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Status Updates posted by Darguffle

  1. *chainhug*LOL

    You can use the website's e-mail address on the news section to e-mail. :)

  2. *comes out of nowhere*OMG, someone says you're dead?

  3. >_

    But if you spam again...

  4. Add me to what? If it's the friends list, I already did. Try adding me then.

  5. Are you a Godzilla fan? Gigan's a Godzilla name...

  6. Ask Krika was cosed closed. It was really shocking. *starts crying*

  7. Awesome, another Halo fan. ^_^

  8. Awkward...I'm not on you FL....

    Koontay's a member? Awesome!

  9. Can you make the 13th chapter soon?

  10. Chicago movie?

    Well, it's not her fault....

  11. Cool! Another Raptor as my friend!

  12. Cool! I know another G-fan, too......TS...

    I added you to my friends list!

  13. Did you check out my site, yet?

    I'm no stalker. I'm an insane stalker. Weee!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Did you get the approvel yet?

  15. For the battle, let's do a Free Single.

  16. Great one.

    I delete them for no reason-I feel like it.

    Hey! Sorry about that, my cousin keeps on deleting them.

  17. Happy birthday! Check out Shadowlion's COT topic. I gave you a present over there.

  18. Have we met somewhere on XBL?

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