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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok
    I just can't describe it. It was so epic, so sinister.
    Yes, that's right. It was released where I live... two days ago. Lolwut?
    What happened with 9/9/09?
    Anyway, that's the movie that everybody in the world should see. *Logical nod*
    9 theme coming up.
  2. VampireBohrok
    ...And there starts my third year on BZPower!
    I was deciding between being serious or not on my anniversary, but I decided to be serious,
    so thanks, BZPower, for being such an awesome site with so many awesome members!
    I might make a Flash animation or an art piece or post a MOC, we'll see what I come up with for this
  3. VampireBohrok
    The first thing I want to say in this entry is:
    Man, that 2010 sneak peek is pure awesome. I got hooked directly on those red things with the cannons.
    The second thing is that I've joined the Creed fad. EW's banner is the best one this far, though.
  4. VampireBohrok
    After a lot of tweaking and making the absolute final touches, my BBC #56 entry is done.
    I will have it up tomorrow, by the skin of my teeth.
  5. VampireBohrok
    Man it is hard to come up with a good entry for BBC #56!
    The BBC staff want us to "embrace the pins", but I can't find a good and creative way to do it. Grrr...
  6. VampireBohrok
    So it's Halloween already?
    I must say, I'm not quite as exited for it as I was last year. Yeah, I love
    horror stuff and such, but this year, Halloween was just another day.
    Maybe because of the fall break or something, but it just isn't as appealing
    to me anymore. In any case, that gives you an actual reason to watch horror
    movies, or at least something in that direction, like Sleepy Hollow, that I myself
    watched. I loved it. Headless horseman for the win, everybody!
    Also, I didn't go the trick-or-treat round this year. I guess that's just another excuse
    to make yourself look like a total freak, but then again, if I want candy or something like
    that, I buy it myself, instead of begging other people for it. And I only buy candy like,
    once a week or something.
    I guess it can be fun, but it's better when people don't expect it, like if you have
    a sleepover in school or somehing. I did that one (or if it was two) years ago,
    and it was great fun. I may do something like that in my new school.
    But after all, scaring people isn't my life. Oh well.
    Well, I'll have something Halloween related up in GA or the BBC soon. We'll see.
    And with that said, all that is left is...

  7. VampireBohrok
    Where are all the art entries?
    I must seriously start making some art worthy of posting.
    Well, I may as well redirect you to my art topic.
    And no, I don't expect replies to this entry. Not at all.
  8. VampireBohrok
    apparently Lego didn't get my phone number, and it took me forever to notice they were trying to contact me, but here we are. now I was thinking, perhaps I should just not open this box just so that whenever someone goes "so what 2015 sets do you have", I can be like "all of them. theoretically." then I'll shake a sheet of paper with Schrödinger's face printed on it right in front of them for several minutes
  9. VampireBohrok
    - Walked around in the presently zombie infested Stockholm
    - Rode a train car full of zombies
    - Wore my Bro Strider shades and met a zombie Dave
    - Watched zombies clash with survivors in gas masks and other gear
    - Had picnic in a park with lots of zombies
    - Decided I might join the zombie apocalypse next year
    (yeah, the zombie walk is like the best event ever)
  10. VampireBohrok
    I had expected it to take longer ._.
    What's important is that it's back. With us. And now we're on to all its little tricks. Also Portal 2 references aside, I don't think
    that's actually possible. BZP is quite unpredictable.
    Oh yeah, and if you're like me and are displeased with the new layout, here's a kitteh to boost your mood. :>
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