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Posts posted by Bfahome

  1. But tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Bionicle ended again. LEGO's decision to hard-reboot it instead of continuing the original canon appears to not have been a popular one. I probably shouldn't say I told you do, buuuuut...

    I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if BIONICLE ended again either.  We can't really expect it to continue forever.


    Though I'm not sure how you can say that G2 is less popular because it's a reboot.  The only indication of that I've seen is some bellyaching by older fans who don't seem to understand that they liked G1 better because they were kids back then.

    • Upvote 4
  2. Yes Star Wars is doing good now, but how long will that last? A year or two. It will soon fade back to the Standard brick system and leave the CCBS line.

    If the Star Wars CCBS sets are selling well, then it could continue as long as there's relevant source material.  And, given the course of things, it looks like they won't be lacking in source material for a long time.

    • Upvote 5


    Any updates on the interview that BZPower went to Billund for? It's been eerily quiet, with no information about it at all.

    As far as I know the only one who specifically said they had an "interview" was Dorek from BS01.  It'll probably take a bit to collate all the info into a presentable format, though.
    Nope, Black Six was there too, representing BZPower.

    Ah, so there was a general interview opportunity.  The BS01 announcement presented it mainly as an interview opportunity, whereas the BZP announcement referred to the overall event.


    (I knew B6 was going/went, but didn't see the part where he'd get to interview people too.)

  4. Any updates on the interview that BZPower went to Billund for? It's been eerily quiet, with no information about it at all.

    As far as I know the only one who specifically said they had an "interview" was Dorek from BS01.  It'll probably take a bit to collate all the info into a presentable format, though.

  5. Given its inactivity, I'd say that it's likely InnerRayg got busy with life and/or lost interest in that particular project (not having been active on BZP for well over a year, either).  So probably whoever hosted and ran the site figured there wasn't much point in maintaining it.


    I have no idea what BZPStuck is (can't find anything about it either) but if its a separate website to this one, that would probably be something only the creator of the site could tell you. So unless they're a member here you'd probably be better contacting them directly for an answer if you know who it is.

    BZPStuck is/was a Homestuck-style comic/game hybrid based on the entirely biographical and 100% accurate depiction of the lives of many of the higher-up staffers (and friends).

  6. More rumors from Eurobricks about Bionicle. Lego Ambassador "Dorek" commented there is an upcoming "announcement of an announcement" related to Bionicle that Lego is going to announce soon. Take that as you will.

    Since this in particular hasn't been addressed here, Dorek's going to Billund to interview the BIONICLE team.


    Which, I assume, is what this refers to.


    Until anything official materializes regarding the length of BIONICLE's run, I leave you with these words from the great philosopher of our time, Tristam:

    • Upvote 1
  7. The Bohrok in general will always be the sets I consider coolest because of their aesthetic and functions.  They look bug-like, but don't look exactly like bugs, they can roll into a very convincing ball shape, but don't just look like an unfolded ball when standing.  They have a strong, well-integrated action feature that you can really feel the power behind.


    Specifically, I'd say Gahlok or Kohrak.  Gahlok had the neat orange-blue contrast, and the fin-like shields looked pretty good.  Kohrak had the piercing, icy looks, and had saw blades for fists.

  8. Sure the old bionicle movies had their moments of cringe, but at least they all actually made you care about the characters.

    This is still only based on how you felt then vs. how you feel now.  Do you believe if you'd been introduced to Mask of Light at around age 20 that you'd find the characters as endearing and the story as compelling as you did when you were seven or eight?


    I am also not a big fan of the trope that Ekimu saves the Toa at the end of every year, it's like why even bother with these six imbeciles when the main man in charge is always scooping everyone out of danger. It makes me honestly worry what's going to happen when the Toa actually have to face Makuta himself. Will Ekimu step in for yet a third time and save everyone?

    It would be kind of dumb if Ekimu didn't have a hand in stopping his brother.  I mean G1 Makuta was defeated by Mata Nui, with all of the Toa teams' apparent victories ending up as "haha this was PART OF MY PLAN all along!!"


    As far as why the Toa even bother, well, if they hadn't shown up Ekimu would still be, y'know, in a coma.


    I've been talking to a lot more people about this that are not "die hard" fans of bionicle and each will agree from a non biased standing that the new bionicle is just not as good as the original.

    from a non biased standing

    I don't believe this at all.  You ask people about things from their childhood and they'll almost always remember them more fondly than modern versions of those things.  Especially if they aren't clued in enough to make a full comparison.


    The old story challenged you enough to try and find out every little bit about their world. The new storyline might have kids wondering "wow these are super amazing and I want to find out everything about them!" Only to go finding nothing but simple terms such as "skull spiders" and then they would go back to playing on their phones.

    Okay, well how about kids ca. 2005 thinking "wow I wonder what these are" and then finding themselves neck-deep in a bunch of made-up terminology.  And then they go back to playing on their Pixters or whatever.


    It's no more unlikely than the scenario you made up.


    The first year had me interested, but that slowly died away while I waited and waited for story details. It's a shame that you have to buy the books to know what's really going on, I remember I knew a lot about the old bionicle story, and I never even read a single novel.


    You don't have to buy the books to "know what's really going on".  You can get that from the online animations, or the character bios, or the story pages on the website.  Just like in G1, the books help to flesh out the details of the story, but aren't necessary to know what the plot is.  I haven't read any of the G2 chapter books, either, and I know what's going on.

    • Upvote 4
  9. Yes and while that is all fine and dandy, why did I have a better understanding of the story back in 2001 than I do for 2015?

    I'd wager it's one of two reasons.


    1) You didn't actually have that good of an understanding of the story in 2001.  You might know the 2001 story front to back, but that's with years of hindsight to help.  Remember that 2001 had no books, movies, or animations; those all came later and filled in the story a bit more.  At the time the only major story media were three comics, MNOG, and online bios.


    2) You aren't following the current story.  I mean, you make it painfully obvious that you think new BIONICLE is cheap and bad, and that gives me the impression that you won't be very inclined to buy any of the current story media.  There are chapter books and graphic novels you can read if you want to understand the story.


    Both reasons share roots in nostalgia.


    so they didn't put forth nearly as much effort, time, or money




    "I think it's worse" does not mean the designers aren't putting effort in, it just means you aren't appreciating that effort.

    • Upvote 5
  10. Rubber bands or other methods of making the functions springy.  Sets like Dragon Bolt are so much more fun to fly around because you can just hold them with one hand and flick the trigger with your thumb, whereas Ikir or Uxar require either an extra hand or some really awkward thumb movement.  Same deal with the arm motions of Terak and Melum, they would probably be improved with springiness like the Turaga had.

    • Upvote 3
  11. I'm sorry, but 2001 had Rahi, Matoran, Turaga and Toa.

    So?  Having ~20 named characters isn't the key to a good story, especially when most of them do little of consequence.  Not counting the Rahi, because they weren't characters so much as obstacles, like the Skull Spiders were last year.


    Let's put it this way:

    G1 was interesting from the start.

    G2 wasn't. Still isn't.

    I think your interest in the line, or lack thereof, has less to do with the quality than it does with the fact that you were three years old when G1 started.

    • Upvote 6
  12. If you don't want to jump right into full builds, modifying existing sets can be a good starting point.  For instance, you can try to replicate a set's torso with your own combination of pieces.  That'll give you something specific to work towards so you can focus on how the pieces interact with each other to make certain shapes.

    • Upvote 1
  13. While I know a good many people who fondly remember BIONICLE from when they were younger, I don't think that would necessariy translate to a desire to see it in movie form movie.


    Not that I wouldn't want a movie.  Heck, how I'd put together a BIONICLE movie is one of those things that'll assert its way into the front of my thoughts on a regular basis.  if anything, I think I'd want it to be something from 2001-2003.  I like the idea of a trilogy covering those three story years.


    eeee I have so many neat scenes running through my head and I wish I could apply them somehow.

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