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Guardian Legend

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Guardian Legend

  1. Nice. Thought you were ignoring me. :P

  2. No, or yes? lol Not sure if you were being sarcastic.

  3. Nope, it's Elena. A new character.

  4. Nothing, just became a premier outstanding bzpower citizen. Nothing much.us lol

  5. Nothing. I saw u looked at my profile and was wondering if it was because u saw my sig. Alotof other people did. XD

  6. Oh I know who your talking about. :P Mine are Big Chill, Goop, Swampfire, XLR8 and Benmummy. They're all cool in their own way though; except Alien X, he fails. lol

  7. Oh no! I might have to break it. G.L. used feint! (Pokemon)

  8. Oh ok. I haven't seen any posts in it recently though.

  9. Oh ok. Just asking.

  10. Oh, cool! You're the first person here that I know likes Taylor Swift. I smell a fad coming along because now Velox has a Emma Watson banner. lol

  11. Oh, did i say avy, i meant pp. sorry. Oh, your name should be The Insane Physicist!

  12. Oh, I wasn't trying to be mean. I just wasn't sure if you like Ben 10 because ALOT of people hate it here on Bzpower. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

  13. Oh, well to me it always seems like your angry. Never mind. lol

  14. Oh, yeah they send alot of Ben 10 toys to Ca. That's where I order all mine from. NJ stinks. :(

  15. Oh. That could take awhile watching EVERY episode. There's well over 420.

  16. Oh. Well I find double battles have more strategy then single battles. My team is also a double one. Oh, when did Salamance become uber?

  17. Ok yeah, I'm Tony Stark. Sorry...XD

  18. Ok, really? Not helping. If ya could, pick them all up and I'll buy them from you. I'll pay shipping too.

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