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Posts posted by Bfahome


    I'm very curious about one thing with the new waist articulation. Is there anyone who has a lego brick like 2001 pohatu brown rock or any variation of it and can you test if the new vaist articulation can be used in any form to have pohatu kick the stone.

    Sure he may not have a fast kick like 2001 but if he can kick it then his kohlii legacy lives on in G2

    That wouldn't work. The gear turns the upper body, not the lower.

    I mean, you could hold the upper body and turn the gear with the lower half, but overall it's probably only about as effective as just swinging the full set around to make it "kick" the rock.

  2. One thing I can think of is to not necessarily worry about "finishing" anything.  Thinking of a foot or hand or head or torso design may be enough to help flex the creative muscles, even without a full figure or whatever to go behind it.

    • Upvote 1
  3. While this looks really cool, I do have to point out that the Mask of Creation at the top right of the image is the same as the one on the box art.  This leads me to somewhat doubt that this is real.  Where was it found before it popped onto Brickset?

    The Hero Pack had the preliminary Mask of Creation on the packaging, so it's not unprecedented to recycle assets or use old things.


    (I think a fake would just use the actual assets anyway, since they're not very hard to come by.)

    • Upvote 2
  4. My problem with the Nuva masks isn't that they're "safe and bland", but the opposite.  They're so completely off-the-wall out there that they don't match any other masks.  They have too much going on compared to their previous versions.  They're the least "safe" masks I can think of, besides maybe the Inika masks.


    By contrast, I'd say the original twelve Kanohi had some of the "safest" designs of the entire run, but the simplicity worked for the setting and the designs are still influencing BIONICLE to this day.

    • Upvote 2
  5. The Miru Nuva seems like the best of the bunch to me, if only because it looks the most reasonable out of all the weirdness.


    The Akaku Nuva is probably my least favorite mask ever, because it looks like it's trying to have multiple looks at once.  It's blobby like the others, but the left forehead looks like it's trying to be smooth while the rest has these weird technological elements that don't fit at all.  The scope doesn't even look like it'd be functional, more like a play-doh imitation that was stuck over Kopaka's right eye.


    Overall, they really aren't good masks.  They don't match the sharp-edged gears-and-pistons look of BIONICLE at the time, nor do they even match the smooth Nuva armor that was introduced with them.

  6. The weapon seems a bit clumsy, and not as effective as Ekimu's hammer. Unlike a hammer, a drill has to spin in order to really function. Can it not do that without also firing studs back at Onua? Not very effective as a drill, then, is it?

    I doubt it's a function that informs how it works in the story. If it was, then all the Protectors from last year would need to keep a hand free to spin the big gear on the back of their blasters. The Protectors of Fire and Earth would have extra trouble with it, too. Not to mention the drill functions from Power Miners, which, while pretty awesome, would amount to basically a battering ram if they were driven by the wheel speed like that.


    In terms of play, personally, I'd just go with a "BRRRZZZZZKKKKHT" sound, which in this context is the sound of a drill. Don't necessarily need to spin it to pretend, and if I wanted to spin it I'd just remove the studs (or shoot them first).

    • Upvote 1
  7. I'm very impressed by Onua.  I hadn't noticed the arm asymmetry, and it bothers me a bit, but I do understand why it exists; the upper arms are different pieces, the right arm using the "single-axis" ball joint for stability and the left arm using the "free" ball joint for mobility.  Neat mask, cool hammer, decent function, nice combiner.


    Question: can you actually separate the torso and hip pieces easily, or are they meant to be permanently attached?  Also, is there any sort of axle or pin connection that can be made in the clip at the top?

  8. Although:



    The sets are rather limited as to how different their construction can be due to their size.

    Surely you don't think that...Just look at how varied all the other Creatures are.  :bored:
    Variety between the creatures does not mean there are an unlimited number of designs. Several of them share torso bases, with the big difference being limb construction.
  9. o1pc983.jpg


    Terak and Melum have:


    - Almost identical heads

    - Almost identical torsos

    - Identical hands

    - Almost identical feet


    ... bearing in mind that all six of them have almost identical heads, Melum's torso matches Ikir's and Uxar's more than they do Terak's, and that the foot piece seems to be the one to be used for small sets nowadays.


    I think a lot of the similarity comes from the fact that they're the only two mammalian creatures (assuming that Akida is in fact a fish). They have two "legs" and big paws and those are really the only similarities exclusive to the two. The sets are rather limited as to how different their construction can be due to their size.

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