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Posts posted by vataki

  1. The changes are nice. Specifically, the change to a kit other than Chimoru. :P (Just saying, because you've used Chimoru for the majority of your comics... But so have I, so look who's talkin'.)The backgrounds are nice, and I find it hard to believe that you only needed a small amount of help from me this time. They grow up so fast.The humor is same as it ever was. Wacky, strange, crazy... But these most certainly never fail to entertain.Great job! Can't wait for more!
  2. The Rahkshi one is really great. I like how it looks somewhat like the set version, somewhat like the movie version. A very unique style overall. Accurate, too.And the Teridax drawing is also wicked cool. I'd love to see more of this. Good work!

  3. And now, no one will be able to stop Vataki as he avenges Sashi.
    We'll see about that... :P
    NOOOOOO!! D:Not Sashi! Anyone but Sashi! I would've preferred Vataki to die than Sashi!But, seriously, pretty epic comic. I really like how you showed off Rakau's inner turmoil, and all the fight effects (especially when Shadow Vahi punched through Axoran's chest - so metal). Also, I can't help but like how nonchalant Tharik is about everything.'Well, everyone's either dead or has turned against me. Oh, bother.' XDTharik is gonna get it....Excuse me while I go cry in a corner and mourn Sashi.
    So you don't care if I die? :( I thought we were friends!
    Meep.SASHI!! NOOOOOOO!!! Why'd it have to be Sashi? Why not Dr. Giggles?Other then that, great job, bro!
    Because Dr. Giggles has a very important role here.Comic relief.
    Why did sashi have to die?I liked the part when Rakau killed the shadow form.And Tharik is the reason Vataki hates Rakau.Can't wait to see more comics!
    Who said Vataki doesn't like Rakau? :P
    Kill him Vataki! for what he did to Sashi! mad.gifTharik deserves to go to the pit, or maybe Karzahni!I noticed an error in the last 3 panels, You're facing Tharik in the left Direction and in the final panel your facing him in the other direction but it doesn't matter anyways.I hope Tharik gets what he deserves.Keep up the good work Vataki.
    ... Now I feel stupid. Thanks for pointing that out! I'll possibly fix it at some point.
    Whoa I didn't expect Sashi was the one that was going to die.Great comic. One of the best comic epics on BZ Power
    Thank you!Uncontrollable!I may or may not be taking a break for a week or so, just so everyone knows. I might have a comic next week, but you'll know if I do. It will be in either the middle of the week, or later on, depending on whether or not I feel like making a comic. :P Haha.So, see you all later!~Vataki
  4. I mentioned that a character was going to die towards the end of Act I, here it is. Tharik is in deep ****** now.
    Now pardon me, for I have several things to say.I feel that "Other-Makuta-Lady-Person"'s change of heart was quite, well, forced.I mean, at least with "Hau-Makuta-Mister-Person", you had stated that he did not want to follow Tharik.But "Other-Makuta-Lady-Person", I feel like it was cliche. "The worst of them all fighting for good".It didn't seem natural. I feel that it should have taken... longer. More battles, with Vahi/Sashi constantly sorta implanting good in her mind, and it seemed this should have been more of a final battle, as this is only Act I.Regarding all the death in this comic:It seemed like you were killing them off because you didn't want to use them. I understand they were more minor characters, but I feel that you somewhat got sick of them and just killed them off. Not that it is a bad thing. People do that all the time. It's easier to kill of an unwanted character than forcing them into the story.Now, a very different remark.In an older character sheet, you had said the Sashi had feelings for Chath. Now, I know not if you just put that in to put that in, but I was wondering if you would ever incorporate that into a comic. Obviously, that chance has faded. Also, Chath isn't really immortal. This Chath that you and your siblings have created is very amusing. But when I would say immortal, I was meaning it jokingly. Chath, and anyone technically, is immortal as long as people are unwilling to take one's life. But use Chath at your mercy. He's yours now.Now, before it seems like I'm a #####, this comic was very good. The effects were very good. You clarified how the Shadow Powers and the Matoran interact in their mind. I never completely understood it. I more thought it was the Matoran's anger and malice became more prominent as their other emotions decreased and the powers flooded through their body, not as the characters being separate entities (I know you stated that they were separate, but it just seemed like Vahi/Shadow Vahi and Sashi/Shadow Sashi were the same characters).Sorry for so much text. I am upset by Sashi's death, but you know what you're doing. For some reason, I feel like I knew Sashi was going to be the one to die. Don't know why. Can't wait for the next comic!
    I killed them as they serve no purpose to the plot past this point in the series.And I intended to include Sashi's apparent feelings for Chath at some point, but never really got to it. I intend to remove that from that character sheet at some point, as I never used the idea for anything. And I've never really said that Chath is actually immortal, I've made him mention it himself. Much like you have time and time again. :PThanks for the feedback! Lots of posts here... I'll be answering the rest tomorrow, hopefully alongside another comic.~Vataki
  5. Saw that coming!Tharik must die
    Yeah, it was pretty predictable... Especially because of the comic's title. :P
    Hooray for epic setup comic!Boo for Snicker interrupting all the lovinz.BIGGER HOORAY for upcomic MEGA-EPICNESS! :biggrin:
    Oh, you know Snicker. Always interrupting all the lovinz.No One Can Stop Me...I mentioned that a character was going to die towards the end of Act I, here it is. Tharik is in deep ****** now.New comic later in the week!~Vataki
  6. Ooh. She's part GPS now.And ooh. Canyons.Sounds fun.
    "Fun" may not be the word for it... :P
    No problem, well, in my case at least :PDon't worry even worry about college until you are at least junior, and even then, I'm not going to college until I'm 21, and even then it might jsut be Officers Training for the Army. Things happen, some luny asks you to join a club and you change your mind, everyone does it. I much look forward to future seasons and any work you put out with RGB stamped on it:)Glad you decided to stick around a bit longer~An unstable, sometimes conflicted and aggressive person, yet sympathetic to the human condition. I hear ya bro.PSWE LOVE YOU*insert clingy girlfriend meme...except...I'm a guy...and its not the same thing, but hey, you get it anyway :P*Oh, and for the comic, something happens that ruins their plans, its just how things work...and if not, then I'm flying in a shooting missiles at rainbows just to prove a point.
    Thanks! I'm glad you guys are supportive of my decision... Even more-so than you guys were when I decided to retire, haha.
    OK, lets do this in order:Comic: Pretty cool developments, I must say. It seems Tharik doesn't give up so easily, no?To Facade: WHO ARE YOU CALLING A LOONY?!Just you wait 'till I finish my mechanical crocodiles and send them after you....Then you'll see I'm not crazy....YOU'LL ALL SEE!!
    Seems Tharik needs a new obsession.AND BRING IT! IM A KARZING ROBOT!
    Tharik most certainly needs a new hobby, yes. As seen in the following comic...Ambushed?!So, the next comic may not be out as soon as the previous comics. I've been uploading on sort of an every-other-day basis since June (excluding my one-week break at the beginning of this month) but the next few comics are going to be long, action packed, and hopefully, absolutely epic.I'll possibly have one of them out on Wednesday, depending on how much I work on it/how lazy I'm feeling.I hope to have some new stuff soon!~Vataki
  7. Paint dot net is what Im sticking with. and I think my comics are fine without gimp.comic's new look at things: http://www.brickshel...ppyface/pdn.png
    You don't need GIMP to make your comics look good. Paint.NET (in some cases) can work just as well as GIMP. If you feel more comfortable with Paint.NET, go for it. There have been comic makers (lavaside rahi, DJ N00bslayer) who made/make their comics in Microsoft Paint of all programs. :P And their comics look really good.It all has to do with what you're comfortable with, if you ask me.The preview looks really good, too. It's good to see you improving more and more with every comic. :) Keep it up! This series has potential.
  8. Announcement!!I can tell I'll have a hard time announcing this...Really, it was hard for me to announce my retirement. But this is the only thing that's going to be harder. Allow me to explain this before I make the announcement... As I've mentioned in the previous journal, I've recently been inducted into the RGB (Revamped Greyscale Board) and so I'll more than likely be invited to be a part of future Co-Author series they decide to make. It took some time for me to decide whether or not to accept the spot after DJ N00bslayer invited me. I needed to take some things into consideration. My recently announced retirement was the biggest one. Between that and another Co-Author series I'm currently working on with my good friend NX09, I realized I really don't have enough time to finish it all before 2014. (My announced year of retirement.)I hate to be the "Brett Favre" of BZPower, but I have decided once again to put off retirement for a little while. It is truly hard for me to say this, as I've done this all in the past, and this time it must have really "scared" people. It would just seem sort of ###### of me to join the RGB and then not do anything in/for it.When I decided to retire, it was mainly because I decided that I needed to worry about college and school and such, but I've recently realized that I don't really need to go to college to get through life. It isn't really a requirement, even though so many people had me convinced that it is. Plus, I'm still young. I have time before I really have to worry about that, if I do decide to go to college.Please don't be mad at me because you really thought I was going to retire. I honestly did believe that I was going to as well. Which is why it's so hard to make this announcement. For fear of anger that will probably come from it. If you are angry at me because of this, I am sorry. I hope you can forgive, but as I've said above, I really did think I was retiring.Perhaps my time to end comics just hasn't come yet. Here's to more great seasons of Timely Insanity! I hope you will stay with me for them. And thanks for your support over the years. I love all of you. Really.Your friend,~Vataki

  9. A little Dr. Giggles and BAM: mood of the audience changed.Also, why haven't you added Chath to the Character Sheet? This isn't a "There is a serious lack of Chath in these comics" moment, I am honestly curious.
    Dr. Giggles. Turning anything serious into a joke since 2000. Like a boss.Because he isn't really a main character. More of a returning guest star.
    wow okay i haven't been on bzp in forever...OKAY SO VAHIjust wanted to say that this 8th season stuff is pretty awesome, I loved that plot twist where Sashi turned out to be a shadowtoran/halfmatoran/whateverthey'recalled! Well done sir!
    Shadow Matoran/Matoran-Teridax/Makuta-Matoran. :PThanks!
    Comic relief with Dr. Giggles.Isn't that a little redundant? :PNo, but I like the change of mood. Not to mention it's good to see the Noobicorn in something other than Giggles' series proper.Tubular.
    I needed to find a way to include the Noobicorn. I just needed to.EvacuationSo, Tharik hasn't given up yet, it seems. WONDER HOW THIS WILL ALL WORK OUT.~Vataki
  10. run matoran-makuta crossbreeds run!Er, I mean...YAY :biggrin:
    Wowsers!(Sorry, I'll never say that again)So, Sashi kicks a considerable amount of butt, which is good because, well, she is a level 1, right? Also, the red and black scheme really suits her. :3A note on the graphics, I really like the shading effects here, as in the last few panels. Especially as Sashi is coming through the door. Wicked.Don't stop being awesome.
    Yes, she is also a Level 1. But she also has just a little more power, as she was created 2 years before the other Matoran Teridax. So she's trained herself to control her powers and such.
    I'm not gonna lie. I had absolutely no idea what happened in that fight. The darkness covered everything up, but I believe that was your intention, to add some, well, darkness to the scene. Not the darkness like it's dark outside, but the darkness like a dark thing to do.
    It was my intention, yes. Since there element is shadows their powers blend in with all the shadows in the dark room. It is somewhat hard to see, but it's a cool way to emphasize how truly "dark" their power is.Still Waiting...I decided the season needed some fun. :P It's all been so serious lately, that I thought some comic-relief was called for. With cameo appearances by Bionicle Raptor and the Noobicorn. :DAlso, I have updated the character sheet once more. Shadow Sashi and Dr. Kaushi added.Enjoy!~Vataki
  11. Comics.I love to write and read comics. I know that the "art" of comic making is sort of, kind of dying here on BZPower, but the comics forum was the number one thing that brought me to BZPower.Aside from that I actually don't do much on BZPower. Besides the personal message system and such.

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