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Everything posted by craftyElemental

  1. Blargh, I posted a MOC that would be pretty cool, but it's mostly black with blue highlights.
  2. *breaks down crying, while Rika is murdered in the background and we switch to a new universe*
  3. LIAR! YOU'RE LYING TO ME, I KNOW IT! LIAR! LIAR! *starts hacking you with axe* LIAR! *hack* LIAR! *hack* LIAR! Edit: SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP ALREADY! *stabs you with knife repeatedly*
  4. See, this is why I'm a freelance MOCer. That way I have an excuse as to why people ignore the MOCs I work hard on - I don't post enough of them for people to recognize me.
  5. My MOCs = playthings (for me) I mean I can see how it's kinda like an art, but do you really expect peeps to build giant dinosaur monsters and not play with them?
  6. u bettar stop tat or Treefrog will drop theh rox on u
  7. [/sarcasm]Well, I guess I lied about the comic in my last blog entry. I still want to link to the site Teebs' was ripping the idea from, but that would go against BZP rules. Also, I just found out my dad was laid off his job and we are now only shakily being supported financially. Needless to say, this came as a rather large shock, seeing as he's been working there since before we were born. Despite his attempts to be positive about it, things are looking rather bleak. I have to clean my room because my grandparent's are coming to spend the night tomorrow and will be sleeping there. This means at least 3 hours of making the room spotless, just because I happen to be the one with the queen-sized bed. I have a headache. I also think I may be on the way to a stress-induced mental breakdown. Some support would be appreciated.
  8. Irritated at Teeb's for blatantly ripping off one of my favorite webcomics, so I'm doing my own spinoff. *sticks tongue out* Expect it soon.
  9. Okay, raise your hand if you people think I should start posting some of the minifigs I made while including a small bit of back story to them. Oh, and the ones I made of several BZPeople I know.
  10. So on our last day of school before Christmas break we had a snow day. Awesome, right? Not really. We missed our giant day-long party that included movies and video games. So today we got another snowday (which around here means the apocalypse is almost upon us), on our first day back to school. Kinda awesome, but now I'm really wishing the weather could be more disagreeable some other time, farther away from the biggest break of the year Also, chex out my new signoff. [[Σlementoid]]
  11. It all makes sense now...
  12. To be technical, it's closer to five hundred, twenty-nine thousand, two hundred minutes, considering the estimated six hours only accounted for every four years on leap day.
  13. That Friday was your BIRTHDAY!? I had no idea! Happy belated birthday then Are you sure you're using the right wiimote? Only one is hooked up at first. Otherwise, you might need to replace the batteries, or try pressing random buttons. Good luck Oh, I forgot to mention, while I was at my Grandma's this weekend for Christmas, I hung my minifig version of you from a ceiling fan and turned it on. Then it flew off and hit on of my cousins on the head. Guess it's a good thing I removed your shank beforehand
  14. Your comic has a few recently discovered compliance issues. I took the liberty of straightening things out for you:
  15. And yet everyone I know says that I'm either too power-hungry or too eager to become well-known. ;_; At least I can ridicule you in my comic =D
  16. I know! It's almost like some ethereal being who runs Bionicle has replaced our bad ideas and memories with good ones!
  17. craftyElemental

    The Loot

    I got mostly system sets, since I submitted my list to my parents before I found out they had the new sets at TRU. Spent 5 Hours working on Trade Federation MTT. One of the most awesome building experiences ever...
  18. Speaking of HSM, I realized the fundamental flaw in it's teachings. It encourages you to stand out fromt he crowd and not assume stereotypes. HOWEVER, Disney has been making this kind of plot scheme for its movies for quite a long time now, and so has pretty much every other kid-friendly organization I know of for their own products, that ist's come to the point where to break out of a stereotype you must actually stereotype yourself! lolparadox.
  19. Because it's in the wrong forum. Nobody's gonna see it on CoT. And just email them if it's too much work to post another 8 times.

  20. You should at least PM Kex or one of the other CoT staff peeps.

  21. you shouldn't have posted that topic in CoT. It belongs in set discussion.

    *throws cookie bomb at you*

  22. I wish I had some 3D glasses now...
  23. *golf claps* Good job with this, though about halfway through I stopped actually reading the fake posts. You did, however, forget the anomaly of how this person managed to sign up to BZP and how they hadn't been banned already.
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