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the clown prince of crime

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Status Updates posted by the clown prince of crime

  1. yayz i giv u 10 starsses an' now u gotz 10 starsses!

  2. sorry just get kind of annoyed by hoh many of those names i see

  3. agreed no more story tellin oh i made ye a b-day topic

  4. you add magpi to your but you wont add me? me sad:(

  5. ur lucky i've been here 4 a while and i still don't have five stars

  6. "matoran island" is dead? this is the worst adventure ever!

  7. i like flapjack too ADVENTURE!

  8. lol the village is so awesome( and so is back to the futre)

  9. DUDE your signature is way to big!

    personal pic is awsome though :P

  10. lol i thought someone copied your name...

    u just changed it

  11. hi i like the dog in yer personal photo it's cute

  12. seriously does anyone like cheese i do

  13. you need to come to my house i have a mutated fikou

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