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Blog Comments posted by Multiverse

  1. A ditto from me on Da Vinci´s awesomeness. ;)


    I did a project like this about Douglas Adams last month. It filled up my mind quite a lot, so I might already have mentioned it.



    Yay! :D


    Really? That's awesome!


    Yeah, it actually was kinda fun, too. :)

    The task was to write about a dead famousity. There actually was a girl in my class who picked Da Vinci.




    Downloading songs from Disney are quite common at my school (or in my class, at least), which is my only actual excuse for already knowing the entire lyrics, English and Danish, of this song from Mulan. Neat song, actually. ^_^




    If I had to choose a single favourite city of the world, it´d definitely be London, even though I´ve only been there twice. Definitely try speaking English, though. It´s awesome if you can actually make people think you´re native. ^_^

    Flying is just as awesome, too. Unless you´re unlucky to be one of those with ear pressure problems, I can´t see what´s not to like about it. Have a good trip. =)




    Don´t! Don´t be miserable! Don´t be hollow, don´t be sad, don´t be any of that stuff! Yes, try to undo whatever goes wrong, whenever you can, but don´t make a lot of it. Don´t focus on your sadness before you´ve made sure it doesn´t take you over, and don´t, this early in the year, condemn your chances of a year well lived.


    The most specific thing I can say: Don´t ever think you´re wasting our time. If you need anyone to listen, people who wants to listen won´t be wasting their time by doing so. Personally I´m grateful for any opportunity I have to help out a friend who needs me to, and I wouldn´t like learning of your troubles from anyone else than yourself ( of course there´s hardly a chance of that ever happening, and of course I don´t like it either when you say yourself that you´re sad, but you get the idea).


    You´re not really supposed to wait for the better times. You´re supposed to move towards them.




    Don´t worry - in time they´ll rust off. Of course, that´ll be rather painful in the beginning, but eventually it´ll make you lose all sense of feeling in the mouth anyway, so don´t worry at all. :)




    Then, that means there´s only one chapter left of aToLaS?


    It´s a bit saddening to hear of the discontinuation of TEoaH, but you´ve obviously improved and learned while making them, so I think they´ve served their purpose, given that you´re making a new series. So, does the NO ideas mean you can´t even tell us who the mysterious guy is, the purpose of the sad matoran, or anything? Just curious. ^_^

    I was going to offer my help with brainstorms, co-writing and all for the old series, but that seems to be unneccessary after reading that you´ve already got an idea for a new. (though I´d still like to help, though, I just doubt you´d be needing a co-writer at all now :) ).


    So personally I don´t think this is worth ripping you to pieces for - you´re ending some things, but one of them seems to be ending properly, and the other seems to be followed by something even more awesome than the previous. It is, as you say, progress. =]




    Yay for happy! Keep on like that. =)


    Funny, I share four of your five goals for 2011 (if the one about art counts twice, that is). The one we don´t share is the raise in BZP activity - I´ve grown kinda used to this state of slumber; just commenting your blog, congratulating people on their birthdays, helping out on certain projects and occasionally commenting on something that´s too interesting not to.




    There´s something unmistakably cool about being a skeleton fangirl. ^_^


    I´m leaning towards agreeing with your brother - there is quite a similarity, I´d say (that is, given that Franklin looks like I think he does). ;)

    But, but, but - the most interesting of the heads, as I see it, definitely is the first. Everything on it seems correct, and that´s an accomplishment in itself. Then there´s the expression... a sligth hint of contempt?


    I can´t say anything about Photoshop, but purely from a viewer´s point, it looks nice. :)




    Yes, we can forgive you, and no, nobody holds any grudges against you for your absence (I don´t, anyway). But you forget answering the most obvious of all the questions, one that you yourself even ask at the top of the entry (though with a slightly different wording): How was your christmas? :)


    The picture is nice, and certainly managed to make me relive a sligth bit of the joy about christmas. ^_^




    The euphoria of snow kinda takes off after a week of constant snowing, though, once you realize that it´s so high that you´ll need diving equipment to go outside.

    (Okay, I´m exaggerating a bit here, but still.)




    I´m in the same situation, though I don´t mind the snow (and had it not been for the obvious overused pun, I actually would have typed that I´m cool about the snow), as long as it stays outdoors, where I don´t have to go. After all, with snow covering everything beneath the elbows, nobody´s going to demand anyone showing up in school. =)



  12. I could be telling you that you´re not mad, and yet it wouldn´t help much if you´d still only consider it confirmation of you only writing this to hear what you want to hear - and I´m terribly sorry that I can´t help you in this way, beause first of all I know that my very much treasured and appreciated friend Taka is not, absolutely not and in no way whatsoever, mad; and secondly because I can´t think of any other way to help.


    I´d think you´re right in not changing yourself, whether or not you´re giving yourself a choice, and from an audience´s viewpoint I can´t believe anything else than that it will pay off sooner or later.

    I realize that this must be a terrible, terrible thing to go through, and I sincerely wish I could do more than simply giving you my sympathies and writing that certainly, things will get far better than they are now. I think, and much hope, that they will.



  13. It stroke me that the last four lines describes perfectly not how I feel, but how I think most of the time. I think I´d collapse if I wasn´t able to distract my mind from such things. But perhaps it would be better to, like you did, put it to words instead?

    Anyway - you may say 'whiny', I say that it can only be whiny when there´s no actual reason behind it. And if nothing else, a lot of thoughts are into this, which even on their own would make a good enough reason.


    As for the last verse - although ( I think) I understand much of it, I´m constantly drawn towards that part, because I do identify with that. And though I really think you worry just a slight bit too much (then again, everyone one else than oneself always seems to worry too much, right?), I find it comforting to know that such thoughts doesn´t make me stand out from the crowd in any particularly bad way. Not to say that it is unsignificant, but to say that when it´s agreed upon, it doesn´t seem as bad a thing. Not to me, at least.



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