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Posts posted by Burnmad

  1. Devil's Advocate: A) The existence of a race (such as the Skrall) which is so vastly physically superior to another (the Agori) as to threaten that other race's enslavement or extermination makes their (the stronger race's) own extermination an acceptable course of action for the latter race regardless of the deeds of the former race, and B) their far inferior numbers make it not only advisable, but the only logical course of action, by way of Sun Tzu: "If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight."


    - :burnmad:

  2. Probably because he keeps finding himself in direct conflict with the manipulative main antagonists, even when he tries to join them


    Funny that this has been 2 of the 3 cases


    If I was a villain I'd just make my cause as appealing to Nato as possible, and then very specifically not betray him


    ...Maybe I should try being the villain sometime


    - :burnmad:

    • Upvote 1
  3. I veto the vetoes of Cap and TL, by the authority of the matchbox in my cupboard.


    (A member of the Iron Tribe leading a nation would go a long way towards restoring their legitimacy in the eyes of my people, and allow me excuse to meet with him personally, as diplomats, without being negatively scrutinized; an outcome I find desirable, given that he has 1/3 of the Shards I'm trying to gather)


    - :burnmad:

    • Upvote 1
  4. Prediction: At the end of the game, after all of the other nations have destroyed themselves, Vulcanus extends economic assistance to everyone* and, to the surprise of all, becomes an economic, instead of militant, conqueror


    *Except for the Skrall


    - :burnmad:

    • Upvote 1

    It's definitely not the fault of their governments, that is certainly not it or even part of it



    - :burnmad:

    This time it's not me just goofing up. It's mainly Orkahm's fault.

    Good thing he's dead now.





    You know what? I'm not even gonna comment


    - :burnmad:

    • Upvote 2
  6. At this point if another season of BZPGOT happens I'm just going to throw a bunch of OP weapons over to Jungle, since chances are they'll just use them to self-destruct anyway


    You know, revisiting this post: It actually gives me an interesting idea for a game.


    I think I could format it to be easy to host, too... Definitely needs a lot of work, though.


    I may or may not give it some more thought.


    - :burnmad:

    • Upvote 1

    But seriously tho, if you're just throwing all of your detractors in prison now I'm doing the thing again

    The first time you did the thing, you ended up in a situation where you doing the thing again was inevitable.


    The second time you did the thing, you did so as a hapless pawn of my plans for total zombification of the island.


    Still, third time MIGHT be the charm, but, uh... I'm not betting on red. Or black for that matter.



    I mean, technically I, personally, only did the thing once


    I was unfortunately killed by a reality-bending throwing knife before I could do the thing a second time


    (In fact, most of my efforts in S2 were directed towards trying to keep the pathetic, backwards Jungle from committing suicide by Tahu)


    - :burnmad:

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