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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    They're useful. They keep a lot of this language together.
    But it kills me to see them misused. >.<
    Contractions and possessive form* only, people!
    *Except for "it's" and "its".
  2. Bfahome
    Technically it's a new day (for me), so I feel no shame in starting a new entry.
    I hope archery starts up again soon. I haven't really shot an arrow since somewheres around October/November, and I feel deprived.
    I did go once to an indoor archery place, but it wasn't the same as shooting outside.
    It's an after school activity, but not run by the school. It's a Junior Olympic club (w/e that means ), and so we get certificates and pins for shooting well. One person from the club moved away in March.
    Anyway, I got up to a gray award, meaning I scored over 149 (150 or higher) on a 60 cm target within 30 shots. Happy.
    There was one time where my first three shots of the day, in order, were a 10, a 9, and an 8.
    We go behind/beside the school to shoot. Back in the fall, we discovered apple trees where we went. The apples were good. And it led to a rather interesting rant on the bus...
    Please come back.
  3. Bfahome
    I was researching ears, and I went to a kids' kind of website (actually had good info) and read the article. Quoted from the end of it:


  4. Bfahome
    Today was really sunny and warm, and I liked it.
    It shows that spring is FINALLY here.
    It's supposed to rain tomorrow, though.
    Find the hidden link!

  5. Bfahome
    Already? Wow...
    I'm done.
    To-do list:
    √_ 1. Build über-custom and freakishly cool MOC.
    __ 2. Enter it right off
    __ 3. Lose with 2 votes in the first round.
    I'm all set!
  6. Bfahome
    I can't believe it. >.<
    My camera's batteries ran out earlier, so I put them in the charger to charge. I look back for them three hours later, and realize I left it sitting there in the middle of the floor. I forgot to plug it in.
    I feel better now.
  7. Bfahome
    I wanted to do something.
    Problem was, I couldn't think of anything.
    An hour into school, I thought of the perfect thing.
    The only problem?
    So my idea was ruined.
    So, how was your day? ~Bf
  8. Bfahome
    Three cheers for Teacher Workshops.
    Hip-hip... woot.
    Hip-hip... woot.
    Hip-hip... woot.
    Hip-hip... wait... how many times was that?
  9. Bfahome
    Yes, I got it yesterday.
    I've already taken some parts off to test, then put them back on. It's just too cool to cannibalize. *bites*
    An here's the awesome review that isn't mine.
    I am happy.
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