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Status Updates posted by Zahaki

  1. I have a Q for you.

    Q. How did you get so many people to read your comics?

  2. So, Same Here.

  3. Hey Zahaku, what have you been up to?

  4. Hey Hawk, Thats the thing with Zee, you do get noticed by alot of people, I'm still not sure if its a good thing or a bad thing =p

    And Zee thats the understatment of the year.

  5. Trying to keep oneself busy on Bzpower again... trying

  6. Hai, Love your new DP you have =D

  7. Eljay... you put the lights up, not aroudn you, but that could work too!

  8. Welcome to Bzpower,were BIONICLE comes to 'Life'! ;)

  9. Okay, I'll do that.

  10. Hey Chan'e

    Long time no talk?

    How are you?

  11. Wow... 0.o You REALLY need to post more often dude.

  12. Hey Rayg What Is The Rayg Kit 3.0? I Never Seen That.

  13. Really? What?

  14. Helllllllllloooooooooooooooooo Beans! How you been?

  15. Woot, Woot! Same XP

  16. Welcome to Bzp, were Bionicle comes to life! ;)

  17. Welcome to Bzpower, were Bionicle comes to life! ;)

  18. Cool pic, Carnage owning Venom and Spidy. Hey if there is going to be a Spidy 4. they said that Carnage will be in it.

  19. XD I know that really well.

  20. Nothing Much, getting E-Mails form Bzp every one Minute =p


  21. Happy Birthday man!

  22. Um.. Its Van 'Helsing' No Double L

  23. Yeah, cant forget about that.

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