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Status Updates posted by Ahi-Dagra

  1. Getting close to 10 years now...

  2. Spelunky! comes out for PC in a few days now. Very exciting.

    1. Overlord


      Is the game at all related to what I would expect from the name? :P


      ... I guess I could look it up...

    2. Ahi-Dagra


      Spelunking --> Spelunky.


      The best part is when you accidentally attach a sticky bomb to the damsel in your hands.

  3. Ironically, Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is my favorite part of the game. Bioware outdid themselves with the combat mechanics, the amount of content, and customization potential.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ahi-Dagra


      Mass Effect, before the third game, was strictly a singleplayer RPG game, and those singleplayer RPG elements were what I expected to enjoy most about the series when I purchased all three games a few months back. Coming to Mass Effect 3, I had expected to like those RPG elements the most about the game. The multiplayer aspect of the game would be tangential, or so I thought.


      However, after playing the campaign of Mass Effect 3, I found that the singleplayer campaign, while good in...

    3. Ahi-Dagra


      However, after playing the campaign of Mass Effect 3, I found that the singleplayer campaign, while good in its own respect, did not have the same "enjoyability" as the multiplayer Co-op. Considering my previous expectations (which are what I imagine were the expectations of most) and Bioware's niche in the RPG genre, the fact that I hold Mass Effect 3's multiplayer with higher respect than its singleplayer campaign is ironic.

    4. Overlord


      Ah, I see. I had thought it was singleplayer before, but wasn't sure... I guess one would expect that the multiplayer aspect would be tacked-on, based on that precedent, but it's nice to know that it did get done right for once.

  4. "Brothers, what we do in life, echoes in eternity."

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Ahi-Dagra


      True, what you've said is true. Technology is becoming quite impressive. It is a fine medium for the echoes of our lives, even if I sometimes find old memories unpleasant.

    3. Overlord


      Old memories will always be unpleasant, no matter the medium. It's simply that the internet has made it vastly easier for everyone's old conversations to be preserved indefinitely in the same giant canvas.

    4. Ahi-Dagra


      I could not have said better myself.

  5. Ha. I am such a lurker.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Overlord


      Well, I guess most of them were just in COT games, which update fast. :P


      Then again, I always posted a lot. But still.


      ... yeah.

    3. Ahi-Dagra


      Yeah, I really need to get into some games if I want to start posting more frequently in the near future. RPGs were always my favorite games, it's just I haven't seen anything that like that that has interested me lately.


      That, and Bionicle ended. I'm still sorta depressed about that.

    4. Overlord


      RPGs might get a slow start on these new forums... The approval process has discouraged me from posting any of my own to date.


      And yeah, same here. :|

  6. Uh-huh! I just need something to do here instead of browsing... Are there any good RPGs?

  7. DOUBLE LARIAT! *wham*

  8. We should become so large that we need a topic to discuss the Organization. =D

  9. So, we all set? Anything more to discuss?


  11. Yeah... That sounds great! *lays claim for "Arachnomancer*"

  12. Just that I've been gone for a while. (In Ahi year's.)

  13. How long have I been dead?

  14. How about "The Society for the Imminent Destruction of Macaroni and Cheese?"

  15. Still alive? =P

  16. I guess I would sorta be hard inside anyone head...

    "L.eague O.f S.uper E.vil?"

  17. =D

    How about "The Joined Minds?"

  18. How about "The Octopus Overlords?"

    Oh... Wait... That one's taken, and I don't think member want to have more than 2 arms. [/is late in replying.]

  19. Did I nay say ye, High Master?

    If nigh, I say again:


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