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Posts posted by Burnmad


    Also they honestly might have been able to do a good enough job just by... clearing a whole frigging lot of trees. Depends on the distance between the bodies


    They could've just.... burned down the jungle. :P



    Now you're thinking (with Spirit's Wish-es?)


    I mean, that could actually work, though. They'd just... really want to clear out a pretty wide perimeter around the area being burned.


    - :burnmad:

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  2. Well I'm figuring we have optics here on Bara Magna, since


    1) it's 99% sand

    2) humans have had optics since the 7th century BC


    So my plan only really depended upon whether we have magnifying lenses and the capacity to combine them to create a sort of primitive telescope, but that didn't strike me as being particularly farfetched, so


    Also they honestly might have been able to do a good enough job just by... clearing a whole frigging lot of trees. Depends on the distance between the bodies


    - :burnmad:

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  3. Regret: I would have not ordered Quin to take the shard to Tesara


    I was really expecting that to turn out much more interestingly than it did


    Also screw the nice guy schtick, if I could do it over again I'd have played the Skrall and the villages against each other long enough for Vulcaus to come in and take over the shattered remains of the realm


    Anyway, nice epilogue. I guess we may never find out what happened with our expedition, though I guess it kind of has to be canonically a failure or have ended in an accidental/emergency misuse of the Spirit's Wish, as the way I had intended the usage of the Wish to play out wouldn't have resulted in my never returning to Vulcanus:


    I had actually intended to send my soldiers to Bota Magna to see if it could easily support life (palatable groundwater, workable land/supporting of hunting & gathering, shelter), and if so, to construct a settlement and attempt to build a reflecting mirror large enough to be seen from Bara Magna, or otherwise create some kind of observable landmark. In order to facilitate this, I was gonna have them gather large quantities of sand to take with before stepping through the portal. I, myself, would have returned to Vulcanus so as to not abandon them, and be able to later lead them on an exodus to the Wish should Bota Magna prove habitable.


    Voltex could have gone anywhere he wanted, though I imagine he would probably have also chosen Bota, since Aqua is a bit drowny this time of year and Bara Magna is... where we are already, and we don't really know of any other planet likely to support life, let alone so much as Bota.


    - :burnmad:

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  4. Also let's not forget that in BZPGOT 1 I had a magic mask of burning things


    And in BZPGOT 2 I had an angry Toa of Fire who also had that same mask and could use it better than me


    And in BZPMN the entire southwestern portion of the island was subject to lava flow


    - :burnmad:

  5. IC: Burnmad - Getting the Karz out of Dodge


    Burnmad tumbles to the ground, the air knocked out of his lungs. He didn't catch much as he pulled off the world's first 2160 triple twist somersault (with a horribly botched landing), but he did see that the Agori he'd fired at was also knocked out.


    Quin says something to him. He manages to comprehend just enough over the sound of his own ragged breaths to get that they're running for a Thornatus.


    And so he does, until he realizes that he's just been fired upon. Luckily, the shot doesn't much scathe him. Unluckily, Quin was shocked enough by it to have dropped the shard.


    ...Which proceeded to rejoin with the other 5.


    Swearing, Burnmad only grabs Quin, and runs.

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  6. OOC: Let's also not forget that 99% of the soldiers here don't know anything about the shards, other than that they glow, which is a property shared by a number of mundane items. They certainly wouldn't guess that they're a weapon of mass destruction, nor can I imagine they'd ignore the guy with 5 if they did


    IC: Burnmad - Trying to Escape


    Seeing Quin trip over his vehicle, Burnmad finishes his slide, several Thornax glancing off the Cendox-- most of the first volley having missed on account of the same slide he had just executed. He makes another pass, firing a shot at whoever's nearest to his General (Voltex was approaching him, yeah? Roll INT and LUCK for firing on him). When he's close enough, he tries to grab Quin's hand and personally haul him up. (STR)


    Meanwhile, his assailants have been ignoring the remaining entirety of his cavalcade, focusing their fire on him alone-- which means that they're about to be rammed by 5 chariots carrying 40 men with Thornax launchers.


    OOC: Ninja'd, I guess Voltex and I fire at each other straight on. Everything else in this post that I do personally is predicated on my vehicle pulling through

  7. IC: Burnmad


    Burnmad has now arrived upon the scene, and rolls INT to gather his bearings of the situation:

    Does he perceive that the Skrall are being ordered around by Voltex?

    Does he perceive that some of them are acting strangely?

    Or that some Agori are, as well?


    In any case, he can't help but notice the fall of the gargantuan Tuma, and the approach of Quin, who flees from Elite Skrall.


    Those same Skrall, of course, are met with a hail of fire from the oncoming vehicles, while Burnmad executes a power slide, slowing just enough for the Fire General to hop up onto the vehicle and grab a hold of him. (Roll INT for me to know how to do a power slide, and Quin's AGI for him to grab on)


    - :burnmad:

  8. I should now be arriving on the scene, with 45 soldiers manning 5 Baranus chariots and a Thornatus, and I myself upon the Cendox.


    We'll be coming to relieve my man Quin, and my soldiers will have but one order: "No Skrall."


    - :burnmad:

  9. Confession here: I didn't bother to test my joke code from last night (go figure)-- that is, until just now


    Long story short, when it's overwriting "woofString" it should begin the substring at the index 3 greater than that of the "woof" being erased. Otherwise it's not removing the current "woof", and will count an infinite number of "woof"s in an infinite while loop. Index + 3 allows it to erase most of the "woof". Index + 4 would erase the entire "woof" but would cause an indexing error if the string being parsed ends exactly in a "woof". Weird solution, but considering that the alternative is writing actually good code, it's a measure we have to take


    I've edited the code sample posted, and I just want you all to know that I feel really bad for not getting it right the first time


    - :burnmad:

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