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Blog Entries posted by JINZONINGEN 73

    ::looks at new sets::
    ::is interested, but only in a part or two of each set::
    ::goes over to kiosk, hits enter::
    ::selects body type of figure::
    ::selects color of body::
    ::selects head type, color and eyes::
    ::selects limbs and color::
    ::selects weapons and color::
    ::selects add-on options::
    OF COURSE....
    ::some of the parts were not available inside the machine, so the whole thing will be mailed::
    ::tries to pay by credit card, forgetting it was left at home::
    ::prints out receipt and brings it up to the register to pay cash::
    ::impatiently waits by mailbox, but happy::
    I'm whizzed that because they're mass-produced in canisters, that you have so little control over individual colors on some parts. Even with a certain site online that lets you buy used parts, it still doesn't let you get them in whatever color you want.
    ::goes back to sleep::
    ::realizes he's in public with no pants on and is embarrassed::
    ::realizes it's a beach with a female aerobics class going on::
    ::they aren't either:: B)
    Lol, yep. I loosely nicknamed myself because of Dragonball Z.
    There was a TV special in Japan around March 1993 called "The History of Trunks".
    Back then, one could ONLY pretty much get new anime by going to scifi or (UGH) Star Trek conventions... laboring past sweaty, smelly nerds and downright PATHETIC tables of fanfics printed up on copy machines. Scary stuff with poorly drawn depictions of like Capt. Picard mouthing Dr. crusher. Stuff that made your eyes bleed.
    They were scary and terrible events, worse than 100 anime cosplayers...
    Aaaaaaanyway, the whole point, the WHOLE REASON to drive miles, take buses, take trains, run hundreds blocks through congested cities and whatnot to get to these nightmares was just those one or two guys who had selling tables which had NOTHING to do with poopy American superhero JUNK or $500 lightsaber replicas...
    ...The "ANIME" guys.
    They were things of beauty, for their time. They'd try and cram EVERY type of product onto their meager little tables.
    You'd have a stack of manga books with anime music CDs on top.
    You'd have UFO catcher gashapon plushies hanging from peg hooks.
    There'd be stacks of robot models underneath the tables (oh, and they weren't these nice, new models that you can put together without glue, no.)
    The REAL thing my eyes cried out for was the standing shelves people like this always had... the TOYS. You'd see characters from anime you saw in the 70's... but new toys still being made? You'd see super-deformed versions of characters both america AND japan... and all the sweet, sweet, giant diecast metal robots from like Bandai's Godaikin, Popy, Takatoku...
    I can only imagine how odd it had looked, me just sitting there going through EVERYTHING a seller had for sale, dumbfounded that such things this awesome even existed. Or worse yet, asking him to take EVERYTHING down off the shelf so I could molest it.
    All the while, you'd have fruitcakes dressed up as Klingons or fat chicks attempting to be Slave Leia walk by with angry looks and being like, "Uh, this has NOTHING to do with scifi".
    But the real killer of wallets... the anime. These guys would have a few comic book boxes FULL of videotapes.
    They were rarely legitimate, either. They literally would have friends in Japan tape stuff, and they'd just duplicate them dozens of times using two VCRs.
    Oh, and the quality did suffer. On some tapes, you'd hit "play", and then you'd see the "play" text onscreen from maybe 5 OTHER people's VCRs stepping on each other before the show actually started lol! Sometimes you'd get BURNED, getting home to find the seller didn't look over his dub job, selling DOZENS of people tapes with audio but video that was flipping and impossible to track into view.
    And the price? Holy crow. At first, it was not odd at all to spend $20 on a bad quality videotape that ONLY had 2 episodes of any anime on it.
    Every year, it got a bit better... the tapes would actually be utilized up until the end of their 2, 4 or 6 hour runtimes.
    Aaaaaanyway, there was a guy who did subtitles. And it seemed after awhile that every bootleg I was buying had his (poorly made) credits at the start. He turned the art of illegal anime videotapes into a business apparently.
    One of those tapes I got was Dragonball Z. I already heard of Dragonball... back in the 80's, one of the UHF TV stations had aired a special called "Dragonball", which was two movies of young Goku. (Done by the Robotech guys, Harmony Gold. It wasn't terrible, but they changed names here and there. Goku was called "Zero". Ick.)
    It was kind of confusing... WHY was Goku all grown up and why were the fights so much more monumental?
    I was hooked. Apparently a lot of others were too, as the tables selling bootlegs of it were CRAMMED with people... bigtime.
    Around the same time, I had anime penpals through some wretched fan publication called "Mangazine".
    But I wanted a cool pen name. My name's kind of boring, so...
    (And remember, this was before the internet boom. The only time people had alter-ego type names was when they were talking on the CB radio to strangers.) Needless to say, my CB name blew too. ("Thousand People", it was).
    So I'm watching this Dragonball Z special and a scene pops up where Goku's getting killed (literally) by the androids.
    He then yells, "#### (dang) JIZONINGEN!"
    I thought it was funny for some reason, and I was pretty sure ningen meant "human". So, I went to the library and found I was right.
    Couldn't find a translation of "jizo" though.
    So I started sending letters out to penpals with "JIZONINGEN 73" (73 = birth year) on it, only to be quickly corrected it was actually "jinzo", which meant artificial, robotic, fake, etc... or, "fake human".
    And yeah. There we is.
    Things are godlike now to someone who lived through the dark times before the internet.
    An entire anime series contained on something the size of a keychain? In HIGH quality? And a few hours after new episodes air?
    Nearly any japanese toy you could ever want, much cheaper than they used to be, all contained in practically one place?
    [Removed. -Shine]
    It's a good time to be alive... B)
    ...has now changed it's name.
    Now they're all the way at the end of the inter.net.

    I don't mind. "They" are still "them".

    Had one heck of a fun time figuring out how to wriggle back into the fold though.
    Kudos if anyone knows what I'm talking about.
    No one probably does, here...
    What the heck? I clicked on "past usernames" in my profile and noticed I'm coming up on 7 years here.
    What's up with that?
    For a moment I thought this might be the site I've had the longest account at, but then I realized the one over at... well, it's a site that has many flash videos and a cool flash portal with lots of blam. That one I've been at since like late 1999 or something.
    Still... I feel like I need to do something festive. It'd be better to wait until like a 10 year anniversary, but I have a feeling world events may get in the way of that.
    Chances are if you make me laugh more than once a day or just seem cool, I'll drop this down.
    Inappropriate image removed. <<DV>>
    Hmm. Perhaps a different one. >__<

    (Hope the tiny text isn't too small at higher resolutions).
    Yesterday... a different site:

    Eheh... I ask you, does this look ANYTHING like a gun for BBC #52?

    No, no it does not.
    Can't complain though. Getting sidetracked one night and creating something COMPLETELY WRONG is oodles better than procrastinating and doing nothing at all.
    One minute I'm going through bins looking for parts, next minute I'm segregating minifig parts, then... I build a base for them to hang around in.
    On a good note, if I can do THAT in one night by "accident", then maybe one of the remaining nights I'll actually do a gun.
    Now... to recreate the same mocing conditions and try again... hand-rolled menthol cigarettes... a few pots of coffee... and a marathon of uncensored, fan-restored, "lost" Beavis and Butthead episodes.
    On to season 3! : D
    Or that's what I feel like.
    Every day, I lift like a 300lb. electric scooter off the porch, likewise, lifting it back on the porch.
    The other day, I did this like 4 times because we kept going out all day.
    Later in the day, I went bike riding (something I haven't done in years).
    I wasn't really out of breath when I got home and I didn't feel exhausted. I lifted the bike onto the porch, put my keys in the door and then my ears went "PWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHRRRRRR" like I just went underwater.
    I got vertigo and my vision went ALL the heck blurry.
    I just stopped and stood there, looking around at things just to see how weird everything looked.
    Finally going inside, I was hit with massive nausea, like that hot, sweaty feeling you get right before you hurl from drinking too much hard stuff too fast.
    I just stood there about 2 minutes in the livingroom, not DARING to move.
    Then I walked over to the diningroom table and sat down, putting my head on my arms like a kid in school lol.
    Well, I didn't throw up, it all went away after about 10 minutes, but my ears are KILLING me.
    Then today, I was lifting a freaking heavy box of diecast metal, BOOM. My ears feel like they're pushing outwards.
    So like, huh?
    I should also note that when my hearing first went crazy on the porch, I could hear the kids over at the playground (VERY far away) as if they were just a few feet from me... which is nuts... they were easily 500ft. away and not talking all that loud. That happened once or twice in my life before, but not from a trauma of some sort.
    I'm now afraid to pick up anything heavier than a cracker.
    ...This better be something that heals itself over time...
    Bootleg Toy Spotlight 1 - Transmogrifiers "Starholler"

    Lol. Ok, so it's obviously a Transformers toy that's been scaled down greatly to the point it barely moves at all lol. It's name is clearly a pun on "Starscream", but that's just silly... Starscream was never a helicopter!
    The arms don't move upwards, so his gun has to aim diagonally if he's standing.

    The paint jobs on the other few there were TERRIBLE, this was the best.

    I know there's at least two others in the series, one being Galaxy Megatron knockoff. There could be a lot more, if "B6" on the front of the card actually means something.
    They were initially sold at A-Plus mini markets, but I got this guy for $1.99 at a discount outlet near Selingsgrove, PA.
    One sees toys like this and they just want to cry. I mean, the plastic used in it's production could have been turned into something useful, like a few sporks or a part to a much cooler toy.
    You HAVE to read the back of the card... it's better than the toy itself and the sole reason I bought this stupid thing, PERIOD.
    You can tell someone who keeps up on the franchise wrote this, as well as adding humor in in regards to the fact they're bootlegs (Substandrotron lol). Whoever it was, they're awesome lol.

    Allow me to translate it's bled-over, way too bold printing:
    For centuries war raged on the distant world of Substandrotron, a planet of living machines. The
    machine society was divided into two diametrically opposed camps: The heroic Virtuobots and the evil Decievocons.
    When Ubertron, undisputed leader of the Decievocons gained control of the BigSpark, he used its raw power to destroy Substandrotron, scattering both the Virtuobots and Decievocons across the universe.
    In search of a new home, Positivus Prime, leader of the noble Virtuobots located a remote planet called Earth. However, Ultratron and his wicked Decievocons army followed, thus continuing the war here on Earth...
    Wait a minute... Ultratron? I thought they just said he was Ubertron lol.
    In any case, it's great suff lol.
    Notice also this is made by "hot ZONE", the same company who makes most of the toys sold at Turkey Hill mini marts.
    Yes, the same guys who made bootlegs of Sidorak, Keetongu and Roodaka.
    Well, not exactly...
    More like things I hate hearing when people are talking about conspiracies (that are supposedly) theories:
    Hey, maybe they're there, maybe they're not. If the meetings are as secretive as said, no one would ever hear enough to actually be afraid.
    LOL. Reptilians are the new aliens. If you're watching a vid in which someone seems to know EXACTLY what they're talking about, you can expect to have curious individuals show up talking about "reptilian overlords" lol.
    The technology of holograms are getting better every day. Not yet, but eventually they'll get to a "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." kind of quality, but we ain't there yet... much less for ones the size of giant vehicles that can be projected into the sky.
    What all these have in common could be one of two things.
    People are good at heart, even some of the worst.
    The idea that some are not might lead people to think up FANTASTIC things like alien intervention as an excuse for the dark things man is capable of (and responsible for).
    A scapegoat... people passing the buck of man's animalistic horror onto fantasy creatures that are inherently evil.
    It's almost cartoon-like. You have the "good" guys who look good, then "bad" guys who are drawn ugly created as the enemies. All to make mankind not look bad.
    To a lesser degree, holograms. Who wants to think that a terrifying event could have so many willing accomplices when it's just easier to say it's one guy with a really awesome projection system?
    As depressing as these things mentioned so far are, realize it's just the cause of people not wanting to believe the world might contain as much darkness as their gut tells them.
    They're not "bad" people, just being overly optimistic towards humanity.
    This one's not so rosy.
    It's also entirely possible that the talk of the more incredulous possibilities for bad things going on are intentionally placed to have the discussions be laughed at.
    If someone walks up to you in school and snags your cell phone out of your pocket, you can ID them in hopes of getting them in trouble.
    But if you ID someone saying that he had scales where skin should be or duped you by creating a holographic version of himself to run distraction while the "real" one reached for your pocket... not only will the people you're going to for help NOT bother, but they'll treat you like a weirdo from there on in.
    SO. Assuming you were a bad person or part of a big pile of bad people in fact capable of doing bad things...
    What would be a good way to stop people who are talking about what you're doing?
    RIGHT... you jump into the conversation and speak of aliens, reptilians and holograms.
    In doing so, any newbies to the discussion will roll their eyes as if ALL the theorists are bonkers... right before they get the heck out of there. Since no one likes to be called a "kook", they'll probably be gone forever, too.
    The sad thing is, to get away with large-scale bad things these days, you don't really even need aliens, reptilians and hologram silliness any more.
    You do whatever these evil things you have planned for people out in broad daylight, in front of everyone.
    Simple... who would believe someone could do evil things to people in broad daylight, in front of everyone?
    (On the plus side, that also means there's plenty of bad things sitting out right in the open for those brave enough to see them.)
    Oooooh yes, the other thing I hate hearing about!
    "PLANET X", also called "Nibiru".
    Ok, SO there might be a planet out there, SO there might be a strange, rare alignment of planets around 2012... but as was said, it's not proven that it's even there!
    While this could be an item used to distract people from serious conversations like was said before, it could, again, be people not wanting to place the blame of atrocities taking place on MAN, instead blaming the cosmos for a multi-planet event that's making people crazy.
    In any case, it's an item to be ignored. What point is worrying about a celestial event in the future that hasn't been proven to even be THERE yet, all the while here in the present men are stealing and doing terrible things to you right in front of your face?
    lol, THAT is "kooky".
    GEEZ. I can't stand it!
    I mean, I love it, but it's STUCK there.
    On countless messageboards, I've tricked many people into clicking on a video that they weren't expecting, because I lied to them.
    Well, my actions have caught up with me.
    If I'm riding a bike, going through a Lego bin, doing dishes... it doesn't matter.
    THAT pops into my head.
    Cruel justice is cruel.

    Well, not so much Dragonball Z, but the trailer I just saw for the new live-action movie.
    I knew it was going to be bad, I mean duh... but it's like BAD bad.
    BAD bad bad.
    Roshi has no sunglasses, no turtle shell, NO resemblance to Roshi.
    Bulma's the one most in character, yet merely just an asian [removed -Shine] with guns.
    Piccolo is just some angry lookin' guy with green CGI'ed onto his face after fans freaked out from him being flesh-colored (lol). Looks AMAZINGLY like the lead vampire in Blade 2... who also happens to bleed green. (Yet is infinitely cooler).
    The Dragonballs were created 1 each by 7 mystics. (from the trailer, I get the impression they probably sacrificed themselves to make a ball).
    The "capsules" that were so popular in the show are more annoying... a capsule pops onto the ground and TRANSFORMS all Transformersy-CGI into a motorcycle. >__<
    And while everyone else is like Chinese or Korean (not Japanese, lol) Goku's some scrawny white kid, saying such AWESOME movie cliche' JUNK as, "I... I don't know if I'm ready" *sniff*.
    Oh, and he charges up a kamehameha and sends it off with one hand. >__>
    And then it's like WAIT OH GOD ::grabs bucket::
    I don't know what makes me titter more.
    His foot not making contact.
    His lightsaber glow jumping up high seemingly where it shouldn't.
    The geeky guard uniform.
    The guard's overacting, complete with gun toss lol.
    Or stuffed Boba Fett dummy floating by in the background.
    The gif is just terrible win, in a terrible, wonderful way.
    (Conversation begun here):
    Hmm... might as well continue this, even if it's just me talking to myself lol.
    Ghost Hunters S04E26 (series 4, episode 26) had some interesting things. Jay nad Grant heard a LOUD voice say "I like the one in the hat"... but it was a most non-credible thing. It sounded just like it had come off of a speaker. They looked for evidence of one, but couldn't.
    Now, unless an entity managed to accidentally amplify their "voice" using some of the metal plates in the ceiling beams (like a piezo speaker, kind of) ...it sounded like someone was messing with them.
    At the same time though, the girls heard a loud bang followed by finding a good size rock in a place where it wasn't before. A little harder to pull off, if indeed someone was playing games.
    Likewise, they had success with the flashlight trick, but it didn't continue long enough to be truly useful.
    The next place they visited was more debunking than anything else. The silverware that would move and make X patterns were found to be magnetic! It's not to say the owners were playing games on them. Some of my own silverware is like that (why? no idea.). Disembodied footsteps and other sounds were heard, though that anomaly is a dime a dozen in this game.
    It wasn't a complete bust though... Jay thought he heard a refrigerator turn on, but later on in audio it came out as a voice saying "Where's the boy?".
    Ghost Adventures S01E08
    I hate to say it, but these guys are getting some very good results from their dangerous actions.
    In this episode, they went to a famous abandoned insane asylum that's been in the magazine "Weird New Jersey" a few times.
    The evidence was pretty nice. Laying down on a metal slab inside a morgue vault, one of the guys had bumps going on, even though the other two were upstairs investigating. Then his recorder caught what sounded like the word "die".
    After he freaked out (they guys locked him in!) and being retrieved (which was complicated by the doors upstairs locking themselves lol), an orb was caught zipping past him, hovering a moment, then shooting over to his face, at which point he felt a slap and his face had turned red at that spot, slightly swelling.
    Likewise, caught on film was a moment where an orb zips up behind Zach, hits his arm, AND is simultaneously caught with a shadow of a human hand on the wall coming off of his own shadow.
    Of course he freaked out thinking that one of the other two had touched his hand, but the cams showed NO ONE was moving at the time.
    A decent sound of a female was caught in one room, though they said it sounded like singing it could also have been moaning.
    These three guys do things very dangerously, but dang it... it's working.
    They elaborated in this episode on why they do things the way they do... for emotional output. they "act the part", putting themselves into the location they're investigating.
    Fear is a strong emotion. It works terribly well in giving the stranger things in life the energy they need to pull tangible stuff off for us to capture.
    Although I respect the show a bit now, I'm also (still) watching it like a car race.
    Mainly, I KNOW they're going to screw up badly, eventually.
    Inevitably, someone's going to wind up getting really hurt.
    Yah, so I was getting antsy for Halloween and jumped the gun on carving my pumpkin.
    Then I went out and bought some stuff to go with it.
    Before tax, it's under 35 bucks. Not too bad, though I'd like to have done more:

    Purple lightbulb, $1, dollar store.
    Black plastic rose (as the "star" on the tree lol), $1, dollar store.
    Purple pre-strung christmas tree, $20, Walmart.
    Orange garland with beetle silhouettes, $3, Walmart.
    Black and neon green electric jack-o-lantern, $6, Walmart.
    Pumpkin, $4, supermarket.
    (Always have candles laying around.)

    This time I was smart. When you carve a pumpkin, you should put a candle in there as soon as you can, for the heat closes the pores open inside and reduces the ability for bacteria to drink up all that sweet water content, making the guy rot faster.
    Last year I was stupid. I put a candle in, but it was a candle that was housed in glass. That's bad. It gives off heat, but not ENOUGH heat... giving it just a nice, jungley environment for bacteria to thrive.
    My jack-o-lantern was a mess in under 4 days!
    This year I not only used a really hot-burning candle, but shoved a hairdryer in there about 20 minutes.
    Some say you can also spray gloss sealant on the inside, but, well, I have none lol.
    If I had the cash, I'd put more pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns underneath the tree, like christmas presents. There's probably a danger in that though, having candle-lit pumpkins underneath a plastic tree that could fall over on them if the wind gets crazy.


    Remember kids, it's not Halloween if you don't at LEAST:
    A. Carve a pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern.
    B. Light it up inside... with FIRE.
    Even with fire, I'll probably need to carve 2 more pumpkins up between now and Halloween. They only last so long y'know...
    (Jack-o-lantern, 2006) http://www.majhost.com/gallery/JINZONINGEN...loween_2006.jpg
    (Jack-o-lantern, 2007) http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2371/161279...6778143ba_b.jpg
    EDIT: EW! The one I did this year and the one from 2007 look nearly identical!!!
    Main difference being, the one this year can't hold a cigarette in it's mouth.
    How weird... it was totally unintentional.
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