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Everything posted by PowerMiner

  1. IC: William///Lost WoodsWilliam walked on, following the song, until finally he reached the Sacred Forest Meadow. Then, he saw in the middle of the meadow, a sword. A sword with a purple hilt, and a brilliant shining blade. He walked toward it, enchanted. He tried to pull it. But he could not pull it. He heard a voice. It said: It is not time for the chosen one to appear. "Aww. that sword looked nice... oh well. I have my Father's sword anyway. But who is the chosen one I wonder..." He walked around the sword, and walked away with a bit of hesitation. Walking forward and seeing a temple entrance. "Time to find Pierre or smash some monsters..." He entered with only a moments hesitation to take one last look at the sword.... OOC: Forest Temple enter! Note that it doesn't say William is the chosen one. ~PowerMiner~
  2. IC: WilliamWilliam looked at the map which was given to him by the map-maker of the Kokiri Village. It gave him directions to the Lost Woods. Faron Woods was a very large area. "Hmm... He said aloud to himself."He walked on. He saw numerous plants of various shapes and sizes, he made many twists and turns on the maps reccomendation. Eventually, he saw a round tunnel seemingly made out of wood up ahead. "This must be it." He stuffed the map in his pocket and walked on through the tunnel. It wasn't very long. He then heard a very light noise. An interesting noise. It was a song. A beautiful song. It was enticing. He followed the sound, assuming it was the song of the forest. He made a few turns, then came across some sort of plant. All of the sudden the plant rose up and started shooting seeds at him. It wasn't very big, and neither were the seeds. William ducked out of the way easily, but one hit his leg and knocked him over, and his satchel was knocked off of his arm. "HEY!" William Exclaimed in annoyance. The creature ignored him, grabbing his satchel, and falling into a nearby hole. "What the?" William said in confusion. He looked down the hole, seeing that it wasn't very deep. he jumped down, and drew his sword. It was a bit dark down there, but the room wasn't very big and the sunlight from the hole lit most of the room. In the darkest corner, the plant monster was throwing the contents of the sack out onto the floor. William rolled his eyes and snuck toward it, but before he could hit it, it turned around and jumped out of the way. It took some carrots out of the satchel, ate them, and started running near the exit to the hole, William caught it and said: "Eating your own kind eh?" And slashed the monster. It disappeared into a puff of smoke, and a blue rupee appeared out of it. "That was weird.. William said." He picked up the rupee, climbed out of the hole, and continued on his way, freaked out a bit. OOC: What about Ordona Village? If it is in it... William is not going to discover it just yet.... Also, stick figures.. funny..~PowerMiner~
  3. This is a topic to discuss this amazing game for the Gamecube, and it's sequel: Pikmin 2.I got Pikmin for Christmas and I am enjoying it immensely, So far I have 20 parts and I am on the 18th day I believe. The only parts left are in the distant spring..~PowerMiner~
  4. OOC: Okay.. I'm hoping to meet a non NPC somewhere in the Lost Woods.IC: William woke with a start, and quickly observed his surroundings, he was tied to some sort of log, and.. was he in some sort of tree? Also, his items were gone. And there were children in green tunics surrounding him. The first thing he heard was: "He's awake!"William then said in a frenzy: WHERE AM I? Breathing heavily."We are the Kokiri. Who are you stranger?""Why am I---"William cleared his throat, deciding it might be best to stay calm, and said: I am William, a Hylian. I have come in search of my brother, I mean you... Kokari no harm.One of the Kokiri untied him and one of them, who appeared to be a leader of some kind, came up next to him, and said: First of all its Kokiri, second, name is Mido. I am the leader of the Kokiri. Welcome to the village. Will you help us by ridding the Lost woods of the foul monsters in it?""Two birds in one stone.. I can beat some monsters, and look for Pierre, William thought. But where are the monsters?""Mido then told him: Most of them are in the temple past the Sacred Forest meadow. To find it, listen to the song of the forest. You should be able to find it.""Thanks. I'll set out in a few hours after I get some food."A Female Kokiri walked up to him and gave him some bread to eat. "Thanks, William said."~PowerMiner~
  5. Actually, I've done it before without being in sleep mode with my sister...~PowerMiner~
  6. IC: William//Somewhere in Hyrule FieldWilliam was riding star, and heading towards Faron Woods, to see if he could find his brother there, where he had heard some monsters were basing around. He stopped at the entrance near a stream. He then let Star drink and eat some grass while he ventured into the woods to see what he could find. The first thing he heard when he went in, was a scream from what sounded like a child. He went to investigate and found he had run into a small village. There was a sign saying Kokiri Village he noticed.Hello? He said. All of the sudden, some thing, or things ganged him and before he could do anything, his world turned black, and he was carried away.OOC: Is Lon Lon Ranch in this role-play?~PowerMiner~
  7. First, it should be set to STREETPASS on, and second, my sister has a 3DS, but it only does Streetpass once a day, it helps if there's a good distance between the systems it seems, I dont know.. it seems a bit random.~PowerMiner~
  8. OOC: This post will be edited to finish my character profile... My earlier one got messed up...IUsername: PowerMinerChracter Name: William (Is it okay if I change this later if needed?)Gender: MaleAge: Around OoT Link's Age (When you play as him)Race: HylianDefault Equipment: A (L1, hopefully meaning I can upgrade it since it is precious to my character) sword given by my character's Father, a shield, and a small satchel to carry anything he might need.Bio: William lived in Hyrule Castle Town with his father, mother, and his brother, Pierre. When he was young, his Father gave him a sword of great quality, for his father was a Blacksmith. He also learned many tales, the one of the Oracle of Destiny sounding quite interesting.. sticking out in his mind. He sparred with his Brother often, and enjoyed it, even if he lost. One day, Monsters Raided the town, and his Father and Mother were killed, what became of his Brother, was unknown. Most assumed him dead, but William was sure he was alive, and was determined to get revenge on the monsters who killed his Father and Mother. He was taken in by one of the Retired Knights of Hyrule, a man named Joshua. Joshua felt something good about William.. he was sure of it. He gave William proper swordsmans training, and he blossomed in it. When william got old enough, he decided to set out, and look for his brother. Joshua gave him some supplies for the trip, such as a shield, and a satchel, some rupees, a bit of food, and a horse named Star. Since he didn't know where to look for monsters or his brother, he decided to set out in Hyrule Field and explore..Faction: Neutral, but not a mercenary type.Character Description: A handsome, okay kept face, a bit dirty, some very nice looking black hair, Some boots, and some light chainmail-esque red and armor around his body, Also (If this is allowed) he owns a horse named Star that was given to him by Harry. He trys to be kind and polite, and helps people when they need it, and will do anything to help his friends or family.I have a few questions:1. Am I allowed to control the characters I have created? By that, I mean Joshua and Pierre.2. Are we allowed to decide like say, what's in the temple in the Gerudo Desert? 3. Is the Lanayru Province like in Skyward Sword at all at any time?4. Also, will rupees be in this role-play? Like so we can buy replacement shields? 5. Do we decide when we find Legendary Items or is it when it is decided by someone else? Say we go in a dungeon and get to the end, or open a chest, 6. AIso, is the Ocarina of Time included? 7. How is it decided who could.. say, get the Triforce of Courage? 8. Do we need to eat food to survive?9. Are we allowed to claim the Master Sword?10. If a character that is not being controlled by someone currently is found, who controls it? The one who finds it or someone else?~PowerMiner~
  9. *Cough* *Cough* Dupe.. I think I would join this but there already appears to be a BZPower Community..I thought this would be a better idea then reporting the topic as a dupe, considering I am not sure if it's a dupe or not. ~PowerMiner~
  10. Granted, but no one is banned, so being banned is the new trend for not being banned. Banning you in the process.I wish time would pass faster.~PowerMiner~
  11. Okay... so the old man in Alttp in the desert calls them Hylian now.. This is getting more and more confusing.. ~PowerMiner~
  12. I already had the set, but this is an excellent review.It might've convinced me to go buy it if I didn't already have it!That blue and yellow color scheme... ~PowerMiner~
  13. Anyone gonna answer this? Wind Waker was probably one of my favorites since it was my second LoZ game ever. First being Spirit Tracks.. Then Phantom Hourglass.. Four Swords Adventures.. Until I got into the EPIC stuff like Twilight Princess, and such.Can we all agree that the worst aspect of Zelda is fishing? Twilight Princess fishing is IMPOSSIBLE. It held me up for like two hours trying to get that red fish at Zora's River..~PowerMiner~
  14. Whiplash, I liked it a lot because of the suspenseful story, interesting enviroments, fun gameplay, cool puzzles, and the enemies and bosses.Okay guys, two more mysterious Zelda questions which hopefully can be explained:
  15. For 3D games, I'm tied between Skyward Sword, Wind Waker, and Ocarina of Time.For top down (Or adventure of Link) I'd say A Link to the past is the best, Second... Either the first one or Link's Awakening.I actually just bought ALttp a few days ago... And why does the sound when I get a rupee sound SO FAMILIAR? WHY? Is this game A Link to MY Past? ~PowerMiner~
  16. I played it, and beat it, but I didn't enjoy it too much... It was a bit too easy. I spent over half the game in Hero Mode... -.-It was cool though...~PowerMiner~
  17. 1 hour revival save! Anyone wanna play Brawl?~PowerMiner~
  18. It seems I am winning a majority of the races...Yay?Lakitu was lagging a lot... And I am assuming Lakitu was Tillius.I'm always being my Mii. ~PowerMiner~
  19. How do you get the B Dasher Kart? I've seen some people online with it... but I dont have it myself.
  20. I dont know. It seemed like a good idea at the time for some reason.. You'd probably beat me at Balloon battles.. I've barely played that.~PowerMiner~
  21. So how are people watching episodes? Are they coming out in places other then North America? Because Cartoon Network only showed those first two "Snake" episodes...~PowerMiner~
  22. I actually quite like coconut mall for some reason.Blade: ~PowerMiner~
  23. I joined the online community, also I unlocked the Golden Wheels by doing every Grand Prix Gonna replay some grand prix's to get more gold stars... I too am playing as my Mii.~PowerMiner~
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