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Twilight Avenger

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Status Updates posted by Twilight Avenger

  1. Oh wait, you watch Naruto? Cool, me too! BTW, do you remember me? >_

  2. hey,look at jord's comics,and be careful with the panda power!

  3. i'm going to try to upload it to brickshelf

  4. well,i'm going to take my new picture of taka wearing a 2008-like avohkii and myself!

  5. hey,now i know how much difficult is doing that comics!

  6. aawwww!!!!


  7. *discos* woo hoo!

    the phantoka arrived on my country...It's true,gravity hurts,ouch!

  8. oh,no!!!

    one guy let his monkeys to my profile and r going to eat my brain..well,they r going to die,cuz, they'll didn't have nothing to eat xp

  9. really,guess,what,I'm completely evil!

  10. guess what?!


  11. hey,that's kopaka's line!!!!

  12. O_o wow,u r a boy!!!!


  13. I vote for linking park, If I still can...

  14. *gives the pepsi to jordboy1*there it is,dude!

    (sorry that I can't give u a real one)

  15. beware of panda power....

  16. *becomes good,temporaly*

    hey ES,u mayb think that the dark impulses r a joke,but is happening to me in real life!

  17. hi,did u keep freaked out of the BS01 thingy with shine and me?

    I hope not....don't say it! (yes,I'm refering to u,shine!)

  18. who,the mine,it's between COCA-COLA and PEPSI

  19. i saw my first movie,i do not how to say it,but it was scary!!!!!

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