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Master Inika

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Status Updates posted by Master Inika

  1. I vote for you.

  2. Congrats on the new job!

  3. Nuthin' much. I went to this group for kids with Asperger Sydrome. I met this on ekid who's a member here to. His name it toa zytos.

  4. Look, please don't post about how I almost constantly post in dead topics. I'm not aware of it. I'm really sorry.

  5. Your name is Tessa? I know a girl named Tessa. Whatyy school do you go to? PM me the answer too, please.

  6. Hey Turakii. Just wondering, do you really look anything like your cartoony personal photo?

  7. It seems a lot of people like your photo. I'll join them!

  8. I think Makuta Icarax is a nice name. I have him.

  9. Wow... You have a lot of interests... Anyways, how did you make www.Turakii.com?

  10. all your animals dies? that's sad.

  11. is christian our real name?

  12. merry Christmas to you too!

  13. blackouTT, it is not dead and it won't let me PM either!

  14. can you PM me when your next comedie comes?

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