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Blog Entries posted by Chols

  1. Chols
    So like, my old earbuds are starting to fail. They weren't a really good pair (only about ~$10 at Radio Shack?), but I did like them. Now that they're breaking I've opened my unused Apple earbuds that came with my iPod touch.
    And my gosh, these sound completely different. It always bothers me when different speakers/headsets put out different sound.
    And the worst part is I can't tell which I like more. D: I think I want to side with the Apple earbuds since the deeper bass sounds a bit closer to my desktop speakers/subwoofer (not to mention they're waaay more comfortable). But I've gotten used to my old earbuds so this sounds weird to me.
    *Shuts up and listens to music*
    EDIT: Okay, Apple earbuds are definitely better. Woohoo. :3
  2. Chols
    I just rediscovered the Piraka animations from 2006 and MAN.
    I LOVED those things.
    Awesome animation, awesome music, awesome everything.
    I even remember playing along with the animation plot since I liked them so much.
    Of course the plot was a bit silly towards the end, but STILL.
    These were GOOD.
  3. Chols
    Looks like it's running properly now. I've had it running for many hours without any abrupt shut-downs.
    I have no idea what fixed it. I toggled a few power settings, but they looked completely irrelevant so I dunno.
    I always did think getting angry at my computer makes it run better. Asserting authority, you know?
  4. Chols
    For some reason, my computer has started acting up. It is periodically restarting without any prior warning. It's really getting in the way of my studies.
    The best I can do for now is run a scan. I'll see if that turns anything up.
    Halp D:
    UPDATE: I've scanned and found nothing. I was lead to believe netsession_win.exe was the cause, since before the issues I was prompted to disable it's exception in the windows firewall, but re-enabling it did nothing. I also scanned that file and found no threats.
    Soooo now I'm totally stumped.
  5. Chols
    (700 x 1000)
    How do you handle your earbuds/headphones? I tend to just loosely roll up my cord and leave them next to my desk. This usually works well, but whenever they go in my pocket they get pretty tangled.
  6. Chols
    did u guys c new dinosoor Lego Bricks?? omg i cant wait i luv dinosoors! dino dino dino dino dinio dono dono
    DINO! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!!!!1
    < look it dinosourus rex! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!!!!!1111111111111 run !!!!!!111111
    < chomp u up
    Source: Dinrosoors!
  7. Chols
    These just arrived in the mail:

    Also this photo was taken with my iTouch. The camera quality is decent, but it's much more convenient than my big Fujifilm camera.
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