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Master Inika

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Everything posted by Master Inika

  1. Thanks!

    PS: You changed your photo! Oh m'gosh! (Yes, some of you rdaughter's insanity has rubbed off on me).

  2. Help! In the time the forums were off, SSC5 was deleted! What will happen now?

  3. You're a guy now? Anyways, I think you should have entered SSC5. You'd of been so good for it.

  4. Aloha Hahli Husky! Just wanted to say, AWESOME SS contest! I've never entered a writing contest before.

  5. Thanks. You rock too, dude.

  6. Aloha ToM! What'sup?

  7. Master Inika


    Pop! Wow, that was fun. Pop! I think I'll do it again! Pop! Yay! Pop! Uh-oh, I can't stop! Pop! Help! Pop!Pop!Pop!Pop!Pop!Pop! Pop!
  8. Hi. I hear you need a pair of Fire Greatswords. I have them. My price? Vakama's Toa Disk.

  9. Man Kara, you are pretty well-known. I like your MOC topic. I'm honored that you arei n my comedy.

  10. You're right. He's been here since 2006 and hasn't logged back on since.

  11. Dude. You make soooo much canon storyline. How do you do it? I've sent him a PM suggesting(I know I'm not supposed to, but I had to try!) Bo-Matoran being the name for Matoran of Plant Life,

  12. How did you get that rank?

  13. No money for you. I used to pay my employees with Motor Oil, but no one wants the Motor Oil.

  14. Have you read the book "The Alchemyst"? I'm reading it, and it's good.

  15. Awesome! I knew there was a reason I hired you. And if you do good, you might get paid! Or not. Probably not. Okay, I can assure you that you will not get paid.

  16. So... many... interests! You really are something. Anyways, I'd like a banner advertising my comedy library. If you need to know what I would look like, just put a silver Avohkii. Thanks! By the way... *Pokes* Master Inika pokes again!

  17. Get braces isn't too bad. Getting the glue off isn't enjoyable, and neither is tightening.
  18. S'up Black Six. Happy six-month-late birthday! And happy new year! AND Happy Rock Day! I just made Rock Day up. It's Elvis's birthday.

  19. S'up Traks. Just so you know, today was ELVIS PRESTLY'S BIRTHDAY! I officially dub JAnuary 7th ROCK DAY! HAPPY ROCK DAY!

    PS: Today's also my other friend's birthday, but she's not famous, unless she was Hannah Montana, which she's not.

  20. I LOVE your Barraki drawings! I've adopted that style, and made cartoon versions of Tarix, Gresh, Skrall, and Vorox! Nice job with them.

  21. Hey Kara(I think people call you that). For season two of Matoran in School, I have Inika Metru and TD 6000. I think you would be a good character. You in?

  22. You got 09 sets? Lucky! Yesterday I bought Gresh and Skrall.

    Get Skrall next. You won't regret it!

  23. Sup Zykros! Merry Christmas! how was it? I got Mazeka and Takanuva!

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