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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Tahakki

  1. UK Northern Ireland, unfortunately. Bit of advice for ya - do NOT mention that NI is part of the UK when you're over here. You might get hurt. :P

  2. All there was in it is a couple of used bus tickets and a strange rock that I talked to when I was bored.



    Rawr. :D

  3. You should see some of my early ones. Shudder.
  4. Ach nah. If loads of people contribute, it should work out.
  5. Whee. I'm grumpy. :P

  6. We were all new at one point. A lot of the time, when we were new, we said things that now really embarrass us. A lot of the staff were new at one point. I've taken a look way back, to find some of the earliest posts by our staff members. By the way, I mean no offense to any of the staff. It's just a bit of fun. Any staff that don't have a quote is because I couldn't find anything. This first one comes from Bonesii, in what I think was a quiz topic: The next one is from our master of RPing, Dr. Bionicle: And, from Electric Turahk: Here's one from Kaiapu, after MNOLG ended: Here's Kex, getting told off for spam : That's all for right now. I'll post a few more later. Enjoy.
  7. This is a cry for help going out to all RPers. Some of you veterans may remember the BZPRPG Wiki. It sort of died. You can see where this is going. I have created a Wiki for all RPGs on BZP. It had a few articles, but I deleted them to clear it up, start again. Both me and BZP member Shyyrn are Sysops - the Wiki word for Admins. Any questions, PM me, or ask here. Please, it's in desperate need of articles. I aim to have this as the ultimate reference guide for RPers. Have characters? Make articles about them. Please help. You'll be helping all RPers. Click here. Before you edit or make, read the rules. It won't take long - there aren't many. So, come on - let's make this big.
  8. Heya. You're on the BZPRPW a lot - can you, like, EDIT SOMETHING? :D :D :D

  9. You're either a Professor, a Philosopher or a Priest.
  10. There won't be any more quotes. Why? Nobody likes them, and I can't be bothered, and I always forget.
  11. Didn't know you were Irish. Me too. :)

    Where 'bouts?

  12. Looks like I'm out of RPG Contest 9. It was a close thing, too. If I'd been here, I would've got through.
  13. Tahakki

    Good Friday

    Dear me. The Bible offensive? Fair enough.
  14. Tahakki

    Good Friday

    It's good Friday today. Soooo... What do you guys do to celebrate Easter?
  15. Tahakki

    Half-life 2

    Nah, apparently it's something to do with my sound card, and happens to a lot of people. Oh well, grin and bear it.
  16. Come the day

    And come the hour

    Come the power

    And the gloooooory!

    We have cooome to answerrrr

    Our country's caaaaal!



    Together standing Taaaaaaal!

    Shooooulder to Shooooulder,

    Will answer Iiiiiireland's caaaaal!

    Yeah, I live in Ireland. :D

  17. Still - Premiers get it every 45, and Members are every 90. :D

  18. Yep. Just 'til the fad goes. :P

    Nice one for getting your OBZPC back. Just wondering - can OBZPCs change their name any time they want? :D

  19. Tahakki

    Half-life 2

    Picked up Half-Life 2 today, for 98p in Game - sort of like GameStop. 98p! That's about $2? Pretty cheap if you ask me. Anyway, it keeps freezing up. Apparently it's got something to do with the Source Engine. Has anyone else had this problem, and do they know a way to fix it?
  20. REALLY obvious Lost reference in a recent post of yours. :P

    Don't spoil it for me - I'm only on Series 2!

  21. Tahakki


    I've seen a lot of people write the Kanohi Hau as "Hua". Is this that wrong, or have I been wrong for seven years?
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