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Status Updates posted by -Tarik-

  1. And what is our cause?

  2. I saw all the Original series movies, and First Contact. I've been meaning to see nemeses sometime...

  3. You have to make sure he/she gets his/her proper Bionicle education of course...

  4. gniog ti s'woh ,olleH

  5. Thanks for letting me guest star =)

  6. Yeah. I didn't really see the need for including Willy Wonka's father in it. I really liked the actor who played Charlie though.

  7. um, well I don't own a spider. I found the pic off wikipedia if that's what your asking.

  8. Happy birthday!

  9. yes, a hobo spider to be precise.(yes thats the actual name)

  10. Which pics would you be referring to?

  11. Well, I've started my first epic!(the link can be found in my sig). I've made a few friends, I've really started to settle in.

  12. Oh...I like Indiana Jones first, and Bionicle second.

  13. Wait, how did I end up in mount Olympus?

  14. Hey, are you going to Brickfest? Because it's in Portland, so I was wondering.

  15. yea, tripods really help. If you are into film making you should get one. I have one set up in my room right now, I just have to be careful not to bump it.

  16. Willkommen to BZP, have fun in the forums! =)

  17. Well, I didn't see your face TOO well. Your features were distorted because you were making a funny face.

  18. Thanks, I appreciate it ^_^

  19. Oops, I mistook the time you were last seen as when you joined *slaps face* sorry about that.

  20. Unfortunately, no. But then I live in a closet, kept away from the real world(=P)

  21. Could you maybe possibly...post in my epic please?

  22. Yea...I think mainly people were regretting the new movie, thinking that it couldn't be pulled off with an older Indy and such. So then when they watched it, they were so filled with regret that they forgot to enjoy it like they would if it had been made in the 80's.

  23. I actually already got one, but I was thinking of asking for another. :) Do you make Roade?(Axxon's mask).

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