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Status Updates posted by Transcendence

  1. ?


    Didn't quite catch that.


    Rephrase it?

  2. ... We did...


    Evidently, winning has it's consequences as well.

  3. 'Ello! ^^,

    How you doin'?

  4. (A late) Congratulations !

    You had birthday long ago!

  5. *IT was all covered in innuendo)

  6. *Spins Sai, throws with high accuracy, stabs shoulder*


    HAH! =D

    Henshin THAT! ^.^

  7. ######! WEREN'T YOU JUST MALE?!! DANG! I THOUGHT THAT YOU WERE TO YOUNG FOR THIS!!! Sorry about the Caps Lock, but it's scary! :D

  8. =D I think the pic is funny! But I think it's boring, so I'm going to change it right about now so. Toodles! :P

  9. =D


    Thank you. =P


    Greetings to you too. =D

  10. A very secret, never heard of before source.


    It's called Google. =P

  11. Ah, always a pleasure to see overreactions of the "Lol" expression.


    Or, not always a pleasure, but this time, it is.

  12. Ah, I see.


    Do you enjoy playing on a Maui Cracker? ^.^

  13. Ah, little twelve year old boys taking notice of birthdays.


    How adorable. XD




    Do you have any suggestions for display name? =D

  14. All the more reason to stop.

  15. Almost a year. ^^,


    And you? =D

  16. Almost exactly like that! ;O

    You're good at understanding emotions aren't you? ^^

  17. America isn't the best place in the world to travel, so I highly suggest you do. ;)

  18. Amy said "There are moments that are amazingly heavy, but then there are moments that are completely stripped down."


    Stripped down to WHAT? O_o

  19. An Asylum is where creizy peplo go. =P

  20. And it was funny! ^_^ And scary... O_o

  21. Answer my question! =D


    Have you tried spinning them? =D


    (Forgive me. I'm just hyper, and tired)

  22. As far as I'm concerned, you called us dorks.


    You reported us for voicing our opinions.


    And you blew the whole matter into huge proportions.


    Who's taking it personal?

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