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Blog Entries posted by VampireBohrok

  1. VampireBohrok

    This hardsuit/mech, pictured removing a damaged electricity transit pipe,
    is produced for doing all kinds of heavy-duty jobs, i.e. loading goods at harbor stations, transporting
    hazardous chemicals short ranges, and a large variety of other jobs that require extra muscle/protection.
    The suit protects wearers against radiation and fumes.
    It has potential for being used in warfare, however it has several weak spots in the armour and
    is therefore not suitable for battle just yet.

    In other words, I figured I'd draw some worker class mech suit, and this is the result.
    I'm quite certain this paper texture helps me to achieve better results somehow, it's the same
    I used for my Eridan drawing.

    So, uh, yeah, thoughts are appreciated.
  2. VampireBohrok
    Got the same place as last time. I'm not complaining though, as I did reach the finals.
    The winners were deserving of their places, to say the least. Great job, guys.
  3. VampireBohrok
    BZP's staff have a nature of making kind of vague April fools jokes.
    Well, I guess that everyone agrees on that the two biggest candidates are the BBC contest and B6 stepping down.
    EDIT: Well, B6 stepping down is now out of the game. I suppose that it's a reverse psychology joke; there's no joke and that's
    the joke itself.
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