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That Darned Chinchou

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Status Updates posted by That Darned Chinchou

  1. *Checks self* Yeah, I'm pretty sure I am...why do you ask?

  2. Alright. Gnight. Have a good one :)

    Next time Tuk speaks, have him gag on sand in his mouth or something if you want to throw something amusing out there...or not. I'm hardly going to lecture the player of Tukru, who is one of the funniest characters I've seen in a while.

  3. Possibly your shift. Soz for taking so long.

  4. Hey KTM. Nice to hear from you.

  5. Interesting thing with the Yanmega :P

    Is this going to have more repercussions? :P

  6. *Prods you with a meter pole*

  7. It's a Treeko. They seem to have fur in the anime.


  8. rawr, did I actually give you a suggestion with Xalpha's comment, or were you just roleplaying that you hadn't thought of it? :/

    Sorry, the question has been bugging me.

  9. Your with us on the pathway to Shymin's island.

    Sorry, I've tried to avoid interacting with Sabba when you're not responding, that way nothing out of the ordinary happens...other than Sabba vanishing and re-appearing randomly XP

  10. Thanks! You're the only one who said anything >_>

    But thanks, it's nice.

  11. Guess?

    I KNOW it's Buzz :P

  12. Nice Personal picture :)

  13. Check Elementum discussion, waiting on you.

  14. I'm not that stupid.

  15. I completed the tests. Where is my cake? Or is it really a lie like the others told me?

  16. I went with teleportation failure XD

    You're up :P

  17. Would "He's got a Deoxys with him" count?

    Otherwise, it could just be coincidence (bump into each other) or Xalpha teleporting into the wrong room XD

    Say which you like :P

  18. Can Robert (Rocket) meet up with Buzz?

    (Robert is a new recruit Rocket)

  19. I don't play dirty rawr....when I snap I play FILTHY. :P

  20. You (as Jaliax) need to reply to Galara :P

    *getting impatient*

    ...Scratch that. Getting more impatient than normal XD I'm not a patient person

  21. why did you namechange?

  22. Galara has left the city, so she's safely approachable

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