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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Coleanuva

  1. Nice blog, I may be getting one soon...

  2. What? Why? Was Brickshelf offline or something?

  3. i needz clix!11!one

  4. What, RMV? No, it's not closed. Surf the pages.

  5. You mean the cloning cheat at the Battle Tower? That one ROCKS! I cloned my Ho-oh and Lugia I got at an event back in 06! And, yeah, I used an Action Replay to get my Mew. But I promise my Ho-oh and Lugia were from an event. You should really buy an ARDS, they rulez.

  6. Nice new avvy.

  7. Please empty your inbox.

  8. He shall be no match for the Universal Cosmic Fattener!

  9. I have a TRU and a Wal Mart. And where I used to live I went to a Pokemon Rocks America. To get Ho-oh and Lugia.

  10. No, no, no. That's okay.

  11. Ninja outfits ftw.

  12. And also, a friend of mine came to visit for Thanksgiving, and he just so happenned to have raised a Lv100 Groudon. We found the cloning cheat, and now I have one.

  13. Scratch that, I'll word it better:

    On my page, you seemed kinda reluctant to give me status of Nuvian. So, I don't have to use it if you don't want me to. That's fine with me.

  14. There've been my problems with my computer. I had to get a new laptop yesterday, I had one just like it, but the screen got messed up. I hope to have the topic up today, because today is when I get my Ahvokii.

  15. So you're nine? You look older in the picture.

  16. Haven't seen you in awhile.

    Also, fellow EarthBound fan! Awesome!

  17. I'm baaaaack!

    If anyone has extra honey pots... I need them.

  18. Go to the comics, I explained how to convert the movie into .wmv!

  19. Where are you? You haven't posted since Christmas!

  20. He probably thinks it's fun.

  21. Gah, don't just flame Kahi. He was giving you constructive criticism. I know you've probably heard that a lot. =P

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