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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Teebert

  1. Word! When it comes to writing, IMO, flying by the seat of your pants ROCKS!
  2. ...heh heh. im in ur epic, readin ur story.
  3. Teebert

    Lucky You...

    *dons mask of speed and pokes at hyper-speed*
  4. Teebert


    Wow. Looks like a good course in a field I might be interested in. *makes a note of college name*
  5. Hm...well, such an alloy is destructable, just very hard to do so. And remember, he was a Jedi hunter, and needed to be swift and agile to kill 'em. Such an alloy would be too heavy, plus, another thing that makes Starships so strong is the thickness of the hulls.

  6. Hey, did you get my PM?

  7. Eh, Grievous still had an organic brain, if I remember right. He mostly was just organs in a robotic shell.

  8. Hey, Byakuya, if you can't find anyone else to do '01 at all, I'll add it to my list as it and '02 and '03 are all part of the same arc. *shrugs* Here's the first chapter from the '02 one, by the way. The thing awoke. It had slept for so long. It moved its limbs, making sure that everything worked properly. It could not fulfill its mission with damaged parts. No. Cleansing would not be able to be done without properly functioning limbs. It saw others repeating its actions, all of them preparing for their sacred duty. The cleansing of the island of Mata Nui. The one that had awoken first walked forward, in the front of the wedge comprised of its squad members. They methodically and mechanically made their way past several others like them. They were all heading for a long tunnel, one that had a barely visible pinprick of light at the end. It would be a long journey, but they did not mind. No, they did not mind at all. Tahu made his way slowly through the Charred Forest. It had been one of the first places he had gone when he had first arrived on Mata Nui, and it was one that filled him with a sense of belonging. Had he not come to the Charred Forest, he would never have met the Matoran, and without meeting them, who knew how long he would have been without aim or memory on the island. The Charred Forest was home, more so than the hut he had in Ta-Koro ever would be. The heat of the nearby lava rivers, the hazy, smoky air…it was perfect. As he continued along his way, he became aware of a distant noise, one that sounded like some kind of insect, and there was more than one from what he heard. He slowly started creeping towards the spot where he heard the noise coming from. He didn’t bother activating the shielding of his golden Kanohi mask, as he knew that it would give him no protection from an ambush or unexpected attack. He suddenly found himself in the middle of a blizzard. Where once there had been burnt trees, there was now ice, and plenty of it. He stumbled forward, weakened by the sudden and unexpected drop in temperature. He couldn’t see anything in all the whiteness that was once a section of Ta-Wahi. He fell to his knees, desperately calling upon his power over fire to warm himself, save himself. So focused was he on summoning his flame that he didn’t notice the frost slowly spreading across his legs…then his body….then his arms….by the time it reached his head, he was beyond caring, so horrible was the cold. The noble Toa of Fire was now encased in ice. Ice that was thick and strong enough to survive hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
  9. Why? Because it makes me laugh. What more of a reason do I need? *dodges all Matrix-like*
  10. Fine. *sneaks up on AA and shoves him into fairy well* *runs*
  11. *Dons anti-magic tux, puts on sunglasses, then kicks ChocolateFrogs, Ruhann, and a bunch of fairies in the shins. HARD.* *laughs evilly* *sees AA's lepruchaun and runs for backup* Disgression is the better part of valor.
  12. Good. This means I can lead an open war against you any time I want, and you won't notice until you realize that you're hurtling downwards towards the moat.
  13. ....the deadline's in five days....I need to get working....*bites nails* Curse my procrastination!
  14. Oh, CF, I've bought you something! How would you like a drink?
  15. Soooo sorry, Airforce O' Dalek, but I have recently learned that your food has food poisoning, and I am afraid that I am going to have to pass on the meal. Nevermind. And I just gave my "friend" his drink....now to see if he likes it...
  16. Hey, CF, I haven't eaten mine, yet, thanks for the warning.
  17. I'd like some Fairy Tale Fries, and some Fairy Cream Pie, please. ....and a Fairy Martini for a, uh, friend.
  18. Bunda, I give my army of cats to you to use for the cause. You can't use magic on 'em 'cause that would be animal abuse, and they're interested in eating small flying things. Like fairies.
  19. Teebert


    *notices the deletion of content blocks* Bye.
  20. Yes, we have values. We consider the eradication of fairies a value. And it is a crime to let such good food go to waste.
  21. Well, certainly an interesting entry. LOL at the picture and last three sentences.
  22. Obviously, you and Atris are members of the second generation of Jedi. If not, I'M TATTLING TO MR. YODA!
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