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Blog Entries posted by Bfahome

  1. Bfahome
    It's Spring!
    There's not supposed to be snow!
    Unfortunately, the laws of nature don't seem to apply in Maine. >.>
    Oh well.
    I can wait another month.
    Maybe. <.<
  2. Bfahome
    I had a test in Science today. I was all nervous, 'cause I didn't study. At all. As it turns out, most of the stuff I knew.
    Right now I'm supposed to be doing Science homework. Am I? No.
    Btw, I was wondering if it was possible to "put off" procrastinating. Think about it. "I'll procrastinate later." 0.o
  3. Bfahome
    All throughout last [school] year, I put together a list of words that are fun to say or sound amusing, along with their definitions (for context). Here, for your viewing pleasure, is the entire list of 72 words. Please note that this is in .rtf format, and is a download (for me at least).
    an operational unit in an air force consisting of two or more flights of aircraft and the personnel required to fly them
    Just say it slowly a couple of times.
  4. Bfahome
    ...all the BIONICLE references. Well, not real references, but you get the point.
    Whilst learning about sines, cosines, and tangents, our teacher gave us a neat way to remember the sides that correspond: "SOHCAHTOA". When you say it, it sounds like "soak a Toa".
    When we were learning to conjugate the verb "ir" ("to go"), one of the forms, the "yo" ("I") form, is "voy". So I figured that, if I wanted to say "I go Nui" en español, it would be "Voy a Nui".
    And in our spanish book, our teacher was kind of reminding us that "v" and "b" sound the same. One of the book examples was: "botar/votar"
    I swear, they know. They're out to get me. To drive me insane. But I'm too smart for 'em. I already am insane! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! >8D
  5. Bfahome
    Not too shabby, eh?
    (Mine is entry 10, btw)
    My first BBC and I get 3rd place in a semifinal poll! Of course, there were extenuating circumstances...
    I've lost my Midak. Does anyone know where it is?
  6. Bfahome
    For my b-day, my Mom got me 50 bucks, because she didn't know what I wanted. So we're going out for dinner tonight, and then to Target! 8D Imma gonna get a Barraki Deepsea Patrol (if they still have any ) and a Phantohatu.
    Reasons for BDS:
    *Lotsa good mocing pieces
    *Tentacles! 8D
    *8 Exo-Force robot arms, an 8-way clip, the 3-way axle connector, and a good many Viking horns.
    *More Squids & Zamors.
    *Those AWESOME 2x2 bricks with a socket connector!
    *And more...
    Reasons for Pohatu P.:
    'Nuff said.
  7. Bfahome
    Party's over here!
    Oh, also, happy 1st day of spring, Stephen Colbert day, and birthdays to these people as well:
    lego2000, Alpha, Shigeru, Destiny Avohkii, BioDude101, cmillg, cthon98, Haseo the pkk, The Sethinator, Karuni: Toa of Lightning, Pohatu nuva nut, Toa igniter hewkii, Kulrai: The Angry Koala, red wagon man, Super Duper BioFan, Talleyoop, Mata Nui 11, Lexuk Toa Of Insanity, toa of HAM, and King of Everything.
    Have a good one!
  8. Bfahome
    Nevermind. I has a bucket.
    Or at least a good picture of one.
    If anyone knows of a bucket image that isn't too complex and where the handle is "aligned" with the "camera" ( looks kinda like this: | ), could you point me in that direction?
    I'd appreciate it.
    Especially if you're a Code Lyoko fan.
  9. Bfahome
    Not Botar. Not Matoro. Lhikan. He sacrificed his power, freedom, then his life. So if you're going to remember anyone, leave some room for Lhikan in your mind. And maybe your sig.


  10. Bfahome
    It's almost the 20th! Spring is almost here! Only about a day left! It never really feels warm until it's officially Spring. Vernal Equinox ftw.
    Oh, and that's also my birthday.
  11. Bfahome
    FINALLY we've left triangles and moved onto circles in Geometry.
    Sines, cosines, and tangents can go burn in Karzahni. Slowly.

    Yum, pesto!
    Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom.
  12. Bfahome
    Guess what? We get to do a lab on Thursday!
    "Then what's with the title?" you ask.
    We have to do a prelab and a formal lab report. The background information is due tomorrow. The lab report is due a day after the lab, on Friday. Which means I'll be working on it Thursday night. Which is my birthday night. To top it all off, my mom has some meeting that night, too.
    Our school is a mess. The teachers photocopy lined paper because the school can't afford to buy any. Extracurricular activities will likely be cut. My AWC teacher started to cry because she wasn't going to be there next year. It sucks.
    Anyone want to let me move in?
  13. Bfahome
    Happy St. Patrick's day everyone! Did you all wear green?
    I wore green socks. Hopefully they're noticeable enough that I don't get pinched...
    OH NOES!!!
  14. Bfahome
    Noes! What happened to Saturday?

    I think I spent too much time on Gabbly. I can still hear those little *boop* noises that it makes whenever someone responds. <_____>
  15. Bfahome
    The new Wiki skin is up. DO NOT WANT. >
    Anywho, Sneek Peak at a new MOC!
    P.S.- A random helicopter just flew over my house reeeeally fast.
  16. Bfahome
    Meh, usually I don't ever want to mix this with school (and vice versa), but a couple of notable things happened.
    First off (Spanish):
    Second (Science):
    I'm going to the state science fair. I know I'm supposed to be happy, but it's on a saturday (in two months ) and it's in Orono, which means we have to leave from the school at 5:45 a.m. Which means I'll have to be up by around 5. NOT COOL, MAN. Not cool.
    Oh, and here's a weird pic, just to make reading this worthwhile.

    (Bad editing job, I know. )
  17. Bfahome
    Ah, the day is again upon us. Today, March 14th, 3/14, is the date of that beautiful and perfect ratio that unites circumference and radius, the omnipresent ∏. Come, friends. Let us gather 'round (bad pun) and celebrate this annual occurrence.
    Did I mention that I hate geometry?
  18. Bfahome
    It happens almost every year. Inevitably, there's pictures prematurely released from The LEGO Group. Sure it's interesting, but they always seem to flood Brickshelf and Maj. I've seen users with only one folder, and have it full of leaked images of upcoming sets. My issue with this is often there are twenty users posting the exact same pictures all at once. This both spoils things for those who don't want to see them and it decreases the views for other folders, which often have amazing MOCs and feats of brick-building in them.
    On a semi-related note, there have been some false positives, people who've posted false pictures. It's usually easy to tell if they're fake, though. (Look! A leaked Pohatu pic! )
    I'm not raving about the actual sets, just the effect they have. And don't take this too harshly. It's been waiting to come out for a LONG time.
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