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Doc Scratch

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Status Updates posted by Doc Scratch

  1. Nice coffee avatar. =)

  2. Hello there. Welcome to BZP.

  3. Can you make me a banner with Guurahk from Bionicle Heroes on it(Like the Poison one)?

  4. I think you should change your name to Brutal Blade Wielding Lover of Gardening if you could in memory of federation of fear

  5. you sure like polls

  6. Gav's suspended right now so don't bother him.

  7. Could u make Elemental avatars?

  8. so the famous trig is here!

  9. Uh...Oni, your sig is too big right now. The banner is to be exact.


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!. . . (the ponies did this didn't they!)

  11. your av reminds me of the freaky fruit in my sig...

  12. that's tru...999

  13. Thank you very much

  14. I'm asian too! Why are alot of people I know asian?

  15. that signature wont stay up they for long...

  16. I'm working on it.

  17. this is weird. i'm chinese too

  18. Thats a bit wierd. I have all four of the sets on you banner.

  19. Nice Page VTK.

  20. It's Vamprah. Gavla's mask is shorter and not as angular.

  21. hello? is my banner ready yet?

  22. I think you have a bit too many pics in your sig.

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