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Posts posted by vataki

  1. Hmm, does this parallel with Teridaxs' actual plan? Are his children a backup plan or does Teridax have a different plan in this universe.
    I'll say that the Matoran are Teridax's plan in the first place.In this plot, at least.
    But but... Sashi can't destroy the universe, that's my job! :sadlike:
    You've been replaced.
    So the Teridax Children were the bringers of the Apocalypse? Or just Sashi?
    This next comic should answer your question.
    Am I the only one who thought that comic was hilarious? I know that its meant to be serious, but knowing Vahi's sense of humor in his comics I saw so many places he could've added jokes."Where am I? What am I? Who am I? Where did I come from?""You're in my home. You're my 'son'. Your name is Sashi. No comment.""You are my child, I have created you for one purpose... So that you may one day...""--Let my guess, study hard, get good grades, get a good career and retire at 65?""No, well that could be a good alternate pla-- wait no. You must destroy the universe"I liked the effects though, it was quite pleasing visually and very interesting.Great job on the comics and keep up the good work,~Soran
    Too bad it isn't a comedy, I suppose. :P Thanks!
    Before Timely Insanity, there was....THIS.XDAwesomenesses abound; I could not be more excited for this Act.Check you later.
    Before Timely Insanity, there was... ACT II OF 8TH GENERATION.Okay that sounded better in my head.Fulfill Your Destiny...More to come!~Vataki
  2. I usually love the Olympics, but America got the worst coverage we possibly could have on TV for it this year.I mean, I still love the Olympics, but this year, I can't stand watching it. All we got was Volleyball the entire time.

  3. ;( Sad face. That was great but with your comics and my comics I am going to go into manic depression.JK but really, you know how to make things emotional.
    I hoped it work out that way. Thanks!
    VAHI!!! HE DED! !!!Weellll... at least I didn't interrupt them this time...But that was so sad... Yet really cool.Great job, man!
    I know this is going to sound like a joke, but if an author kills of his character that represents him, does that qualify as suicide?And this was quite depressing. I hope you like making people feel sad :(
    Perhaps. :PSad people make me happy.
    ....Did he died?But seriously, great comic dude.I think we all love Vataki a little bit more now.He was an hero.
    So you're saying you didn't love me until I died? :(Act II - Comic 1:Who... Am I?As I've mentioned before, Act II will be fairly short, and it will simply cover events that lead up to Comic 1 of the entire season.Enjoy!~Vataki
  4. I don't remember deleting them, or even seeing them when the forums came back up last year, but I suppose it is a possibility that I deleted them and just forgot that I did.Well, my question was if there was another way to read them, and since it's been answered I suppose there's no need for this to remain open.Thanks for the help guys!

  5. I was curious if there would happen to be a way that I can read my old personal messages from the archived forums? I tried logging in on the forum archive, but the entire messenger is disabled, so I can't even view my old messages.So, if I wanted to read my old messages, would there be a way to do this?Thanks!~Vataki

  6. So let me get this straightNub is a Mouse-Matoran hybrid who likes Mickey Mouse?Lulu is a British Karate master?And Frank is a Cannibal who controls his love for human (Matoran?) flesh, and mostly just eats hot dogs?I think it's safe to say that you have the best characters in the entire Comics forum

  7. So was that like a light ray that vaporized his Makuta energy? Great comic.
    Pretty much, yes. Thanks!
    If you kill yourself (cus thats what it is, technically speaking) then you'll be dead.I say, you kill them all off, go out with a big dramatic emotional bang.
    YOU DON'T SAYAnd killing everyone would be fun, but perhaps I intend to do it slowly... One at a time... :sly:
    Remember when I said....That I would've preferred Vataki to die rather than Sashi?...I lied.... :crying:But otherwise, a pretty awesome comic, dude. Really emotional, and really goes a way to build atmosphere.Top marks for Vataki, and a hundred high-fives all round.Check ya later, Bill and Ted!
    I SURE DID MAKE YOU EAT THOSE WORDS, DIDN'T I?Farewell, Vataki...Big emotional comic to end Act I. And Act II will probably be out on the weekend, or mid-next week.So, see you then!~Vataki
  8. Yes this is definitely the best season hands down.
    Thank you!
    Yeah, anyone who wants to move to safety, just call my facilities, we believe (for the most part) in working to PRESERVE life...Can't wait, my expectations just sjy-rocketed
    sky* (Sorry I had to.) :P
    Dude, that preview looks ace! The only way it could've been creepier was if SV's eyes were glowing red, but really it doesn't matter because he's a shadow being.Wicked. :smeag:
    Thank you. I probably should have, actually. It would have looked awesome that way. Oh well.
    UGH! I HATE TEASERS.They tease you. But it does seem interesting, Vataki's change of heart.Hey, if there is no more Vahi, is he now 786?[/troll]
    CALL ME 786 ONE MORE TIME I SWEAR I'LL-No More Vahi...This comic, and the one that will follow it are the Act's finale, and also probably the most emotional parts of the season. New comic in a day or two, and afterwards, a six-comic Act II will come out.Stay tuned!~Vataki
  9. I'm moving to a new galaxy...
    I would advise that, yes.
    whoa whoa whao dude!Is it just me, or do we like share the same brain or something, cuz your plot line is starting to become more similar to the plot line for comics I came up withalmost a year ago that I'm still working on, that I never told you the plot line from it....It's almost a little creepy...But any who, nice comic! I wonder how many people you're going to kill off before this is over.
    I would love to see that when you release it.
    Wooooaaah, stuff's goin' down...So, Shadow Vahi could possibly end all life as we know it? I gotta say, as far as plot points go....*Sunglasses*...That's pretty dark.
    I don't know if you intended for me to laugh or facepalm at this joke, so I'll do both.
    That invention looks like one of the guns on the end of an X-Wing's wing XDBut now we have a potential galaxial(?) crisis. Yay.
    I do believe that's where I got it from. :P
    I have to say, it's kind off a generic plot line (this comic, I mean). I am not criticizing your comics, because as you saw I love them :biggrin:, but it just seems like a stereotypical universal doom story. I'm sorry, It might just be because I watch too much Sci Fi though XD.
    I'd say this entire season has a pretty generic plot. It's just the creativity I've tried to use to take that stereotypical plot in the right direction that, if you asked me, makes this my best season.So, even though I did mention a possible break, I've been making comics. Why? Just because I felt like it. And still feel like it. So that break is sort of off, now.Preview, anyone?preview_com24.pngThis comic will be out within a day or two, depending on when I finish it, so keep an eye out for it.Until then~Vataki
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