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Status Updates posted by Coleanuva

  1. Dude, If you didn't start the giant GS comic (the part with me in it) that's a good thing, because I am changing my name today, and it is probably getting a little annoying by now. Sorry for the long comment.

  2. Hey, Dark, can I get the name of the text you use for your comics?

  3. No. Everyone's calling me Coleanuva, so...

  4. I never was a traitor, McMinch! I was Apple Kid all along!

  5. McMaster! What mission am I required to carry out?

  6. Hi, old friend! Remember me? (I'm Coleanuva if you didn't already know.) Hey, listen, if you could come back to my comics( see them on my profile) and become a fan again, that would be cool.

  7. And who's winning?

  8. For LLL: I think I maybe should be something involving electronics, maybe the building engineer or something.

  9. Happy b-day! I'll make you a comic, but it'll be late.

  10. Wait, what do you mean by "put a picture off my computer on here"? Where do you want the picture?

  11. It's funny that you say that.... I was going to release my new series today to mark the three year anniversary of my comics. =P

  12. I just got the Stinger Oath. What do I do now?

  13. I did. A while ago. You gotta beat Bowser, get your star count to 120, and beat Bowser again. I mean Bowser when you get 60 stars, not in random places.

  14. On MLN I added you as a friend. I'm known there as Bionix4.

  15. The Hau Mata.

  16. Cool.

    Your name starts with a C.

    Mine does too.

    I think you know my name. It's kinda easy to figure out. :P

  17. You can only set up a trade module with mailable items.

  18. LOL. One of my classmates named his pncil sharpener Turd Ferguson.

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