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Blog Entries posted by JINZONINGEN 73

    Well. That wasn't at all weird.
    I'm sitting here reading some paranormal junk online.
    I'm getting into it.
    Then... from across the room...
    "I want to eat your brain!"
    ...Lol... this electronic, talking backpack that came with a Spiderman Venom figure I bought back in, oh, 1991 went off.
    It has three buttons on top.
    To make it do what I just described, you need to press the first button.
    Then the second.
    Then the third.
    If you press them all at once, that doesn't happen.
    So, I get up to find it.
    It's just sitting there, out in a clearing on my shelves.
    Nothing's touching it and the cats were all asleep, it actually having woken them up.
    The air is not moist, so it's not like moisture or dampness made the contacts connect.
    Go... figure...?
    Last time something like this happened was around 1999-2000. My cat was known for stepping on this little clown noisebox that made an eerie laugh. She could step on it perfectly on the first try, studying the nose button, then specifically pushing JUST the nose to make it go off.
    She died at some point... then one night soon after I'm there online talking to a chick I knew, telling her of how sad and lonely I was that she wasn't there anymore.
    And then, from upstairs... "Hhhhhhhhhhhoooooeeeeeh hhhhhheeeeeeeeehhhhh heeeeeeeeeehhhhh..."
    The batteries were long since depleted, but the box came on anyway. Again, no external factors seemingly involved.
    NO idea why this box went off though.
    LOL... anybody watch Terminator : The Sarah Connor Chronicles?
    In an older episode, the girlfriend of John hands him a gift of this HIDEOUS pile of Lego bricks stacked up in a 3-year old's rendition of a "robot".
    In a later episode, (Expert Lego Mocer) Cajun was commissioned to build this giant freaking building that the liquid Terminator chick had as a present for her daughter.
    I just watched S02E14, and this young intelligence is sitting at a table playing with Mistika figures, talking about how god made humans in their image and he was made in their image... then wonders why god didn't give our knee and elbow joints ball socket joints, because they're better lol.

    He also read the bio to Tahu Mistika and Solek to the FBI guy, swishing them around in the air and spinning his weapon... riotous.
    X D

    But more to the point... how much Lego pay them for such in your face exposure? This goes pretty far beyond a blurry image of a toy sitting on a bookshelf in some dumb sitcom. This is like... right up to the camera lens lol.
    Next Saturday on Cartoon Network.

    Unfortunately, since I don't have cable, I watch TV online.
    Unfortunately, someone was foolish with their computer and now has none.
    Unfortunately, someone is prone to panic attacks if they don't keep their mind busy.
    So yeah, temporary sacrifice. I'll probably miss it when it airs.
    Who knows when I actually go offline and how long it'll be before I come back.
    I might be able to bop in here and there, but more likely it'll be a months long thing.
    If I vanish, that's where I am. And behave yourselves on the other site. Who knows WHO might be picking up my slack.
    They're a great bunch of people but no telling how much they'll put up with versus how lenient I am.
    (Ew, how curious... It's blog topic #73. Watch me get hit by a truck and have that get locked in lol.)
    If you got excited by that, you made an infant deity cry.
    I remember seeing a movie called Star Wars.
    It was about a kid who met some droids and an old man.
    They went to a funny bar and hooked up with a space captain and his Wookie friend.
    They saved a princess from some evil guy and then blew his battle station all to heck.
    It was freakin' AWESOME!
    The second one was phenomenal. it had a cool, old jedi master and you found out the bad guy was actually the kid's FATHER! MAN OH MAN, DUDE!
    ...Then there was a third one, and all the main actors were acting cocky and weird.
    Then at the end... eh... the princess was the kid's sister? What?
    The bad dude was the father and the princess was his sister?
    What next, I'm going to find out that the old guy met and saved the kid's mother, that the evil dude (LOL) BUILT one of the droids, the other droid was owned by the kid's mother...
    ...I think the only thing the fanboys writing this junk could add is that maybe Yoda is a special species that develops first as a (censored), and that he was one of Palpatine's before falling off and rolling away to mature into a Jedi knight.
    Sad thing is, I'm sure I'm missing other annoying "coincidences" up there.
    Way to make a special movie not so special anymore.
    Well, not so much Dragonball Z, but the trailer I just saw for the new live-action movie.
    I knew it was going to be bad, I mean duh... but it's like BAD bad.
    BAD bad bad.
    Roshi has no sunglasses, no turtle shell, NO resemblance to Roshi.
    Bulma's the one most in character, yet merely just an asian [removed -Shine] with guns.
    Piccolo is just some angry lookin' guy with green CGI'ed onto his face after fans freaked out from him being flesh-colored (lol). Looks AMAZINGLY like the lead vampire in Blade 2... who also happens to bleed green. (Yet is infinitely cooler).
    The Dragonballs were created 1 each by 7 mystics. (from the trailer, I get the impression they probably sacrificed themselves to make a ball).
    The "capsules" that were so popular in the show are more annoying... a capsule pops onto the ground and TRANSFORMS all Transformersy-CGI into a motorcycle. >__<
    And while everyone else is like Chinese or Korean (not Japanese, lol) Goku's some scrawny white kid, saying such AWESOME movie cliche' JUNK as, "I... I don't know if I'm ready" *sniff*.
    Oh, and he charges up a kamehameha and sends it off with one hand. >__>
    And then it's like WAIT OH GOD ::grabs bucket::
    Head stuffed up.
    Talking more than 5 seconds = wanting to barf.
    Can barely breath.
    Phlegm you could cut with a fork.
    Sore throat.
    A steaming bowl containing:
    1 big can of beef barley soup.
    1 small, dented, heavily discounted, possibly compromised can of condensed chicken noodle soup... uncondensed.
    1/2 a jar of savory beef gravy.
    squirt of teriyaki marinade sauce
    half a tray of beefsteak peppers / pork fried rice chinese combo
    slice of white bread, broken up
    big glass of water.
    2 aspirin
    listening on the internet to WPRB radio station playing live Daft Punk
    Dangit, ONE of these ingredients have to do SOMETHING.
    I don't know what makes me titter more.
    His foot not making contact.
    His lightsaber glow jumping up high seemingly where it shouldn't.
    The geeky guard uniform.
    The guard's overacting, complete with gun toss lol.
    Or stuffed Boba Fett dummy floating by in the background.
    The gif is just terrible win, in a terrible, wonderful way.
    In 20 questions, it guessed wrong with "Setsuna F. Seie from Gundam 00".
    Then at question 29 it goes, "Does your character have an older brother?"
    Oddly, at question 30 it asked, "Does your character have a brother or sister?"
    ...which is weird, because I'd just answered that.
    But then...

    Derek Wildstar from Starblazers.
    It got DEREK freaking WILDSTAR from Starblazers.
    Or that's what I feel like.
    Every day, I lift like a 300lb. electric scooter off the porch, likewise, lifting it back on the porch.
    The other day, I did this like 4 times because we kept going out all day.
    Later in the day, I went bike riding (something I haven't done in years).
    I wasn't really out of breath when I got home and I didn't feel exhausted. I lifted the bike onto the porch, put my keys in the door and then my ears went "PWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHRRRRRR" like I just went underwater.
    I got vertigo and my vision went ALL the heck blurry.
    I just stopped and stood there, looking around at things just to see how weird everything looked.
    Finally going inside, I was hit with massive nausea, like that hot, sweaty feeling you get right before you hurl from drinking too much hard stuff too fast.
    I just stood there about 2 minutes in the livingroom, not DARING to move.
    Then I walked over to the diningroom table and sat down, putting my head on my arms like a kid in school lol.
    Well, I didn't throw up, it all went away after about 10 minutes, but my ears are KILLING me.
    Then today, I was lifting a freaking heavy box of diecast metal, BOOM. My ears feel like they're pushing outwards.
    So like, huh?
    I should also note that when my hearing first went crazy on the porch, I could hear the kids over at the playground (VERY far away) as if they were just a few feet from me... which is nuts... they were easily 500ft. away and not talking all that loud. That happened once or twice in my life before, but not from a trauma of some sort.
    I'm now afraid to pick up anything heavier than a cracker.
    ...This better be something that heals itself over time...
    Parting shot, for the topic was closed.
    CHAPTER73 : Jinzo's Trump card
    It's almost good I'm not going to open the discussion for this topic, because how people answered could have possibly changed my otherwise positive opinions of them.
    What am I saying? Of course I'll leave the discussion open! Who wants to live in a fool's paradise?!?
    A Moderator can lock it if the civility factor is compromised too badly.
    Here goes.
    In some cases, it is a "lifestyle choice". Much as Michael Jackson, for WHATEVER reason decided to first change into a woman, then again into something eerily more necrotic-lookin', so too can one "choose" to be homosexual.
    From what I've seen, it's not the majority of them.
    Just like you and me, they are born, then wake up one day with a drumming sound in the ears.
    Unlike us, the beat of the drum only pounds around the opposite sex. Go fig? But that's the deal.
    Who else is like this?
    Who else is "born"?
    People of a different skin color.
    They are born, and by NO FAULT OR CHOICE OF THEIR OWN, they are what they are.
    So. Let me get this straight.
    One kind of person innocent of their body's attributes can write stories of romance... for if they were told they could not, BZ would almost certainly be sued and or wind up on the evening news.
    One kind of person innocent of their body's attributes has to just bite the bullet?
    Sure, sure, there's people who, by no fault or choice of their own, wake up and decide that immoral, humiliating, murderous acts against their fellow man is somehow "normal"... and while that's unfortunate, it is uncommon. Lives are at stake and people DEAL with it accordingly.
    But this?
    We already evolved fairly well to not slam a person for being a certain color on the outside.
    So how on earth is this going on with those a different color on the inside?
    Hideous. Though one more time, I do believe that a "wrong" was not the intention.
    Hopefully I have altered what was the real problem with the rule being enacted, which was merely the staff's perception of the situation.
    Well, the staff that agreed / authored it. It is ENTIRELY possible that the obvious parallel present between one being born a certain color and one being born to a certain disposition were missed.
    In fact, I missed it earl on in the discussion myself... despite it being slap-in-the-face right in front of me.
    Think no less than one minute on what you just read before even THINKING of hitting that reply button.
    You have all the time in the world to formulate a coherent, respectful statement of your position, should you disagree with mine.
    Someone brought a PS2 and the Aerosmith Edition of Guitar Hero into our home.
    I avoided it like the plague.
    It's just not "me".
    So every day this goof would come over and play it and SUCK, SUCK, SUCK.
    I'd wake up and hear people booing to his playing.
    And again. And again. And again.
    So, I picked up the "guitar" (lol) and started playing. Nightmare. Didn't even get 28%.
    Next day, second play, 32%.
    Next day, third play, 38%.
    So today I CRINGED at waking up to the freaking "Dream Police" song again.
    I went downstairs, took the guitar... beat it?
    Then the next? First try? Next. First try?
    And it just kept going... I beat like 11 songs all in the first try, then escaped out of the room when he left to go outside for something lol.
    I'd probably have gone straight to the end, no joke.
    I'm no instrument player, never was. I just don't see me doing stuff like that.
    I have to admit, I was kinda' surprised. I was actually bopping up and down (must've looked like a freaking MORON) to the music... it's not even my kind of music.
    I do admit though, due to the DISGUSTING BARRAGE of airtime Aerosmith was given in the 90's, none of the music was exactly alien.
    And I did feel an odd sense of... awesome ...when kicking "Living on the Edge" pretty perfectly.
    ...I better keep away from that thing... Don't want to get addicted and end up like Stan and Kyle.
    ...SO going to sculpt MIB the animated series action figures.
    The first movie had a few AWFUL toys come out.
    They were a horrid mess, except for a cool, giant gun that had a small alien figure inside it for (I guess?) calibration.
    So yeah... I'll either sculpt them myself or get people actually talented to do it.
    Then, release them to the more fan-like toy selling places after they've been fabricated.
    Aside from wondering how easy it'd be to execute something like this without subjecting some poor, asian children to a not so kid-friendly ennvironment, I wonder what figures should be concentrated on.
    Any ideas? Here's who I'm thinkin' of so far:
    Good guys
    --Agent J
    --Agent K
    --Agent L
    --Agent... arg, dang, the alien agent, L's partner from the last season...
    --Zed (maybe packaged with the Twins?)
    --The twins (MIB control panel playset with bigscreen monitor behind them?)
    --The worms
    --Frank the Pug (news stand playset?)
    --Jeebs (pawn shop playset?)
    --The hot, offworld agent with blue skin that K dug.
    Bad guys
    --Alpha (many a different version, as he kept cannibalizing parts of other species)
    --L's hoverbike
    --The LTD
    Ideas, ideas? I KNOW I'm missing tons of stuff.
    (New avatar.)

    And, just because they ARE that awesome:
    EDIT: Found another beautiful piece...

    I always do this. Go online shopping, then buy completely different stuff.
    So this time, I go to a site to see, merely to SEE if Glatorian parts like hands and snowflake shields are there... but somehow... SOMEHOW it ends up like this:

    I'm sorry, but does this LOOK like Glatorian parts to you? No, no it does not. >__<
    (Don't ask for the site, it has a forum.)

    *sigh* ...On a good note, those 1x15 beams mean I've been inspired to get back into making a big humanoid again.
    And after feeling burned on not getting Glatorian hands, I realized how easy it is to make my own. Which is sad, because I should've seen the configuration long ago.
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