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That Darned Chinchou

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Status Updates posted by That Darned Chinchou

  1. Interesting. You want to kill Sentry? Get in line XP All of Gorgnak's characters are in front of you XD

  2. I know about the rules of plagued. I was roleplaying.

    and Galara...won't have a happy ending, to say the least.

  3. Do you want me to have Kar declare your legs cured so you can walk freely again?

  4. Welcome back. Yes, Sabba is still tagging along. No, haven't found Shaymin. Had to take a detour for the sake of Kyle/Ikkad catching a pokemon. We spoke about that in PM. Forgot to tell you. Sorry.

  5. Wow, you certainly answered my PM without sending one back XP

  6. Wow, you're stuck with me on two characters.

    Must kinda suck >.

  7. Posted in RPG.

    Sorry to keep you waiting Kini...Caught me at a bit of a bad time with the battle >.

  8. Lightning. Galara is lightning.

  9. Glad to see you active on the RPG! :D

  10. I worked my statement based on the approximate time it takes to read something. Some people take a LONG time. But I realise 15 is a bit...long. I'll shorten it

  11. *pokes* wake up Sabba :P

  12. If you choose to go back, I do have a Parugi-approved (Via PM) Wingull which I plan to get, so that can defog if you don't want to NPC-zap :P

  13. and now I've spammed up your comments. Yay me! XP

  14. That second bit is more a comment because of me joining as a Rocket. You see the other team as "not you" until you join it. Then you want to win on both sides :P

  15. Hey, that's cool. I actually felt a bit sad when I read Yan's death. Anyway, I posted a continuation. (and your perception of the game changes if you play both sides :P)

  16. I'll get on it. It's just hard when it feels like I'm RPing alone :(

  17. To be more specific, you have the remains of the 'Default' profile thing left inside your Scyther one.

  18. Hey rawr, just a little thing for solving embarrassment: You've kinda botched your Syther's profile...just look and fix it >.

  19. Please come back to BZPC. The noobs are swarming meeee *Runs*

  20. If you get this, get back to BZPC. I'm not dead yet.

  21. *pokes* You need to reply occationally

  22. Tene's swallowed it :P

  23. Wierd to see what the others talk about when i'm gone O.o

  24. You're hard to copy...

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