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Posts posted by Bfahome



    until people start trying to justify their dislike of G2 by comparing it to the civil rights movement or the Apollo program then it can't top the Mistika divide.

    What was the "Mistika divide"? It sounds tantalizingly silly.

    This does sound curious!



    I sort of figured, given the context, that it would be clear that I'm talking about the massive disagreements and arguments that spawned from the Phantoka and Mistika being what they were.  I mean it was rather silly in its own way, but not much more so than any "ruined FOREVER" moment.


    It was quite something to experience, and I was totally engrossed.


    Unfortunately, Lego has not been able to recapture that magic.

    It's not that LEGO isn't capturing the magic, it's that you're not seeing the magic.  Because you're not ten years old anymore.


    I will always go back to 2002 (age 9) as the height of the "magic" for me, because I had little concept of where BIONICLE was going, so I literally did not know the Bohrok existed until I saw them on shelves.  I can keenly remember the wonder and curiosity, not so much because of the story immersion, but because there were still new and exciting things to be discovered.  Nowadays with ToyFair and BZP and the internet in general at my disposal I'll likely never get that sort of feeling again.

    • Upvote 3
  2. I honestly don't know if the disagreements we see from fans today are any worse than the disagreements this community has had for years. 

    I'm gonna have to say no on this one.  I don't have any points of reference from the pre-2008 internet community, but until people start trying to justify their dislike of G2 by comparing it to the civil rights movement or the Apollo program then it can't top the Mistika divide.

    • Upvote 4
  3. It's not that it's against the rules, it's that the forum software doesn't recognize what you're trying to embed as an image file.  It could be that it's a webpage that displays the image rather than the image itself.  What URL are you trying to use?

  4. Oh I've done them all before. I played the heck out of this game and I remember the more difficult ones. But now it's a matter of how difficult they'll be to me now as opposed to then.


    As for why you beat the time trials, car sets!

  5. While I agree that a global release would have been personally preferable to a regional release, I don't think we'll be able to "get LEGO to" do anything.


    Besides, this isn't the first time a LEGO promotion has been region-specific.  Pretty sure North America gets a lot of things that other places don't.

    • Upvote 6
  6. It looks like you're trying to use the code Windrider suggested inside of "post" tags, which aren't necessary.  The code as-is should be exactly what you need.
    ("Post" and "topic" tags function similarly to URL tags, but instead of using the full web address they just use the post ID.  For instance, your post right above me has the ID of 1053174, so by using this code:

    [post='1053174']this is your post![/post]

    I would get this link: this is your post!


    {Looks like you pasted Wind's code in where the post ID would go, which is why it broke.}


    Post and topic tags are mostly redundant, because URL tags work just as well and are a bit easier to insert.  But some of us still cling to using them on occasion.  And all of this is sort of unrelated to your overall question, but hey, knowledge!)

  7. Though I haven't played this level of the game in a long time, I remembered it actually being one of the better level of the game. IMO, anyways.


    But I have been wrong about that, if this video is any indication. :P


    I look forward to seeing you complete it next time.

    It's definitely very pretty and has the potential to be great fun, but the control scheme just makes it bothersome to complete. It's sort of a theme in this game.
  8. I enjoyed what's there so far quite a bit.  I like the Avatar-style "bending" of the elements, and while the characterization of the Toa isn't consistent with last year (boo) it does lend itself to some fun moments.


    e: oh, also, super ok with Umarak's voice.  Still don't think it needs to be any deeper or anything.

  9. I figure part of the reason for the head wrap is that Rey's row of "buns" would be awkward to mold into the head piece, from a design and/or durability standpoint.  Jango's head has that weird stubby rangefinder that doesn't look very good (I wish it had been a separate piece that could move) that they really had to include, but at least with Rey there was a way around that sort of oddness.  Granted, it makes some oddness on its own, but of a different kind.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Well, for one thing it was shortly after the start of Toy Fair. BZPower hadn't posted their Hero Factory coverage at that time, but maybe other sites had, and people were discussing that? It was also around when the first chapter of Journey's End was posted to Bionicle.com. So there's that.


    But for another thing, I don't actually know how far back those records go. So this probably isn't actually the time when the most people were on BZPower. Just the time when the most people were on BZPower that the site can still remember.

    Glancing quickly through the Wayback Machine, none of the records from the old forums top the one from '010, so at least it's probably accurate.

  11. Interesting use of pieces for the iron bars in the End Portal set.


    Can't say I'm really a fan of the minifig-scale Minecraft sets overall, since they seem kind of generic.  Shrinking the Minecraft blocks down to a couple of 2x2 bricks and plates makes them lose most of their "Minecraft" feel and makes them seem more generically "Creator" (making for rather plain sets without good source accuracy).  On the other hand, a few of the techniques (like the iron bars) are interesting, and the mobs look decent.


    I guess the theme still just feels redundant overall (building block sets based on a building block game), though undoubtedly Minecraft's titanic brand power will keep the theme going for a while.


    Though I will say that I'm grateful for the Ender Dragon set, otherwise the big black dragon wings would only have come in that $70 Batmobile set from a decade ago.

  12. Episode 7 of Racers: the final circuit against Rocket Racer, plus some other stuff!



    Next up is the Time Trials, but I welcome suggestions for what game(s) people would like to see after that!

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