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pls respond

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Blog Comments posted by pls respond

  1. I'll just let you know that by purchasing the Xbox version of The Orange Box you are missing out on arguably the best multiplayer shooter to date, Team Fortress 2. Yeah, it is on the Xbox version, but the community is small and all of the major updates that the PC version got are likely not coming for a while. Also no auto aim which is pretty much necessary on a console shooter.

  2. The First Crysis will crash my computer anyway, so a Second Crysis will probably make my computer explode.


    Honestly, though. If your a game company, and you have an already amazing-graphics game that only 10% of computers can run smoothly, why would you attempt to give the second one better graphics and make it so only 5% of computers can smoothly run?


    also *boot to the head for hating bioshock*

    Crysis 2 is supposed to run better than Crysis and Crysis: Warhead did, I believe. Also, I just bought the Maximum Edition of Crysis. Yay me!


    RAGE looks pretty good, but I'm not really hyped up about it. Sucks that all the good games are getting delayed.

  3. how does the shockwave go through space theres no air augghhhhhh


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    Also that game has a deep hatred for player characters. the nuke in the first mw was a surprise, mw2 seems like all iw wanted to do was stuff like that over and over its kinda boring after a while
  4. pffff dissapointed with weaponsystem and limited custimization options


    was expecting actual weaponparts generated for salvaging and custumizing since they talked a lot about thousands of different gunparts, not just fully assembled guns


    Otherwise, good, playing as Mordecair on first game. Shame there's little info given about the weapons, just have to hope the loadscreen message is the one that explains weaponcolours. Only obvious thing was that purple is rare in the beginning.


    When Gearbox was talking about thousands of different parts, they meant the program used to make the guns has thousands of parts to use. I don't ever think it was stated that you could make your own guns or even customize them.


    Also, weapon colors go like so: Common-Uncommon-Rare-Very Rare-Super Mega OMG Rare

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