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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    Originally, matches in the arenas consisted of a rock-paper-scissors tournament. It seemed like a good idea, as it was nonviolent and fair.

    Unfortunately, none of the Glatorian ever used anything but rock, and the issues were never settled.
    Smaller debates had two Agori r-p-s against each other, but this presented different problems. Again, hardly anything was settled due to overuse of rock.

    And the Zesk were at a huge disadvantage, because they could only use scissors.
    Eventually, the tournaments evolved into those used today.
  2. Bfahome
    • ╣Rand╠
    • **pureWIN~~~
    • -Makuta Antroz-
    • -MX-
    • AAarbuck
    • AngelFlame
    • Avlok Mahri
    • BIO-wulf
    • Bioran23
    • Blurrz
    • Bundalings the Bunny
    • DX: Legend of Love
    • Erebus
    • Gatanui
    • gelboy
    • Great Being #1
    • Gryphus 1
    • Haotaus04
    • Hunter Rundas
    • Iceter
    • Jonav: Toa of Darkness
    • Kopakalaka
    • Lihyette
    • Makuta of Justice
    • Master of the Rahkshi
    • Mazaki
    • Mr. Freeze
    • Nara
    • Nurse Cholie
    • RC-1344 Tor
    • SgtPanda/////////
    • Shadow-Nui
    • Tahuninja
    • Taka-Tahu-Nuva
    • Tak•E
    • Teeb Sapien
    • The Alchemyst
    • The Improbable Co'ath
    • toa of the greatest power
    • Toa Roman
    • Toa Valtika
    • Varaka
    • Xaeraz/Dr. Zephyr/Ridley
    • Xander
    • Xander004
    • Zeddy
    • ~Matoro3311 Mistika~
    • ~Shadow Kurahk~
    • ~Shoq~
  3. Bfahome
    … I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome Legoland is.
    Miniland is win. The buildings are incredible.
    also chocolate milk

  4. Bfahome
    I really want Hahli Mahri and Jaller Mahri, but neither Target nor S@H has them.
    Should I order all their parts off the replacement parts thin on S@H, with the "Lost a part" option selected, then just build them with the pieces?
    (I'm pretty sure you have to pay if that option is selected. Right? :/)
  5. Bfahome
    I fell asleep with my laptop.
    I was posting a topic and kept getting server busy messages, so I waited a little bit.
    … and fell asleep…
  6. Bfahome
    "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
    "What is essential is invisible to the eye," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.
    "It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."
    "It is the time I have wasted for my rose — " said the little prince, so that he would be sure to remember.
    "Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose..."
    "I am responsible for my rose," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure to remember.
  7. Bfahome
    Spoilers exist. Some people post them. That does not mean that every time someone mentions a possibility or infers a connection that it is a spoiler and should be aggressively condemned.
    Toward the end of 2008, we heard whispers through a book description of an unknown being named "Glatorian Vastus". Apparently Vastus was a prototype name for Gresh or something (theory is supported by the Wal*Mart receipt error).
    In early 2009, before names of summer characters were legally known (though had been leaked), some poor member posted a topic in sets asking who this "Glatorian Vastus" he or she had heard about was. The topic was almost immediately swarmed by many members repeatedly saying that discussion of leaked information wasn't allowed, when instead they could just have easily said it wasn't known who he was, or better yet just reported the topic and moved on.
    I ask you this: Who do you think gave more away?
    Better yet are the people who pick up on any hint of possible leaked information and pounce on it, berating the member who dared to post such a thing. And when the "offending" member tries to back up and say that what they said wasn't leaked, the "pouncer" will start explaining how what the member had said was leaked, going into much greater detail than the member ever had. I just love that.
    The same (or similar) is true now, with the identity of the traitor a well-guarded secret hot topic for some members. Some will come right out and say something like "<character> is the traitor!" Some may try to disguise it as a conveniently accurate theory. But remember, not all of these theories are necessarily spoilers.
    If Background Agori #482 was actually the traitor* and I happened to post a theory stating I thought that he/she was, it does not mean that I know that for sure. It does not mean that I have seen the movie and am just trying to disguise a spoiler as a theory. It does not mean that you need to respond to my post/topic in such a way that will erase any possible doubt. It does mean that you can report the topic or post and let the mods do their job.
    For example:

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