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Status Updates posted by Zahaki

  1. Eh alright, At school in Graphics right now. Drawing a new Toa De-sign though so =D

  2. elcome to Bzpower, were Bionicle comes to life. if you need help just ask ;)

  3. Eljay, do you have your new RZ kit... If yes, please send it to me, and could it be on BrickShelf?

  4. Eljay... you put the lights up, not aroudn you, but that could work too!

  5. Every Thing Alright Over There? It Said Your Posting But There's No post >.

  6. Fair enough. So how've you been?

  7. Finally got the new Comic out! =D

  8. For some reason, I love your new Banner =\

  9. G'Day Puddy cat =p Hows it going?

  10. G'day, and Welcome to bzpower! I hope you have a great time here ^_^

  11. Got ,y laptop from school back, so thats good. Been drawing, and what not =p

  12. Got a new X-Box game =p

  13. Gotta get use to Bzpower all over agin.

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      Im just staying in COT. you should Join Vak's Halo RPG once it gets approved ^^

  14. Gotta...Get... Active... Again..!

    1. TBK



  15. Graduated Today... No more school... Like... EVER!

  16. great Personal Photo

  17. Great they said it before me, (I say it any way)

    Welcome to BZP, were Bionicle comes to life! ;)

  18. Guess... I'm back?

  19. Had exams too, Just finished Today. Havn't been up to anything thing else, still thinking for a title. Other than that all good.

  20. Hai Gavla, How Are You?

  21. Hai Neil, hows things going?

  22. Hai, Love your Avatar! ^_^

  23. Hai, Love your new DP you have =D

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