. Ice PantherFeline predators adapted for icy climates. They lived in only the coldest areas of the universe, including Ko-Metru in Metru Nui. Ice panthers can go for weeks without food or sleep, however, they have a very strict diet and are highly susceptible to disease. Their preferred hunting method is to follow prey for days, stalking their every move, to see if they are fit for a meal. If the prey shows the slightest sign of disease, the panther will abandon the hunt and look for a better meal, no matter how long the hunt has lasted. Due to their patience and self-sufficient ways, they are seen as the national symbol of Ko-Metru by all Metru Nui.InventoryBuilding Instructions Page 1Building Instructions Page 2Building Instructions Page 3Building Instructions Page 4
  7. Very nice. This does a great job of showing everyday economic life in Metru Nui, and is especially interesting with the modern-day economic troubled in real life. 9/10.
  8. Well, 2003 would be my natural answer, because it's when I became a fan. But the Quest for the Mask of Life years ('06, '07, and '08) was when a lot of stuff started happening in my life. Btw, couldn't this be a poll?
  9. That's the point of drawing "humanized" sets. To see what they'd be like if they were.
  10. Chapter 3 Verdana, silent as a magna mouse, slipped out of her tent. It was the dead of night, in a treacherous place she was not familiar with. She’d never been so close to happy. She didn’t have too many friends. Even she would admit it; she just wasn’t a very pleasant person. It was her lifestyle, and she was okay with it. Her past was a complicated one. It was a crisscross of betrayals, so-called “friends,” and, somewhere along the lines, the tool she carried called the frost spear. “Verdana? Is that you?” a voice said, piercing her walk down memory lane. “What are you doing out here?” The figure was silhouetted, but obviously an Agori, and his gruff voice was recognizable as Nukoa. “Nothing,” she muttered. Then, she turned and pointed her blade at Nukoa. “What are you doing here, Agori?” For a few seconds, the Iron Agori awkwardly paced around, looking at the trees. “Well, I just thought I’d take a stroll. I could get to sight-see, and scout around to save time tomorrow morning,” he said. “This place reminds me a lot of home, back in the mines.” “Yeah, I didn’t agree to come here to listen to your memoirs. I came here to look for the Magna Terah’s treasure,” Verdana sneered. “All right,” Nukoa said, frowning. “But… I did want to ask you something. You’re a girl, right?” Verdana’s response was a mean and disgusted look. “Uh, right. How would I come off good to a girl?” Nukoa asked, hoping he didn’t sound too desperate. Verdana look him down. “Get better armor colors,” she said dismissively. Nukoa brushed off his armor, colored the same most of his tribe’s was. “Hey, yellow and black is all the rage back in the mountains,” Nukoa said. Without saying anything at first, Verdana started back for her tent. “Ugh. I’m too tired for this. You bore me. I’m going back to bed,” she. Nukoa, after standing alone a good minute, did the same. ---- The team went out early the next morning. Trigja was the most familiar with the area, due to his time spent on the bridge project, and thus led the way. “Any luck translating the map?” Takkai asked Kiquis. “A bit. Apparently, the Great Beings forged it long ago. Right now, I’m working on the part which tells what’s inside the cave,” Kiquis reported. “It’s progress,” Telluris said. Suddenly, the team went silent. They didn’t know why, but they were all suddenly taken by fear. It had seemed that this portion of the jungle had a strange aura. Takkai looked up with childlike eyes are Trigja. Even if Takkai was tall, Trigja was taller, easily twice the Agori’s height. “You know where we are now, Trigja?” “I must admit I don’t know. The Great Being always told us not to go here during the project,” the Jungle warrior said. Telluris took the map from Kiquis. “Are you sure you’re reading that right?” Telluris asked the Agori. Kiquis, obviously offended, took it back. “Trust me. I’m translating it right,” the Fire Agori assured. “If the cave is so wonderful, of course there’ll be a few perils.” “Guys? I think I found the perils,” Nukoa said, looking fearfully at the sky. The others looked, and a gang of shadowy entities were soaring ominously in the sky, blocking out some of Solis Magna’s rays. Suddenly, one of the entities stopped, and appeared to be growing. In actuality, it was sending a beam of pure shadow energy down. It struck the ground, vaporizing a hole in it. The entity then started circling again. Now, the other entities were shooting shadow bolts down as well. The team darted for cover. Being the smallest of the six beings, Nukoa, Kiquis, and Takkai found shelter among the trees fastest, followed by Telluris. Thinking clearly, Trigja took his blade shield and fired a jumble of vines from it toward the flying entities. They dispersed, but not before releasing one final blast. “Save yourselves!” Verdana cried. “They’re trying to take me back! Those crazy Great Beings swore this, but-” The shadow bolt struck Verdana, silencing her, and incinerating her essence into nothingness. In less than an instant, she was reduced to a pile of armor and a broken frost spear. Once they knew it was safe, the team of now five came out. Trigja picked up Verdana’s helmet and looked at the inside, which, surprisingly, bore writing. “Kiquis, can you translate this?” he asked, handing her the helm. “My, this is astounding. This wasn’t always an Ice Tribe helmet. It once belonged to a Great Being!” “What else?” Nukoa asked. “That’s all I can read so far. I’ll try again later,” Kiquis said. Confused and a little disturbed, the group started deeper into the cursed forest, wondering exactly what Verdana was going to say before dying. Was she warning them of something ahead? Review
  11. Chapter 3 Vukotha scouted what was the former sight of the Battle of the Northern Frost, which would later go down in history as one of the biggest conflicts in Spherus Magna’s history. In the end, the shapeshifters had driven out most of the Fire Tribe forces, but the Jungle Tribe came very close to dislodging the Ice Tribe. However, reinforcements kept them from victory. Now, Vukotha was looking for spare armor and weapons, and maybe secrets. “There you are,” Vastus said, his voice showing he was relieved for her safety. Vukotha turned and she gave him a weird look. “I know what you did,” Vukotha said. “You rescued the fool Ackar.” Vastus yawned. It was very late, and Vukotha could tell he wasn’t really in the mood to argue. Neither was she. “Mindless slaughter won’t help us. Besides, a quality alliance might be just what we need to the turn the tables around here,” Vastus insisted. “Yeah, until those brutes melt our armor to slag,” Vukotha hissed. “Imagine what our Element Lord would do if he found out!” “Yes, imagine what he would do,” Vastus said, “if he found out we secured the substance?” Vukotha stood for a minute, thinking. Vastus smiled when her expression showed she realized what the outcome would be. The war would be over, peace would come between the Fire and Jungle Tribes, and, most importantly, the Great Substance would be theirs. “Alright. But don’t expect me to work with Malum or Perditus,” Vukotha said. Vastus smiled, and put his arm around Vukotha. “Look, I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think it was good for us. Right after this is over, we’ll settle down back in Bota Magna,” he promised. “Alright. But only if the war’s over soon. If not, the alliance is dead,” Vukotha said. ---- Tarix, Field Commander of the Water Tribe, led his army through the Northern Frost, following Berix’s map. Next to him was Jekkedio, the head general. “I’ll be right back,” Tarix said. “I need to talk to Berix.” The solider found the Agori lingering in the back, and stopped him. They waited until their army was far away enough to converse. “Berix, are you okay? You seem jumpy,” Tarix asked. “It’s just… nothing,” Berix said. “Are you hiding anything?” Tarix asked suspiciously. Berix was looking to the sky, his left, his right, anywhere except Tarix’s eye. The Water fighter noticed, and stared at him more. “Alright!” Berix said, covering his face. “The map is a fake. The Rock Tribe forced me to make you think it was real. It will lead us into a trap.” “Berix, I am very disappointed in you,” Tarix scolded. “We must tell Jekkedio immediately.” “No,” a third voice hissed. The two Water Tribesmen turned to see a cloaked female. “The map will lead you right to the Great Substance.” “You don’t get it, stranger. It was forged by the Element Lord of Rock when I presented him with the real one,” Berix explained. The cloaked female sighed and started pacing around the two. “No, you don’t get it,” the female said. “The ‘real’ map was forged by the Ice Tribe, and that was actually the fake. Of course, when that moron called the Element Lord of Rock got a hold of it, he couldn’t figure that out and made a ‘fake’ map, which was inadvertently a real map.” “Huh? You lost me,” Berix said. Tarix, too, was confused by her words. The cloaked one sighed. “I’ll say it as clearly as I can, you simpletons,” she said. “The ‘real’ map made by the Ice Tribe was fake and purposefully leaked out, hoping to lead another tribe into a trap. When the Element Lord of Rock made a ‘fake’ map, he unknowingly made a real map.” “Who are you, anyway?” Tarix asked, pointing a water blade at the stranger. “Wait, I recognize her!” Berix said. “She’s a Skrall!” Now, the female laughed eerily. “I’d slash myself twenty times before I bore that title. Consider me a Sister of the Skrall.” Review
  12. Overall, Teridax. I understand the nostalgia, but it gets confusing, like with the Brotherhood of Makuta. Is it the Brotherhood of the Makuta species, or the Brotherhood of Teridax? I now know it's the species.
  13. From 2001-2003 only eight people in the story knew that Matoran become Toa, six of which were Turaga and one a Makuta. Of course nearly everyone on Mata-Nui was suffering from amnesia, with only seven exceptions. Perhaps Balta and the gang didn't know that Vezok was male until it was too late?The idea of a female Piraka is pretty disturbing.More than you know, the females of their race are more violent than the males.I did know that, but still, like, what would she look like? O.O
  14. Jimi Stringer 1.0. I wanted to get Furno or Stormer, but they didn't have them yet.
  15. From 2001-2003 only eight people in the story knew that Matoran become Toa, six of which were Turaga and one a Makuta. Of course nearly everyone on Mata-Nui was suffering from amnesia, with only seven exceptions. Perhaps Balta and the gang didn't know that Vezok was male until it was too late?The idea of a female Piraka is pretty disturbing.
  16. Here's my fanfic idea: Equestria falls to a communist uprising and a dictatorship under Comrade Snowyhooves. The People's Republic of Equestria is established. Yes, I am serious. All ponies change their names and must adhere to the repressive censorship and new laws. I haven't decided what happens after Snowyhooves takes over. I do know that Applejack becomes Applegrad, Twilight Sparkle becomes Siberia Twinkle, and Rainbow Dash becomes Rainbow Oblast. It's called My Little Commies: Comradeship is Magic.
  17. Yes, the Matoran of Voya Nui couldn't possibly have seen a Toa in one thousand years. This is why it did not bother them that much that the Piraka did not wear Kanohi.
  18. I think that a Makuta might just be able to control their pure Antidermis mass. Also, they can change between being gas, energy, and liquid. They are usually energy while inside a body. However, the Antidermis vat counted as a body, so Teridax was not at risk of dispersing until Axonn destroyed the vat.
  19. Easily Vezon & Kardas, since I haven't had them for more than a few months. I had Vezon, Fenrakk, and Axonn, and I was just missing two of Brutaka's pivotal parts. Then, I found them. I built Kardas the next day, kind of hesitant, but I was really glad I did.
  20. Oh, I knew I heard Kohu before somewhere. Sorry, is it alright?
  21. Well, all Toa of Sonics have a color scheme of gray and black (look at Krakua). And that was the only gray mask I had. His left weapon is a shield.
  22. Chapter 2 Vastus, Field Commander of the Jungle Tribe, stood on a cliff overlooking the Northern Frost. From here, he and his troops could see the ongoing conflict between the Fire Tribe, Ice Tribe, and the strange shapeshifters. “When do we go? The tunnel to the bottom is finished,” Vastus’ second-in-command, Vukotha, said. “Patience. Running head-first into a war won’t get us what we want,” Vastus said. “Waiting until the enemy has decimated themselves, however, will. My good friend the Element Lord taught me that.” “Very well then,” Vukotha sighed. ---- “Status report,” Ackar demanded. He and a few other Fire Tribesmen were gathered in one of the few safe areas. “At least one third of our men down. Tyddak included,” Perditus said to his head general. Ackar sighed. “The Great Beings bless his spirit,” Ackar said in respect. “Well, I figured out Certavus’ little plan,” Perditus said. “The map was a fake all along, meant to lead us into a trap. They leaked it out on purpose.” Ackar raised his flame sword. “I guess it’s time we show them there’s more to winning a fight that fancy plans.” ---- “You’re late,” Kiina said to Berix. “Well, I’m here, aren’t I?” Berix shot back. Then, holding the false map up, he added, “And you’re not going to believe what I found.” “Better be good enough to make up for how much of a snoop you are,” Kiina hissed. She almost made Berix want to betray his tribe. Suddenly, the river next to the pair whooshed and twisted in ways rivers should not. “What is it you found?” the unmistakable voice of the Element Lord of Water asked. Berix, fearful of his leader’s wrath, handed him the scroll. Using precise control of water, the Element Lord opened it and read it over. “Excellent work, Berix,” the Element Lord praised. Then, an underwater tube formed by the Element Lord’s grace, and the scroll was sucked into it. Then, the water fell, the ruler having left. ---- Ackar held on the cliff’s edge, doing his best to not think about what lay below. Already he had heard pebbles fall down the cliff, but was yet to hear them hit the bottom. Suddenly, a small avalanche of pebbles fell before him, blinding him. However, a Thornax launcher poked through the onslaught. Ackar grabbed it and the bearer hoisted him out. Ackar was about to thank his comrade when he looked and saw that he bore the colors of Jungle, not Fire. It was Vastus, a smile visible under his helm. “This war’s been taking a toll on all sides. We could use more guys who do what’s right just for the good of it,” the Jungle Tribe field commander proclaimed. Review
  23. Chapter 2 The first day of travel was simply through the main village. All six knew how to navigate through this region, although Takkai and Trigja felt urged to take the lead anyway. Passing trading stands and the Jungle Tribe’s homes, they trekked through the village with ease. Soon, Trigja led them to a giant gold gate. There was an electric box with a keypad on it. “We need a password,” Nukoa said, crossing his arms. “You’re right,” Trigja said, apparently not anticipating this. “How do we get through?” “Let me see the map,” Verdana said, her first words since starting the trek. Nukoa gave her the map, and she studied it intently. Then, she stepped forward and typed in a password. The gate clanked open. Verdana, smiling, stepped through after returning the map to Nukoa. “How did you know?” Kiquis asked, running ahead. “It’s on the map. I looked on the other side and held it up to the sun and I saw the word ‘magna’ written on it,” Verdana explained. “Amazing. What made you choose that form of action to figure it out?” Kiquis asked. “I’d tell you, only I won’t, annoying, talkative Fire Agori,” Verdana hissed. Kiquis moved back, next to Nukoa. “Boy. Is she in a bad mood or what?” Kiquis commented to the Iron Agori. “I know. But she’s smart, and that’s why I hired her,” Nukoa explained. “Getting to the Magna Terah is the goal here. I’ve heard a hundred stories on what lies inside, each better than the last.” “Ha, I almost thought you hired Verdana just for her looks,” Kiquis said. “If I hired anyone for that, it’s you,” Nukoa said. He hardly believed he did. “Thanks,” Kiquis said, smiling. Then, Kiquis stepped away, replaced by Telluris. “So, that’s your tactic?” Telluris said. “Take a girl with you deep into Bota Magna to make her go for you?” “How did you know about that?” Nukoa said, shocked. “I’m Telluris. I know things,” the Iron warrior laughed, walking ahead. They soon found a bridge spanning over a massive chasm, leading to a rocky river below. “How do we get across?” Kiquis asked. “I’ve never even seen this thing before,” Takkai admitted. “I have,” Trigja said. “A long time ago, a Great Being sent the other warriors and me to building a secret bridge for a new portion of the city. The plans never went through, but we finished the bridge,” Trigja said. Just as he finished, a mighty wind swept through the jungle. The bridge vibrated, but then gave way and fell down the chasm, shattering into nearly nothing after striking the bottom. “Oh, you crazy Jungle Tribe and your skills with architecture,” Kiquis said. “Of course, that was a century or two ago,” Trigja said. “We’ll need a new way across.” Without speaking, Verdana planted her frost spear into the ground and a new bridge of ice jumped across. Verdana skated over via bladed feet armor. However, once she felt she was safe, she tapped the spear to the bridge and it melted into more water to feed the river below. Then, Telluris and Trigja stepped forward after a moment of discussion. Telluris focused the power of his twin swords, and a sturdy bridge of Iron made a new way across. However, before the Agori crossed, Trigja focused the power of his blade shield, and an onslaught of vines formed the support the bridge. After that, the team crossed up to Verdana. “Here we are,” Takkai said. Immediately, he started through the thick new jungle. “How come they abandoned the project over here?” Nukoa asked Trigja. “Some pretty nasty things like here,” Trigja said. “But don’t worry. You have three experienced warriors to defend you.” As the six traversed through the deep jungle, none of them saw the skeletons of three other “experienced warriors” hanging above them at the jungle’s head. Review
  24. User to be "lee," now "lay." Gotta go with the official. But really, anything is better than "lou."
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