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Blog Comments posted by VampireBohrok

  1. I'm not sure about the lower legs, maybe you could attach another long axle piece

    somehow that's paralel with the leg. using (++) pieces, if that makes any sense? I'm not sure if it'll look good, but it'll make

    it look mechanical all the way.


    I like the rest. The midsection does seem quite cluttered, though. I'm not sure how to solve that.

    The use of Vastus' shoulder armour is <3

    Also, the arms are sweet.

    As for a head, a simple plate with an eye would probably do the trick.


    Looking forward to seeing the rest.

  2. Veeery nice. B)


    You've got a nice flow in your way of telling the story. It keeps you focused. The language variation is good as well.

    I'd try to give the main character more personality by writing more out of his perspective, altough keeping it third-person.

    Maybe by adding his thoughts and such things.


    But overall:



    I'll be awaiting more. B)

  3. Nice shaping on the torso. The only thing that I'm not really fond of is the shoulder attachment and that spine.

    Maybe there's a chance that you could fit an axle somewhere around the neck attachment that makes it possible to connect the shoulders

    closer to the body.

    I'd love to see it be used on a more serious MOC, though.


    I know you can do better on the rest of the body parts, but I probably shouldn't take them too seriously. =P

  4. dude


    Those should be brilliant for MOCing.


    I actually own the Y and X-Wings. Pretty awesome sets.

    Oh yes.

    Yeah, I'm sure I'd love the X-wing if it was complete. Not big on the Y-wing, but it's got good pieces.


    I smell another epic creation on the way.... B)

    Make that many. B)

  5. I highly suggest getting Meltdown. He is my favorite Hero Factory villian so far, and he is much better than the others. (I wouldn't get Stormer though, his hollow arm really messes him up. If you have to get a good guy, I would get Surge.)




    Sweet B)

    I'll probably get Stormer anyway, the hollow arm seems like something I could look over if the rest of the set is pleasing.

    I don't fancy Surge very much at all, honestly. :/


    @ Thy: nice ololo B)

    Is he a better set that you'd expect, then?

  6. They were just a flash in the pan, as will be Beiber and Kei%sh# or whatever its name is. No need for assassination attempts, their fans will loose interest when someone else comes along and will do it for you. :evilgrin:


    But assassination is so fun!

    Maybe so, but honestly, if you want to obliterate someone, you should to it the spectacular way,

    like with a mass destruction tank with spinning sawblades and all that. Or maybe a death ray, whatever floats your boat.

    If you have tried those methods, regular assassination gets boring after a while. :)


  7. One thing.

    It's pretty clear that Marendar is the villain, not Agnonce


    I'll have to disagree with you there. Marendar is obviously pretty much a device created to carry out Angonce's will,

    instead of operating on its own. Greg makes clear that it's been created and programmed by the GBs.

    Marendar was made and programmed thousands of years ago as a precaution because the GBs didn't know if the Toa would turn out bad when they returned. When Angonce found out that the Toa weren't bad, he rushed to disable Marendar, only to find he was too late.

    Ah. I think I'll try to read the serial chapters a bit more careful from now, then. =P

  8. One thing.

    It's pretty clear that Marendar is the villain, not Agnonce


    I'll have to disagree with you there. Marendar is obviously pretty much a device created to carry out Angonce's will,

    instead of operating on its own. Greg makes clear that it's been created and programmed by the GBs.


    @Ghostie: Of course, how silly of me.


    @Brickeens: I don't think they seem directly cheesy... More like generic. Let's hope for some character development indeed.

  9. i wish i could do that ;__;


    I really like it. The glowing yellow against the dark armor looks really cool, and I love that "helmet". Reminds me of Malum.


    The legs seem a little short or weak for the rest of him. They just seem a little undersized.


    One of the things I love about him is that he looks charred or burnt or something.

    The slightly bitty texture to his armor adds that. Almost like coal, lol.


    Oh and I love the wisp of smoke. Very nice touch.


    So, overall

    cool art bro B)

    Well, if you do some practise in the program you're using, I don't think that'd be a big problem.


    Yeah, black/yellow is a very nice contrast.

    The weird thing is, the similarity to Malum's helmet is just a coincidence. I didn't even realise it until I removed the layers behind

    the armour just to see how it looked.


    I'm not particularily happy with the legs either, I might fix that if I'm bored sometime.


    That's pretty much the purpose of the black armours, actually. I just wish I had gotten into making real texture on the armour though, that'd

    make the entire thing a lot better. I wasn't patient enough to do that, though. :/


    Yes, I like the smoke, too. Proves that my way of drawing smoke isn't half bad after all. B)


    thanks for the review bro B)

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