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Status Updates posted by Zahaki

  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday

  4. happy birthday

  5. HappyBirhday!

  6. HappyBirthday!

  7. Zahaki


  8. Have to agree with Taka Nuvia, Awesome PP, Aswell as that Av ^_^,

    Oh, before i forget...

    Hello HeroMatoro!

  9. Have you 'felt like it' yet?

  10. Helllllllllloooooooooooooooooo Beans! How you been?

  11. Hello and Welcome to Bzpower. If you need help just ask ;)

  12. Hey -JM- Sorry i did not get back to you when you said 'hi' to me before, so...

  13. Hey Akaku, Just a heads up, if you want to play Halo, I'll be home in 30 minutes. Tell Potu!

  14. Hey Caboose, What ever happend to Gilk?

  15. Hey Chan'e

    Long time no talk?

    How are you?

  16. Hey Chane, I'll do that as soon as I can.

    lolol, I started to type on the keyboard, but then it hit me, I'm on the Laptop, not PC

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