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That Darned Chinchou

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Status Updates posted by That Darned Chinchou

  1. Oh, and they can't enter Aquarus, nor you enter Desparatus Progidum

  2. Yes, it's possible. But you won't be able to hug them (plagued) and it would be scary for the first few seconds, wondering if they went feral and want to eat you.

  3. Hmm...Okay, fair enough. *gives ice-pack*

  4. *Smacks upside the head via computer*

    You said to do it :P

  5. Heh. If you say so GLaDOS

    Anyway, on a more serious note, you'[re doing a great job holding off a pile of players solo :)

    I don't think I could.

    Try to hold out a little longer :P I got a Deoxys about to teleport there >=]

  6. Posted a recap of Darkspace on the discussion page.

    It's not perfect, since I only joined recently, but I think I've covered most of the events since I joined for the NL

  7. how did you get SPIRIT to post in your blog? O.o

  8. I've posted more IC for Robert...sorry need you or another staff to finish so I can join the rest

  9. I love your av/sig combo :)

  10. Sorry to pester, but can you or one of the other staff receive Robert's call so he can meet up with the other Rockets?

  11. Whenever you're willing, the battle for Aquarus could use your help. Lev says it needs the efforts of all of us Aquarus players to down the leader, so...yeah. Help Hubert and me kill it XP

  12. My reply to your OOC is in the Discussion topic (since I don't have anything to IC right now)

  13. Well done on posting your first character.

    After all that, how will you post your second, third and foruth? :P

  14. *Headdesk* I have RPer's block XD

  15. Carnage, you need to read the Discussion page. Lev's pointed out a few times that ONE plagued toa is EQUAL to YOU.

    Your killing of 20? More like a case of you getting killed and eaten by 20 happy plagued.

  16. If you get anywhere near Summus Castrum, Daa attacks you :P

  17. Kazi, check the Discussion for my decisions regarding the group. I'm not leading us to Aquarus, that's Eljay.

  18. Sorry to sound harassing, but please post a sabba IC whenever you're done with Buzz's updates

  19. Grudge against Sentry for messing up a fight? :P

    Still, it will be interesting to meet Kiharu on Daaron again.

  20. *Grins* I hope you realise that if you attack Sentry, I will be...Ahem..."forced"to stop you as Daaron? :P

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