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Posts posted by Bfahome

  1. - Timestamps.  The board index and subforums used to show when a topic was last posted in, not just what day.  And there's now zero indication of what time blog entries are posted, unless you have entry-editing privileges.


    - The blog page used to show both latest entry and latest comment.  Now it's just "hey there's something new here, not gonna tell you what or where!"


    I guess IPB though clarity was a little too old-fashioned.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I personally don't see any illegal techniques, but I'm not that good at re-assembling builds just from pictures, and I'm also not entirely clear on what every illegal build is myself.

    From what I can see, it looks like the shoulder balls on the CCBS torso might collide with the "shoulder" piece construction.  A ball joint pressed against an axle hole (with an axle in it too) can't sit flush, so the shoulder assembly wouldn't be able to "click" onto its connector.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Being an unimaginative 8-year-old, I fell into the Gali = guy assumption, though I quickly learned of my error.


    I also assumed, based on a map from an old 2001-era comic or LEGO magazine, that certain villages on Mata Nui were -Koro, and some were -Wahi.  If I recall correctly, the map didn't actually have all the villages labeled, so the only labels for some regions were -Wahi, and I figured that something like "Ko-Koro" would be too weirdly alliterative to be the village name and that it must be Ko-Wahi.


    It also took me an awkwardly long time to realize that the Bohrok's eyes were their eyes.  Based on the mask = face idea, and the fact that the promo art having Tahu in a stare-down with a Krana inside the Bohrok, I assumed that the Krana were the Bohrok's faces and would look out of the clear faceplates.  After seeing the comics I understood, though, and the Bohrok-Kal probably would've made me realize if I hadn't already.

  4. Depends on what you mean by "bulk".  If you're looking for just a buttload of pieces, eBay-type posts from people dumping their collections is good.  If you're looking for big collections of specific pieces like, say, 20 Pakaris, 100 Air Katanas, and 50 McToran feet, then BrickLink is probably your only good option, and even then you might not find much (though some sellers do tiered pricing based on the number ordered).

  5. Chosen wisely, a couple of Mixels should be all you need.  A couple have fully articulated legs, and some are practically loaded with ball joint pieces.


    The trouble being that, aside from the current wave, you may have to turn to the aftermarket for the sets anyway.  But I don't think any other sets will give you the parts you need for a low price.  It seems like most others are either big sets with large figures or polybags that only use one or two.

  6. Interesting point.  I also decided to look into it, and it turns out G2 has a lot in common with previous LEGO themes.  One in particular stood out, and it dates back to fifteen years ago!  Talk about unoriginality.  And both of the fire characters are named "Tahu".  Did they really think we wouldn't notice?


    I dunno if anyone else feels this way, but I think G2 was just BIONICLE reskinned.

    • Upvote 11
  7. The creatures gallery does have a picture of an "organic" bird, but from the picture alone I would say it could go either way, and for that matter I don't know which specific animation it appeared in or whether every detail of said animation should be considered canon at face value.

    They appear in this video of Onua's arrival:


    When this animation was used in the opening for The Legend of Mata Nui, though, they were changed to more "biomechanical"-looking birds (@1:03):


    So this specific kind of bird's canonicity is at least questionable.

    • Upvote 4
  8. I never even noticed that her helmet was different until you pointed it out and I looked it up. Still, the differences between her helmet and a regular storm trooper helmet are pretty minute. At least in my opinion. I think the printed design and color on the piece do a good enough job of separating it from the regular helmet. 

    Eh, in general I guess.  Phasma's helmet has a bit more concavity to it while the Stormtroopers' helmets, noticeable in places like the chin area, and of course the bottom edge of the helmets (Phasma's sharp edge vs. the troopers' rounded edge) are the most distinctly different.


    Looking at the head mold more closely, it seems the designers tried to bridge the gap between the two.  The chin, jaw, and brow look like they take cues from Phasma's helmet, but then the temple trapezoids and the back edge look more like the troopers' helmets.  Suppose this was a way to get the best from the limits they had.


    Nothing that the average buyer is going to worry about, though, and for those of us who care too much there are always things like the Black Series figures.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Years upon years.  I 100% it relatively soon after getting it, then didn't touch it until I started the first series a couple years ago.  So yeah, I have some memories of general level design but some of the specifics have been lost to me, which makes it fun to go back through again.

  10. Well there is something going on apparently, I just posted a topic in storyline and theories, and a portion of my text doesnt show up. it can all be seen in the editor but as soon as i use save changes for the umpteenth time, the same lines of text remains missing or not visible. My topic is here and the behaviour looks similar to a character limit where the text gets cut off without explanation.



    That's an unrelated issue.  In this case it's the URL tags that are messing it up.  It's happened at least once before, and it has to do with the fact that you have a space at the end of the url in the tag:

    [url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia ]http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia [/url]

    It should be like this:

    [url=http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia]http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia [/url]

    The board software doesn't like when you do that, so it eats the rest of your post as a protest.

    • Upvote 1


    I do like how they created a more feminine torso shell for her though, it was a nice touch.

    I hadn't even noticed this before.  Smaller less blocky torso shell gives me hope for characters with thinner profiles, like Sabine.  C'mon, Rebels constraction figures!
    Oh man, that would be awesome! I'd love Sabine and the Inquisitor as constraction figures!

    Yes definitely.  A Kanan/Ezra/Sabine vs. Inquisitor/Kallus/Stormtrooper wave would be fantastic.  Hopefully they wouldn't be considered too out of date as characters.

  12. Oh man, only a month away!


    I'm really liking K-2SO4 and his snazzy pieces.  Hopefully we'll be seeing the lightsaber hilt piece used in even more colors and applications.  A bit concerned about the function though, Skull Basher's was pretty neat but tended to be a bit floppy, so I hope they've managed to make a more stable version.


    I also really like the new thigh shell.  Looks like it'll be good for longer limbs, since it provides more wrap-around coverage than a lot of existing shells.


    Death Trooper and Jyn are pretty okay too.

    • Upvote 3
  13. The original drop in member activity probably had as much to do with the long downtime as it did with BIONICLE's end.  Several months of trying to wrestle the IPB software into something effective meant no forums for a while, so that more than likely caused many members to go elsewhere.


    Since I don't think that's about to happen again, there probably won't be such a big drop.  There'll be the inevitable trickle of members leaving, but Mandalore BZPower will survive.  We always survive.

    • Upvote 7
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