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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Essenger

  1. *taps impatiently*

    Well...? Make your 3000th post already!


  2. 30 Units agains one? I don't think so.

  3. 4 stars! wow thanx everyone!

  4. Actually I do. Why else would I have stopped making the Phantoka kit until further notice?

  5. All your bass are belong to us.

  6. And we can see EVERYTHING.

  7. Are you a typical "weird" POBZPC?

  8. Are you gonna be in Javi's comics? I rated you 5 stars!

  9. Careful!!!

    You should get your proto energy back up or you're gonna get suspended!

  10. Cool- I like Switchfoot too!

  11. Cool! You're a POBZPC too?

  12. Definitely. You were the one who I wanted to make the Rorzakh hive.

    I just hadn't told you yet.

  13. Do you have a Vahi for me? -_o

  14. Do you like the band Red?

  15. Don't tell me... he changed your blog name too?

  16. Eeeee!


  17. February 8th, I think.

  18. G'day, mate-- happy holidays!

  19. Gatanui- now I remember where I got my signoff! I stole it from you a year ago!

  20. Gatanui, that's cool that your two-year spinny looks like your mask!

  21. Gatanui! I haven't seen you in a long time!

  22. Gorast99, if you rate someone a 1, don't tell them!

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