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Year 16


About Sybre

  • Birthday 09/18/1998

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    In your dreams, haunting you to the bitter end
  • Interests
    Heavy music

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  1. I'm nearly ready to begin development on the Superiornatural reboot, but I'm wondering if I should reassemble my old writing team. I originally wanted this to be a solo project, but should I really have all of the fun to myself? Although we didn't get much work done, we still had a lot of fun working together and plenty of amazing ideas. Should Superiornatural return from the efforts of a team or just one man?

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I'm actually considering starting on a project to rewrite the main story arcs of Bionicle with my headcanons in place. Might not have time. Besides, my chapters were never really scary, just morbid.

    2. Sybre


      I understand. Your project sounds really interesting! And this new version might have the scariness amped up (I want to, anyway), so if you feel that your chapters won't be scary enough, I understand. As for the morbidness, there might be something like that in the project.

    3. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      I can try to add some type of horror into my story. I kinda learned a thing or two from movies.

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