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Blog Comments posted by Multiverse

  1. Heh, the LEGO Batman game is very fun. And I still can't get to 100% on it. XDTo tell the truth, I don't really have any idea what's been going on here on BZP, though. I've been around, but not really.




    Ditto on all of that. ^_^

    My Lego Batman game is for Playstation 2, though, and that machine has been packed away since we got a Wii, so I don´t think I´d be having much of a chance for that 100%, anyway.

  2. So the kid would´ve actually gone through with it (...said he´d have gone through with it, that is...) if you´d been a boy? I´ll be the first to admit that I´m a bit touchy about that sort of thing, but I don´t see any excuse for either gender not to be insulted. ;)


    Still, kids are just adults with their sensibility not fully grown. They´ll forget about it quick enough, sort of like pets. =)

  3. Terrible indeed. =(


    I agree that manners doesn´t appear as frequently as they used to. But I´ll have to comment on Legolover's theory, too. I´ve been going to both a public school and a private school, and for one thing I practically never curse (what´s the use?), and what´s more, I´ve noticed that swearing, etc. aren´t exactly used less, but more effectfully at private school. The kids there seem to know what the words mean. (Though that might just be because I was older when going to the private school).


    Also, I agree with Bionicle Raptor and Overlord in that other thing, as well - from the pictures you´ve been posting, you look very good. =)


    Yay! I knew that was Italian! :D

    Admitted, I didn´t know what it meant, but still.

    Equally admitted, I also first thought it was just backwards English. But still. :P


    The Easter Turtle sounds like it, as a live species, would outlive humans. Really, the long life of a turtle combined with the enchanced hearing of a bunny and the annual chocolate egg powers of Easter in general. Not even our technology can secure our survival longer than that.


    I´d have understood the thing about the sketch block. Mainly because I also didn´t know it wasn´t called that (I guess Danish and German are reminiscent enough to have many of the same rough translations).


    I don´t see anything wrong with being 17 at all. Rather, the problems are 16 (because the bus/train prices double when you´re over 16, or at least here it does) and 18 (I believe the age of 18 means you´re technically an adult who occasionally has to be responsible-ish). ;)




    A happy birthday for Taka (Even if it was actually yesterday)!


    I know this probably sounds like I´m some older relative of yours (and that honestly worries me a bit :) ), but it seems like a month or suchlike ago that you turned sixteen. I mean, I remember it, so it must´ve happened pretty recently. :P


    Happy after-birthday. And happy seventeenth year.




    Well, I´ll be hoping, then, that this is as minor as you say it is? However small, though, any problem is something that should be taken care of in the best ways you can think of. If you think it´d help to point out someone´s mistake (and not make them hate you), do so.


    Let´s hope your problems, minor or major, may all be very brief, shall we? :)



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