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Status Replies posted by Zahaki

  1. Just watched Sherlock Holmes (2009). Love that movie. A Game Of Shadows tomorrow night, definitely.

  2. must resist...urge...to change... avatar...AGAIN... D:

  3. Okay, so after 2 weeks I switch the forums back to displaying signatures....

  4. Okay, so after 2 weeks I switch the forums back to displaying signatures....

    1. Zahaki



      I didn't even know you could do that XD

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Wings is finally updated! ^^

  6. Should I return to Comic Making?

  7. Alright! A new comic is finally in the works!

  8. BBL playing Fall of Cybertron 8D

  9. I don't invade your pages, so don't invade mine.

  10. Thinking of buying a premier membership... But I have no money. lololol

    1. Zahaki


      Join the Club, oh wait....


      We have no money to do that =0

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  11. ... currently SOOOO tempted to change my name to "Jonathan Twoblade". But that would be silly ._.

  12. I am getting rid of my 10,000 emails.

  13. I need to go here more often.

  14. Almost Christmas... No snow yet... Mother Nature FAIL.

    1. Zahaki


      Try living Down Under, it NEVER SNOWS!

      (It's Summer)

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  15. Why does bad stuff always happen when I'm going for a more cute/adorable style (clothing, accessories)? D:

  16. New Outliner comic up.

  17. I will now proceed to view your comics. >:D

  18. Eljay just reminded me of how long I've been making BZP comics... 6 years so far. Hm.

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