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Status Updates posted by TakuaNova

  1. toad owns everyone and everything!

  2. yeah, he does :D

    but yet he does not own toad :D

  3. weegee (luigi) owns everyone (but toad)

  4. yeah, i was actually testing out what i could name. :P but i feel bad, though.

  5. congratulations.

    I feel bad, sad, sick, you name it.

  6. i can better say it like this:

    it is better to have lost to the one being the champ, than have lost to the one having 2nd place.

  7. final-loser means the one that has lost in the final match.

  8. rooting for spain D:, nah i get it.

    you do not want to have lost from the final-loser.

  9. wow, your avatar is wicked :P

    first it is blue, then it is red.

  10. thx :)

    ssj vegetas power level is about 1 million btw

  11. not blame, blam.

    you killed it with your mean words...

    but I WILL try to improve on your critism.

  12. Then you should not BLAM it, but say it NICER.

  13. yep, because you did not give USEFUL and BUILDING critic, but blamming critic.

  14. just search for ""enter name" animated gifs"

  15. welcome, You are silver's sister i guess?

  16. yup :D

    Spirit bomb is a dragon ball z attack :D

  17. lol @ last post date

  18. your post in the topic "Bionicle Fun" Is a BIG fail.

    You said: I'm a man and I play with them with my kids.

    It is not good if you have kids at your 13th

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