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Posts posted by vataki

  1. Finally, Rakau gets to do something! This will truly be awesomely epic and epicly awesome. Awesomepic.And wow, Vataki really can't catch a break, can he?V: Nami, I, uh, I lo.. Woah! An abandoned cathedral!N: Uh, yeah, neat. But, what were you saying before?V: Oh, I, uh, I lo...R: So, we finally meet, Brother Vataki!V: Oh come on! Really?
    Highly accurate. Except I think Nami would be the one shouting "oh come on!" :P
    Pretty sexy backgrounds in the comic. I was totally right about something interrupting him every time.These Sons (and daughter) of makuta are really annoying me, why can't we all get along? Oh wait, thats right, its because for some odd reason they want to take over the world just like any other evil villain person! Why not take over a comic series like the old villains? Nope! They just have to ruin everyone's lives and interrupt the heartwarming moment Vataki and Nami were having. Nice going evil villain people, nice going.*cough*Ahem, rant over. Anyway, there wasn't really anything going on in the comic, it was really one of those link comics. It was one of those that set up the next comic, but it did raise some questions which I did enjoy. How did they know he would be in the forest, was the bridge damaged on purpose?Anyway, interesting comic, raised some questions with very little answers (which I like). Nice job.~Soran
    Thanks! And you know that darned Makuta Iforget and Makuta Idunno... Always screwing things up!
    Finally, Rakau gets to do something! This will truly be awesomely epic and epicly awesome. Awesomepic.And wow, Vataki really can't catch a break, can he?V: Nami, I, uh, I lo.. Woah! An abandoned cathedral!N: Uh, yeah, neat. But, what were you saying before?V: Oh, I, uh, I lo...R: So, we finally meet, Brother Vataki!V: Oh come on! Really?
    No offense Vahi, that was quite cliche XDI mean, it suited the scene, but I feel like I've seen it elsewhere. Several times.
    Perhaps it was, but as you said, it suited the scene.Now, I don't have a new comic for you guys just yet, but Soran has made a comic related to my retirement.Vahi, Don't Quit by Soran.Had to do some minor editing, as he made for deviantART at first with no intention of releasing it to BZPower. But this is my favorite fan comic that I've ever received. I haven't received very many, but this is my favorite.And as I said in my previous post, Comic 10 is on it's way!~Vataki
  2. A preview of tomorrow's new comic? I think so...

    I hope this little split-up leads to an emotional scene with Nami and Vataki.
    preview_com9.pngHow did you know?This comic will be out tomorrow, as I said before (unless i die in my sleep tonight or something lolololol.) Keep an eye open for it!~Vataki
  3. So, Nami and Vahi find out their love for each other and begin to show it...
    Except Nami has always loved Vahi, and never lets him forget it. :PBut I suppose you could say that, either way.
  4. Seems like he'll definitely be saving that stuff for dire circumstances considering the toll it takes on him
    Yes indeed. It's because his Matoran body can't handle the amount of power it is using while he is in Makuta form. So he needs to "recharge" after every time he uses it.
    I know I say this about all of your comics, but, DUDE! That was totally bodacious! I mean....No, that pretty much sums it up. Graphics are amazing, storytelling is superb, characterisation is spot on, just all around an awesome comic, man. Keep it up man. Actually, don't, because if I take in this much epic every time you make a comic, my arteries will explode.
    ... I'm sorry to hear that? :P And I'm sorry to inform you that your arteries will most certainly explode as the series goes on. I'VE GOT SOME WICKED AWESOME STUFF HEADED YOUR WAY HERE SOON. I hope it's wicked awesome, at least...
    When Vahi says no, it should be taken seriously. Impressive graphics, they were superb. I think my favorite part graphics wise was panel 10. That combination thing just looks awesome, I'm not even sure how you managed to achieve such an awesome effect. As for backgrounds in this one, I think that the grass blends too much. Probably different hues even if by a little bit might help.The story telling in this was just awesome as well. Its nice to see new characters like Makuta Diirax and Makuta Zerak (I still think you should've went with Makuta Iforgott and Makuta Idunnoe) making an appearance and also figuring out what their role is in the story.Great job on the comics and keep up the good work,~Soran
    Don't forget Makuta Axoran. What could we rename him? "Makuta Notaclue?"And here I have a new comic! A short one, without any action, but it kinda' helps explain some stuff.A More Difficult Task...Enjoy! I have more than one comic currently in the "post-production" stage!~Vataki
  5. I think I've said this before, but I love the direction the plot is heading in. It's becoming more and more interesting with every comic. And it still intrigues me that you're only using Microsoft Paint. :P This series is so high quality for one that wasn't made in Photoshop or GIMP.

  6. Really like the storyline so far. Its really cool how adventurous they are and how each thing is explained. I also like how the character's we came to love are in this story, their roles in the story, as well as their interaction with the other characters. Also, those backgrounds are totally pro.Cameos (Left to right): Makuta Iforgott, Soran, Makuta Idunnoe, Eljay, Chath, Snickers, Gavla, Giggles.~Soran
    The two Makuta Matoran, and Snicker and Giggles are all main characters, but that aside you are correct! So, you'll probably be in another comic later on. :PAnd thank you. I really wanted to include all of the characters, and I hope to include all the former PGSes as cameos.
  7. This Gavla is definitely interesting.
    He is. Very.Although I have to say I probably prefer the old Gavla. :P Most likely just because I got used to his personality over the years, though.The new one very different... But different isn't always bad.
  8. Poor Giggles... Always destined to be the comic relief...
    Which I honestly feel is something this series is going to need later on. Don't want it to get too action-packed and dramatic without some humor... It'll get too... "Dry." :PAlso, here is the updated character sheet that I promised!
  9. Is it the WiPirates?They can be quite crafty. Sailing down your internets and stealing your wifi.
    Nah, it had something to do with our bill. I don't quite recall what, but something got messed up along the way.But it's fixed now! So the comics are back, along with our internet.Some Old Friends...Continuing to build the plot up. It's coming along slowly, but this is indeed necessary to the story of the comics. Some action should come along soon, though.That train station background took forever to make! I worked my butt off making that thing... What do you guys think of it? (Making inside of the train will be even harder... D:)Also, I have yet to update the character sheet, but that will be done sometime between tomorrow and Tuesday.Now, I am very tired. I must catch up on my sleep.Enjoy the comic, and goodnight!~Vataki
  10. So, I may as well make a statement on the current situation.Nothing serious, really. Our WiFi connection is currently out, and it's possible that it may be out until friday. I'm currently posting from my iPhone, for those of you wondering how I'm even posting right now. :PI have a comic in the works right now, though. So it should be up as soon as the WiFi is up again. (Anytime between tomorrow and friday is my best guess.)So, it won't belong until there will be a new comic... Just longer than it should take.

  11. Things seem to be getting quite, quite serious.And level two? That's it?I mean, I expected you to be AT LEAST level 15, and know some good moves like Flamethrower or something. Maybe even Ice Beam.

    Well, level 3 is weakest, level 1 is strongest.That's how I made up the scale at least.
  12. New comic!Consider it Done, Boss.So, I realized that the glowing text wasn't going to work out. As all the shadow Matoran have the same color scheme... So from this point on, I will be using the same style of speech balloons I used last season.Also, this comic features two new introductions! "Tharik," the "boss," and "Rakau," the sister of the "sons of Teridax," who is also one of the only two Level 1 Makuta Matoran. (Vataki is a Level 2, and the only other Level 1 is unknown.)

  13. That comic didn't make much sense to me..."I cat-napped Carrot Chomp!""What?""I want to be your best friend, again!""Okay!!!"...What this is, I don't even...

  14. I like this kitI liked this kit so muchI'm currently using it. :PBut seriously, it's a lot more accurate than Chimoru Omega or Chimoru Alpha are. I can say without a problem that this is my favorite kit at this point.Excellent job!

  15. If the 6 matoran are other members(Gavla, Boss Tweed, etc.), we know who the guest stars are.

    Well, I'm not going to spoil too much about the series, but I can tell that the other five Matoran are not BZPower members. Some of them will actually be introduced here pretty soon, though.
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